This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.
Cooks Cove - Wairere beach shores and cliffs (Q540)
Site name: Cooks Cove - Wairere beach shores and cliffs (Q540)
Source/Observer: G Jane & G Donaghy
Number of observations: 64
District: Gisborne District
Date: 17/05/2010
Species | Structural class | Conservation status | Native/Exotic |
Adiantum cunninghamii (common maidenhair, Cunningham's maidenhair) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Agrostis capillaris (browntop) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Austroderia fulvida (kakaho) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Bromus willdenowii (prairie grass) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Carex divulsa (grey sedge) | Sedges | Exotic | |
Carex flagellifera (Glen Murray tussock, trip me up) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex lambertiana (forest sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex spinirostris (coastal sedge, petrel scrub sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Cirsium vulgare (Scotch thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Coprosma repens (taupata, looking glass plant, mirror plant) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma rhamnoides | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cordyline australis (cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily) | Trees & Shrubs - Monocotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coriaria arborea var. arborea (tutu, tree tutu) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cortaderia selloana (pampas grass) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Corynocarpus laevigatus (karaka, kopi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cyperus ustulatus (coastal cutty grass, giant umbrella sedge, cyperus) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Dactylis glomerata (cocksfoot) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Dichondra brevifolia (dichondra) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Disphyma australe subsp. australe (horokaka, native ice plant, New Zealand ice plant) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Epilobium microphyllum (willowherb) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican daisy) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Ficinia nodosa (wiwi, knobby club rush, ethel sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Gahnia lacera (cutty grass) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Helichrysum lanceolatum | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Hydrocotyle elongata | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis cernua var. cernua (slender clubrush) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Knightia excelsa (rewarewa, NZ honeysuckle) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Lachnagrostis billardierei subsp. billardierei (sand wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Linum bienne (pale flax) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Linum trigynum (yellow flax) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Lobelia anceps (New Zealand lobelia, shore lobelia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum (tall fescue) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Lotus pedunculatus (lotus) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Lycium ferocissimum (boxthorn) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Lysimachia arvensis subsp. arvensis var. arvensis (pimpernel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Machaerina sinclairii (machaerina) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Medicago arabica (spotted bur medick) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Modiola caroliniana (creeping mallow) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. complexa (small-leaved pōhuehue, scrub pōhuehue, wire vine) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia paniculata (akiraho, golden akeake) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Oxalis rubens | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Parablechnum novae-zelandiae (kiokio, horokio, palm leaf fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Paspalum dilatatum (paspalum) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Phormium cookianum subsp. hookeri (mountain flax, wharariki) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Pimelea xenica | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Pittosporum ralphii (karo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Planchonella costata (tawāpou) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Relict | Native |
Plantago coronopus (buck's horn plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Plantago lanceolata (narrow-leaved plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Plantago raoulii | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Poa anceps (broad-leaved poa) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Rytidosperma penicillatum (danthonia) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Samolus repens var. repens (Sea primrose, shore pimpernel, water pimpernel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Solanum nigrum (black nightshade) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Sonchus oleraceus (sow thistle, sowthistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Sporobolus africanus (rat's tail) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Ulex europaeus (gorse) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Urtica urens (nettle, stinging nettle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Verbascum thapsus (woolly mullein, common mullein) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Veronica stricta var. macroura (koromiko) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica stricta var. stricta (koromiko) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Vicia sativa (vetch) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Zealandia pustulata subsp. pustulata (hound's tongue, kōwaowao, pāraharaha) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |