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Species: Lindsaea viridis
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(77 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Abel Tasman NP (ABEL) | NZJ Bot AE Esler | Tasman District | 01/01/1972 |
Aongatete loop track (3 hr) (AONL) | Rot BS News G Jane Rotorua Bot Soc | Western Bay of Plenty District | 18/06/2002 |
Atiamuri Ecological District (ATIA) | DOC Rotorua | South Waikato District | 01/01/1997 |
Attempt Hill ultramafics, Durville Is (ATMP) | APD 213 PCN674 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1991 |
Auckland Isthmus of and the Takapuna District 1870 (Q821) | TNZI 3:148 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Central Volcanoes outside of TNP additional to list 1 (TRP) | APD 002 PCN468 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1972 |
Coromandel Forest Park (Q670) | DOC Waikato JL Nichols | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1977 |
Crosbies Track -Te Puru (Q690) | DOC Waikato L Collins | Thames-Coromandel District | 08/12/1999 |
Farewell Cape to Kahurangi (FWCP) | APD 024 PCN489 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/05/1987 |
Fletcher Bay-Stony Bay loop (FLEB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 26/01/2003 |
Great Barrier 1868 (Q843) | TNZI 1:144 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Great Barrier Is (GTB) | Auck BSJ 57:83 EK Cameron | Auckland | 26/01/2002 |
Great Mercury (Q986) | Tane 22: 23-49 AE Wright | Thames-Coromandel District | 11/05/1975 |
Hicks Bay - East Cape coastline (HIKB) | APD 082 PCN547 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1950 |
Hollyford Valley & Martins Bay (Q872) | TNZI 50: 146 DL Poppelwell & WA Thomson. | Southland District | 25/12/1916 |
Huia Region (Q869) | Tane 3:43-50 R Mirams | Auckland | 01/01/1959 |
Hunua Ra (J27) | Tane 5: 56-60. J Edwards & R Bieleski | Waikato District | 01/01/1952 |
Hunua Ra (Q602) | NZJ Bot 10: 8-26 IL Barton | Waikato District | 31/03/1971 |
Juction Rd Kai iwi bush (JUNC) | WAN 1 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 01/01/1985 |
Junction Rd bush (JNCT) | WAN 44 BA Lovelock DA Ravine JW Barkla | Manawatu District | 19/05/1992 |
Kaharoa CA (KAHR) | Rot BS News 24:21 SM Beadel WB Shaw et al; Rotorua Bot Soc | Rotorua District | 01/01/1985 |
Kaharoa kokako area (KAHK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Rotorua District | 14/06/2003 |
Kaimai Ranges (in part) (KAIM) | PCN170 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1982 |
Kaimai Ranges (TEAR) | APD 219 PCN679 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1959 |
Kaitake Ra (J133) | NZJ Bot 23: 15-31 BD Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1978 |
Kapiti Is plants introduced 1924-43 (KAPN) | PCN1222 AS & A Wilkinson | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1952 |
Karamea forests (FORE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Kauaeranga Valley (KUAR) | APD 108 PCN573 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1967 |
Kotekiekie wetland and nearby forest (KTE1) | PCN432 WAN162 J Campbell A Hawcroft G LaCock & CC Ogle | Stratford District | 09/06/2004 |
Little Barrier Is (Q617) | CE RE Beever RE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1988 |
Little Barrier Is 1961 (J348) | DSIR Bull 137 pp198 WHM Hamilton | Auckland | 01/01/1956 |
Makiekie SR (Tunupo bush) (TUNB) | APD 172 PCN634 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 12/04/1978 |
Mangapouri SR (J674) | Rot BS News 55:38 JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 11/08/2011 |
Mangaputa (Bobs) loop track Ngamuwahine (MNGT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 29/04/2002 |
Mangorewa and Ohaupara streams (MGRW) | APD 109 PCN574 AP Druce | Rotorua District | 01/01/1975 |
Mangorewa EA loop track (R023) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs P Cashmore | Western Bay of Plenty District | 23/01/2005 |
Mangorewa Gorge (MGWK) | APD 109 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1983 |
Moki SR (Q105) | W Taranaki SR MR Boase | New Plymouth District | 14/05/1980 |
Moss Creek Track Kauaeranga (MOSC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 18/01/2003 |
Mt Pirongia -all (PIRS) | APD 179 PCN641 MC Gudex & AP Druce | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1955 |
Mt Stokes. (STKS) | APD 028 PCN493 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1972 |
Ngamuwahine - inland track (NWHI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 11/03/2003 |
Ngatuhoa Falls (NGTU) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Western Bay of Plenty District | 06/07/2008 |
Otago District additions1877 (Q937) | TNZI 10: 406 T Kirk | Central Otago District | |
Otanewainuka ED (R045) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1994 |
Otawa-Otanewaenuku Area (R047) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1985 |
Pihanga & Lake Rotopounamu 1999 (Q586) | CE NJ Singers S Deverell | Taupo District | 06/09/1999 |
Pihanga (PHGA) | APD 091 PCN556 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1988 |
Pukeamaru ED (Q909) | CE Regnier SP Courtney MI Wiessing | Gisborne District | 01/01/1988 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (PKAR) | APD 059 PCN526 AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1958 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (W110) | PCN383 WAN110 CC Ogle & AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 10/06/1998 |
Pupu Walkway (PUPW) | Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 31/01/1993 |
Rapurapu Track (Q579) | CE P Broekhuizen J Nichols MC Smale | Matamata-Piako District | 02/04/1985 |
Red Hill Whangamoa valley (D239) | APD 239 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/11/1982 |
Rimu Walk, Otanewainuku (RIMW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 11/05/2002 |
Rotorua ED (published RBS) (ROTO) | Rot BS Special Issue CE Ecroyd | Rotorua District | 01/01/1998 |
Ruahine Ranges - central (CRUA) | APD 119 PCN583 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/07/1979 |
Southern Kaimai Ra adj SH29 (J335) | TNZI (Bot) 2:173-176 MC Gudex | Western Bay of Plenty District | 23/01/1963 |
Te Aroha - All - AP Druce ex RBS (KAIA) | APD RBS13:8-17 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1986 |
Te Aroha - Emmet St Dam to Reservior - Horsemans track (DMRE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Matamata-Piako District | 13/09/2008 |
Te Kauri SR (TKAU) | Auck BSJ 42:21, 62: PJ deLange | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1987 |
Thames Goldfields (Waikawau-Kaeuranga) (Q970) | TNZI 13:370; 16: 85 T Kirk; J Adams | Thames-Coromandel District | |
Tihia (THIA) | APD 091 PCN556 AP Druce; G Jane | Taupo District | 01/01/1988 |
Tongariro NP additions to 2004 (J435) | N Singers NJ Singers | Taupo District | 01/12/2004 |
Torrent Bay to Anchorage (TORR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 21/05/1995 |
Total Karamea (KARM) | P Wardle & R Buxton | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Waikino SR (J424) | N Singers NJ Singers | Taupo District | 26/08/1999 |
Waikokopu Galatea (UR21) | DOC Rotorua WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 24/04/1984 |
Waikokopu Stream (J588) | Thomas Emmitt | Whakatane District | 01/01/2004 |
Wairoa Stream to Lindemanns loop (WROA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 25/05/2002 |
Waitakere Ra (Q605) | CE RO Gardner | Auckland | 01/01/1982 |
Waitawheta valley from Bluff track to hut (WATB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 14/09/2008 |
Waitawheta valley Kauri Walk loop (WATK) | Rot BS News 41: 38 SM Beadel | Hauraki District | 09/11/2003 |
Web Crk to Pinnacles & Billy Goat Track (WEBK) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth; Auckland Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 09/02/1990 |
Webb Creek Track from Moss Creek Juctn to Hydro Camp (Q473) | G Jane & Well Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 29/01/2010 |
Westhaven SR (former) (WESH) | G Jane SC Courtney & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 12/04/2009 |
Westport district 1906 (Q968) | TNZI 39:380; 46:30 W Townson; D Petrie | Buller District | 03/10/1906 |