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Species: Lobelia ionantha
Results map
(44 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Ahuriri Valley wetlands (AHUW) | PN Johnson | Waitaki District | 01/01/2001 |
Ashburton Lakes and Heron Lake area (ASHB) | PN Johnson | Ashburton District | 01/01/1992 |
Balaclava Eco Dis (BAL) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 01/01/1997 |
Bankside SR (BANK) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 19/08/1971 |
Broken River Basin (J319) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/01/1961 |
Cass ED (CASS) | PNA report A Shanks et al | Selwyn District | 01/01/1990 |
Clarke Hut Clearing, Upper Grebe Valley (926B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/11/2010 |
Coleridge ED (COLE) | PNA report A Shanks et al | Selwyn District | 01/01/1990 |
Dobson - 2 Thumb- Mt Misery south (DOB2) | APD 249 PCN1110 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 12/07/1985 |
Esk Catchment (J320) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/08/1961 |
Green Lake (941B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/11/2010 |
Green Lake Track (Borland Road to Green lake) (942B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1987 |
Kettleholes, Lake Ohau (OHAK) | G Jane & Auck Bot Soc | Waitaki District | 16/01/2001 |
Lake Coleridge kettleholes (LCOK) | PN Johnson | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Lake Coleridge shores (COLS) | CBSJ 35:80 C Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/01/2001 |
Lake Middleton (LMID) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 16/01/2001 |
Lake Monowai (MONW) | BD Rance & PN Johnson | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Lake Ohau wetlands (OHAW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 01/01/2001 |
Lake Tekapo-Alexandrina area wetlands (TEKA) | PN Johnson | Mackenzie District | 01/01/2001 |
Long Valley Ridge Rd swamp (J567) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 11/02/2011 |
Lower Waimak Gorge - Kowhai (Torlesse) (J321) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/08/1961 |
Lyndon Stream red tussock area- Porters Pass (LYNS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 09/02/2009 |
MacRaes Flat (MACR) | DOC Otago OTA13 M Thorsen | Waitaki District | 31/08/2005 |
Manapouri, Hope Arm and Back valley (BAKV) | BD Rance & PN Johnson; G Jane | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Mararoa, Von, Oreti wetlands (MARA) | PN Johnston | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/2001 |
Mathias EA (MATH) | R Wardle | Ashburton District | 01/01/1984 |
Mesopotamia - 2 Thumb (MESO) | APD 249 AP Druce | Timaru District | 12/06/1985 |
Middle Waimakariri (J168) | TNZI (Bot) 195-215 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 02/09/1962 |
Mt Alta, Wakatipu (ALTA) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Mt Cook NP (MTCO) | Field guide H Wilson | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1978 |
Mt Possession Station wetland -Asburton (MTPO) | C Burrows V Stout et al | Ashburton District | 01/01/1997 |
Nigger Stream kettleholes (NIGG) | PN Johnson | Selwyn District | 01/01/1983 |
Red Tarns (REDT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 28/12/2001 |
Ruamahanga Cut-off WLM Res (RMHW) | PCN1061 A Townsend | South Wairarapa District | 06/05/1987 |
Sedgemere ED (SED) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Sedgemere kettlehole (SEDK) | APD 294 PCN750 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1976 |
Spider Lakes Kettle Holes (SPIL) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Ashburton District | 05/01/2005 |
Styx Run PL (Q343) | DOC Otago OTA76 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 24/01/2008 |
Tarndale and Lake Tennyson kettleholes (TARD) | PN Johnson | Hurunui District | 01/01/2001 |
Tekapo Sci Res (TEKS) | PN Johnson | Mackenzie District | 12/01/1991 |
Upper Hurunui kettleholes (UPHW) | PN Johnson | Hurunui District | 12/12/1993 |
Upper North Von tarns (B328) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/04/1992 |
Upper Wairau (Rainbow forks to Island Pass) (UPP) | APD 105 PCN597 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Waimangara EA (WAIM) | A Huber | Kaikoura District | 12/01/1983 |