This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.
Flora junct plateau seepage clearing (UTLS)
Site name: Flora junct plateau seepage clearing (UTLS)
List name: APD 328 PCN781
Source/Observer: APD 328 PCN781 AP Druce
Number of observations: 68
District: Tasman District
Date: 12/12/1991
Species | Structural class | Conservation status | Native/Exotic |
Abrotanella fertilis | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Acaena anserinifolia (bidibid, hutiwai, piripiri) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Aristotelia fruticosa (mountain wineberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Asperula perpusilla (Dwarf bedstraw) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Astelia nivicola var. moriceae (Isobel's lily, Morice's astelia, Morice's kakaha) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Austroblechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina (little hard fern, alpine hard fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Austrolycopodium fastigiatum (alpine clubmoss, mountain clubmoss) | Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts) | Not Threatened | Native |
Azorella nitens | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex dissita (forest sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex gaudichaudiana (Gaudichaud's sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex libera (sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex sinclairii (Sinclair's sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Chaerophyllum ramosum (myrrh) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma propinqua var. propinqua (mingimingi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma rhamnoides | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma rugosa | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Eleocharis acuta (sharp spike sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Epilobium brunnescens subsp. minutiflorum (creeping willowherb) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Epilobium komarovianum (creeping willowherb) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Euchiton lateralis | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Euchiton polylepis | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Fuscospora cliffortioides (mountain beech) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Gonocarpus aggregatus | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Halocarpus bidwillii (bog pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Halocarpus biformis (pink pine, yellow pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Histiopteris incisa (histiopteris, water fern, mātātā, bat's wing fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle heteromeria (waxweed, waxweed pennywort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle moschata var. parvifolia | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. montana | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hymenophyllum multifidum (much-divided filmy fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis subtilissima | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Juncus antarcticus (dwarf rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Juncus pusillus (dwarf rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Lagenophora petiolata (papataniwhaniwha) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lagenophora pumila (papataniwhaniwha) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Leptinella squalida subsp. mediana | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Leptospermum scoparium var. scoparium (mānuka, kahikātoa) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Leucopogon fasciculatus (mingimingi, tall mingimingi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Libocedrus bidwillii (pāhautea, kaikawaka, New Zealand cedar) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Lobelia angulata (pratia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lophozonia menziesii (silver beech) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Mazus radicans | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Metrosideros umbellata (southern rātā) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Microlaena avenacea (bush rice grass, oat grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Montia fontana subsp. fontana (blinks, blinkswater chickweed, dwarf montia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Myrsine divaricata (weeping matipo, weeping māpou) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Notogrammitis billardierei (common strap fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia nummulariifolia | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Ourisia modesta (creeping foxglove) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Threatened – Nationally Endangered | Native |
Oxalis magellanica (white oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Pittosporum rigidum | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Plantago raoulii | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Plantago triandra (Glossy plantain, starweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Poa imbecilla (weak poa) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Potamogeton cheesemanii (red pondweed) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Pseudopanax crassifolius (horoeka, lancewood) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pseudopanax linearis | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus royi | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Data Deficient | Native |
Ranunculus simulans | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Data Deficient | Native |
Raoulia glabra (mat daisy) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Raukaua anomalus | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Raukaua simplex (haumakoroa) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Rubus schmidelioides var. schmidelioides (tātarāmoa, bush lawyer, white-leaved lawyer) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica leiophylla | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica odora (hebe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica vernicosa (hebe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Viola cunninghamii (mountain violet, white violet) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Viola lyallii (haaka, New Zealand native violet) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |