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Species: Myoporum laetum
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(874 results)
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(874 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Abel Tasman NP (ABEL) | NZJ Bot AE Esler | Tasman District | 01/01/1972 |
Addenbrooke/Deans, Crk Road, Mangamahu (ADDN) | PCN302 WAN23 CC Ogle and B Halsey | Whanganui District | 16/10/1990 |
Adele Is (ADEL) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 21/05/1996 |
Adkin remnant 1 - Jefferson Line, Marton (ADKN) | PCN325 WAN47 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/02/1993 |
Admiral Road remnant -de Jong (ADMR) | PCN235 P Enright | Carterton District | 06/06/1999 |
Ahipara gumfields and Tauroa Peninsula (AHIP) | APD 310 PCN762 AP Druce | Far North District | 12/05/1987 |
Aldermans (all) 1926 (Q798) | NZJ Sci Tech 9:102-205 B Sladden RA Falla | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1927 |
Aldermans - Half Is (Q668) | DOC Waikato L Collins | Thames-Coromandel District | 19/02/2000 |
Aldermans - Hongiora Is (Q665) | DOC Waikato L Collins | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/03/1999 |
Aldermans - Hongiora Is 1961 (Q746) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Aldermans - Middle Is (Q667) | DOC Waikato L Collins | Thames-Coromandel District | 17/02/2000 |
Aldermans - Middle Is 1961 (Q748) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Aldermans - Ruahaunui Is 1961 (Q744) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Aldermans - Ruamahuaiti Is (Q666) | DOC Waikato L Collins | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1999 |
Aldermans - Ruamahuaiti Is 1961 (Q745) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Allens Bush, Masterton (ALLA) | PCN231 CC Ogle; O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 13/10/1988 |
Allports (Motutapu) Is (MTPU) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls & P Gaze | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Allports Is Picton (ALPO) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/03/1983 |
Anaura Bay SR (ANUB) | APD 244 PCN704 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 12/01/1983 |
Andersons Bush, Wanganui (AND2) | PCN289 WAN10 CC Ogle Y Cave & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 05/06/1989 |
Aorangi (Haurangi) Ra (HAUR) | APD 019 PCN484 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Aorangi Is - Poor Knights (Q972) | NZJ Bot 37:433 PJ deLange | Whangarei District | 01/01/1988 |
Aotea Sci Res (Q696) | DOC Waikato A Brandon D Stephens | Waikato District | 30/01/2001 |
Appleton, Pig valley (PIGA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 16/08/1994 |
Arapawa Island (ARAP) | G Walls; Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 01/01/1983 |
Arawhata Bush Lake Horowhenua (ARAW) | PCN1315 CC Ogle & C West | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1997 |
Arlie Rd Kerehanga Bay (ARLI) | PCN795 I Gabites | Porirua City | 01/01/1995 |
Arlie Rd Res (ARLR) | PCN979 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/08/1978 |
Aro St, 124-144 Wellinton CC blocks 1016, 274, 433, 968 (AROS) | PCN185 JC Horne & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 20/08/2000 |
Aropuni River to Waikari River, coastal cliffs etc (AROP) | APD 278 PCN734 AP Druce | Hastings District | 12/11/1985 |
Athenree Dunes (J672) | Rot BS News 55:29 SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/07/1992 |
Atihau (Trig) Is (J35) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Atihau Is 1984 (J105) | Tane 32: 114-130 EK Cameron | Auckland | 30/12/1983 |
Atiu (Middle Is) - Mercury Group (Q747) | Jornal Royal Soc NZ 20:331-341 EK Cameron | Thames-Coromandel District | 21/01/1983 |
Atiu (Middle) Is - Mercury Group 1962 (Q755) | NZJ Bot 2:385-402 IAE Atkinson | Thames-Coromandel District | 31/08/1962 |
Atkinson Bush (ATKS) | APD 165 PCN627 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1977 |
Auckland Isthmus of and the Takapuna District 1870 (Q821) | TNZI 3:148 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Awana dunes, wetland and pa site (AWAN) | Spreadsheet Wellington Bot Soc | Auckland | 06/02/2008 |
Banks Peninsula (Q824) | TNZI 51:355 RM Laing | Christchurch City | 19/08/1919 |
Banks Rd -Orangi-Kapua Rd, Northlands (BANR) | PCN164 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 28/06/1996 |
Baring Head-Cape Turakirae-Windy Point (TKAE) | APD 033 PCN497 AP Druce | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1988 |
Barr Brown Bush (BARR) | APD 165 PCN627 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1977 |
Bay of Islands District 1865 (Q926) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Bay of Many Coves SR (BOMC) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 09/03/1983 |
Berntsen Rd (Q706) | DOC Waikato Unknown | Otorohanga District | 01/06/1968 |
Bethels Beach WW loop to beach (BETH) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Auckland | 19/03/2006 |
Black Rocks (Q810) | Tane 32: 150-161 GA Taylor et al | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/06/1987 |
Blue Rock Rd glow worm cave area (BLRG) | PCN806 P Enright O John & P Beverige | South Wairarapa District | 09/06/2001 |
Blue Rock Str (S&J Linton) (BLUR) | PCN800 P Enright & O John; Wellington Bot Soc | South Wairarapa District | 28/04/2001 |
Blumine (Oruwairua) Is (J148) | Mauri Ora In Conner MN Powelsend & AJ Conner | Marlborough District | 09/11/1978 |
Blumine Is (BLUM) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/01/2000 |
Boomrock (BUMR) | PCN140 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 10/10/1996 |
Botanical Hill (BOTH) | Nelson Bot Soc | Nelson City | 08/10/1994 |
Botts Bush (BOTT) | PCN317 WAN38 BA Lovelock; CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 04/10/1991 |
Boulder Bank, Nelson (BOU) | Cant BSJ MAJ Simpson | Nelson City | 01/01/1976 |
Boundary Ck WW (BDCK) | APD 277 PCN733 AP Druce | Hastings District | 12/11/1985 |
Brook Reservoir Walk (BROK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/10/1997 |
Brooklands Lagoon - inner shore (J152) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 02/01/1979 |
Brothers Is NR (BRTH) | Marlborough Sounds SR J Campbell & G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/04/1983 |
Browns (Motukorea) Is (J129) | NZJ Bot 18:15-36 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1980 |
Buckleys Bay SR (BUKL) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 08/06/1971 |
Burgess (Pokohinau) Is 1983 (J103) | Tane 32: 114-130 EK Cameron | Auckland | 30/12/1983 |
Burgess (Pokohinu) Is (J31) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Burrows Ave Karori (BURO) | PCN1232 WEA Field Group Wellington | Wellington City | 01/08/1976 |
Burrows Ave Res - Landsdown Terr (LAND) | PCN140 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 21/09/1996 |
Burton Wells SR Sandspit (BURW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Auckland | 04/06/2005 |
Burts Bush (BURT) | DOC Rotorua WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 12/02/1991 |
Bushy Park forest reserve, Kai Iwi (BUSH) | PCN365 WAN91 S Butcher & Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 03/01/1990 |
Buterfly Creek - Eastbourne - Point Howard (BUTT) | Pamplet AP Druce & T Silbery | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1993 |
Butterfly Creek to Gollans Valley (BUTG) | PCN802 Wellington Bot Soc | Lower Hutt City | 01/03/1984 |
Cable Bay Walkway (CABW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 14/06/1995 |
Cannibal Cove SR (CANC) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/06/1983 |
Cannons Crk Lake (CNNO) | PCN1354 Anon | Porirua City | 01/01/1990 |
Cape Brett Islet (unnamed) (J73) | Tane 28: 213-220 EK Cameron | Far North District | 01/06/1980 |
Cape Campbell (CAMP) | APD 122 PCN586 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1987 |
Cape Kidnappers (CKID) | MT 12 M Thorsen | Hastings District | 24/09/2002 |
Cape Lambert (CAPL) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/02/1983 |
Cape Palliser (PALL) | APD 012 PCN477 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1988 |
Cape Turakirae (CAPT) | NZJ Bot 13: PCN931 R Bagnall | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1975 |
Cape Turakirae beaches (J115) | NZJ Bot 14: 367-424 PN Johnson | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1973 |
Cape Turnagain (CPTG) | PCN1331 G Park | Tararua District | 01/01/1967 |
Cape Turnagain (CPTU) | APD 022 PCN487 AP Druce & G Park | Tararua District | 01/01/1966 |
Carmichael Res (planted) (Q293) | G Jane; JF Hobbs & RBS | Tauranga City | 09/11/2009 |
Castle Point (CASP) | APD 021 PCN486 AP Druce & G Park | Masterton District | 01/01/1965 |
Castle Point 1965 (CSPT) | PCN 1331 G Park | Masterton District | 01/01/1967 |
Castle Point only (CSPR) | PCN1227 G Park VUW University Field Club | Masterton District | 01/01/1965 |
Castle Point SR (CPTY) | PCN 1332 I Gabites | Masterton District | 01/01/1996 |
Castlecliff Rec Res (CASL) | PCN283 WAN 4 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 02/05/1981 |
Cavalli Is (except Motukauanui) (Q989) | Tane 25:61-100 AE Wright | Far North District | 28/12/1978 |
Cemetery Bush (CEM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 06/02/1995 |
Central Hawkes Bay plains Tangoio-Takapau-Porangahau (CHB) | APD 161 PCN623 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1958 |
Chalk Range- Ben More (CHAR) | NZJ Bot 20:183 APD107 PCN572 AP Druce & PA Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1983 |
Chancet (Map BS29) (K31) | DOC Northland SSBI A Saunders | Marlborough District | 15/11/2010 |
Charlie King, Otatara (619B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 29/01/1993 |
Cherry Tree Crk (CHER) | PCN 1002 A Townsend | South Wairarapa District | 28/11/1996 |
Chetwodes NR (CHET) | Marlborough Sounds SR J Campbell & G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/04/1983 |
Clarence-Hapuku River calc mudstones (incl Blue Duck SR) (CLMS) | APD 286 PCN743 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/07/1986 |
Clark Island SR (CLRK) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/07/1983 |
Coastal Reserves: Golf Links Road - Otamarakau (Excl WLMR) (CRES) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Whakatane District | 01/01/1984 |
Colebaker SR (Q846) | DOC Waikato SR Report RM Irving & M Skinner | Waikato District | 16/01/1985 |
Colinswood Bush (Q328) | DOC Otago OTA59 JW Barkla & D Lyttle | Dunedin City | 21/07/2007 |
Conway River SR (CONR) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Hurunui District | 14/07/1980 |
Cooks Beach environs 6 lists united (COOK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 31/12/1984 |
Copermine Is, Hen and Chickens (COPR) | Auck BSJ Auckland Bot Soc | Whangarei District | 01/01/1970 |
Coppermine Is (J76) | Tane 30:251-273 EK Cameron | Whangarei District | 07/01/1982 |
Coppermine Is 1965 (J107) | NZJ Bot 6: 285-94. IAE Atkinson | Whangarei District | 22/11/1965 |
Corballis Bush -"Mairangi" (CORB) | PCN293 WAN14 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 30/09/1989 |
Corliss Is (CORL) | PCN311 WAN32 CC Ogle | Whanganui District | 13/09/1990 |
Corner & Dry Crks Cape Palliser (CORN) | PCN107 Wellington Bot Soc | South Wairarapa District | 05/02/1994 |
Cornwallis Memorial track (CORW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Auckland | 18/04/2008 |
Coromandel WW Stony-Fletchers Bay (CORO) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/08/1988 |
Crail Bay Historic Res (CBHR) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 25/02/1982 |
Cuvier (Repanga) Is 1993 (Q766) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange et Waikato BS | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/10/1993 |
Cuvier Is (Repanga) (Q545) | Tane 15:53-67 RE & JE Beever, BS Parris; AE Wright | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/08/1968 |
Cuvier Is (Repanga) 1925 (Q544) | TF Cheeseman | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1925 |
D'Urville Is (Wel Bot Soc) (DURV) | APD 213 AP Druce & Wellington Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/04/1981 |
D'Urville Road from Attempt Hill (DURS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 03/04/1999 |
Dalgleish Bush (DALG) | PCN1162 T Silbery O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 25/04/1999 |
Dan Rogers Creek (DANR) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 11/11/1971 |
Darran ED (106B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/01/2007 |
Delaware Bay (DEL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/06/1987 |
Delaware Bay North Coast (K30) | NBS, C Jones | Nelson City | 17/09/2000 |
Delaware Bay Spit (DELS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/04/1989 |
Delaware Bay, Paramatta Reserve (PARM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 16/04/1998 |
Denlair Rd end, (C & N Higgie) - 3 small blocks (DENL) | PCN376 WAN103 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 04/10/1997 |
Dieffenbach Point (DEIF) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 11/03/1983 |
Dingle Dell SR (Q988) | Tane 8: 55-64 MM Esson | Auckland | 01/01/1961 |
Dolomite Pt SR (DOLP) | North Westland SR SR June & G Lowe | Buller District | 01/01/1978 |
Druzianic limestone outcrops (DRUZ) | PCN1263 P Enright & O John; Wellington Bot Soc | South Wairarapa District | 12/12/2000 |
Dry Bush 1868 (Q944) | TNZI 2:118 JF Armstrong | Christchurch City | |
Dry River - track down to river near limeworks (DRY1) | PCN242 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 07/02/1999 |
Dry River - upstream from stockyards (DRY2) | PCN1264 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 07/02/1999 |
Dry River, opposite Pakohe Limeworks (PAH1) | PCN241 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 28/02/1999 |
DSIR property - Taita (TTA) | APD 102 PCN567 AP Druce | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1957 |
Duders (Umupuia) Park (DUD) | Auck BSJ 52:16 S Jones | Auckland | 21/09/1996 |
East Cape to Opotiki - coastal excl Raukumara FP (J134) | NZJ Bot 23:379-406 M Heginbothan & AE Esler | Opotiki District | 01/10/1984 |
Eastbourne - Wainuomata block (ESTB) | PCN826 A Mead | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1974 |
Eastbourne Hills (EASB) | PCN225 AP Druce; T Silbery; J Sawyer | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1993 |
Eastwoodhill Arboretum - native incl pl (EAST) | Auck BSJ 6085 ME Young | Gisborne District | 30/08/2005 |
Edgecombe Point SR (EDGE) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 09/03/1983 |
Egmont coastal - trees & shrubs (EGMC) | WAN127 J Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/2003 |
Egmont ring plain trees & shrubs (RINP) | WAN127 J Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/2003 |
Erin Go (Warrens Bush) (ERIN) | PCN214 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 12/06/1991 |
Eringa Road Bush (2207) (130m asl) (ERNG) | PCN257 T Silbery & P Enright | Carterton District | 16/05/1999 |
Eringa Road Bush (2249) (180m -280m asl) (ERI2) | PCN1283 P Enright & O John | Carterton District | 23/05/1999 |
Eringa Road Bush (380m -400m asl) (ERI3) | PCN1284 P Enright & O John | Carterton District | 23/05/1999 |
Every's Sci Res (Q333) | DOC Otago OTA63 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 19/10/2006 |
Fanal Is (Motukino) (J37) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Fanal Is (Motukino) (J59) | Tane 26:25-44, 32:133-136 AE Wright | Auckland | 08/01/1984 |
Farewell Cape to Kahurangi (FWCP) | APD 024 PCN489 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/05/1987 |
Faulkners Bush (FAL) | G Jane & C Jones | Tasman District | 12/08/1989 |
Field Res covenant Paraparamu (FIEL) | PCN246 P White | Kapiti Coast District | 10/06/1999 |
Fields Bush (FIED) | PCN317 WAN38 BA Lovelock; CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 04/10/1991 |
Flax Is (north) (J32) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Flax Is (south) (J34) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Forbes-Maungaroa lookout loop (MAUN) | Auck BSJ 57:28 L Clapperton | Auckland | 16/03/2002 |
Forest Lakes - Pritchard property (FRL1) | PCN993 P Enright | Kapiti Coast District | 21/01/2002 |
French Pass Light house Track (FPLI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/04/1999 |
Frobisher St gully, Island Bay (FROB) | PCN1320 MC Wassilieff & R Logan | Wellington City | 01/01/1998 |
Fullerton-Smiths, RAP 27 (FULL) | WAN214 D Ravine | Rangitikei District | 03/05/1994 |
Garden Valley bush (GARD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/10/1995 |
Gentle Annie SR (GETL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 11/10/2006 |
George Str Hut bush (GEOR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 25/04/1996 |
Gibbs Covenant, Eastbourne (GIBC) | PCN1292 P Enright & O John | Lower Hutt City | 07/03/1998 |
Glenmore Street, 118 (J Clouston) (GFLN) | PCN109 BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 11/09/1993 |
Glenmorven remnant (GLMV) | PCN1056 A Rebergen | Carterton District | 10/05/1997 |
Glenside remnants - Bannockburn Str (GLNS) | PCN1293 A Rebergen | Carterton District | 01/01/1993 |
Glenside remnants - Maringiawai Str (GLS1) | PCN1293 A Rebergen | Carterton District | 01/01/1993 |
Goat (Motuoruhi) Is (J20) | Tane 17:97 FJ Newhook EM Dickson & KJ Bennett | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/10/1970 |
Goat Bay- Abel Tasman coast (GOAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/08/1998 |
Goat Is (Motuoruhi) SE Bay (GOTI) | G Jane G Donaghy & Auckland Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 30/01/2005 |
Golden Point SR (GOPT) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Gollans Valley (GOLL) | PCN119 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1996 |
Gollans Valley headwaters (Mt Hawtrey) (MTHW) | PCN1039 DJ Clark & MC Wassilieff | Lower Hutt City | 12/01/1984 |
Goodwood SR (Q44) | Otago SR; OTA45 RB Allen; JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 12/06/1975 |
Goose Bay-Omihi (GOOS) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 25/06/1980 |
Grampians - Kahikatea-matai-fuschia Walk (GRAM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 20/10/1997 |
Grays Bush (GEYB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 12/04/1997 |
Grays Farm - shore block (GRAY) | PCN965 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1975 |
Grays Farm, Kakaho Str (GRYF) | PCN1294 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/06/1971 |
Great Barrier 1868 (Q843) | TNZI 1:144 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Great Barrier Is (GTB) | Auck BSJ 57:83 EK Cameron | Auckland | 26/01/2002 |
Great Is (J326) | Rec Auck Ist Mus 5:1-12 GTS Baylis | Far North District | 07/05/1958 |
Great Mercury (Q986) | Tane 22: 23-49 AE Wright | Thames-Coromandel District | 11/05/1975 |
Green Is - Mercury Group (Q756) | NZJ Bot 2:385-402 IAE Atkinson | Thames-Coromandel District | 04/09/1962 |
Greville Harb (Durv) (GREV) | Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/01/1992 |
Grey Cliffs QEII (GREY) | P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 12/12/2005 |
Greystoke Reserve, Jefferson Line (GRYS) | PCN305 WAN26 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 24/03/1991 |
Grice's Bush, Fordell (GRIC) | PCN424 WAN152 CC Ogle D Morton S Grice & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 22/10/2002 |
Grossis Island (BEST) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 24/07/1993 |
Hadfields Bush (HADF) | APD 042 PCN506&509 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1964 |
Haldon Hills (HALD) | APD 242 PCN702 AP Druce & BJP Molloy; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/05/1983 |
Half Moon Bay (HFMB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 13/05/1980 |
Hangaroa Valley (Te Reinga- Hangaroa) (HNGR) | APD 050 PCN517 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1967 |
Hanson Winter SR (HANW) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Tasman District | 17/07/1974 |
Hapuku SR (HAPK) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 16/06/1980 |
Haulashore Is (HAUL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 01/08/1993 |
Haumuri Bluffs from Oaro (HAUM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 01/01/2000 |
Haupara Pt (J633) | MT 64 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 25/05/2004 |
Haupara Pt Te Araroa (HAUP) | MT 64 M Thorsen & K Riddel & G Atkins | Gisborne District | 25/05/2004 |
Hautapu SR (HAUS) | PCN390 WAN117 CC Ogle G La Cock & H Dorrian | Rangitikei District | 17/12/1999 |
Hay SR (HAY) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 02/11/1971 |
Haywards SR (HAYB) | PCN247 P Enright & O John | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1971 |
Hemi Matenga Memorial Park (HEMM) | PCN1305 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 21/12/1983 |
Herbert Peak SR (HERT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 26/08/1971 |
Heyward SR (Q46) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 09/09/1975 |
Hicks Bay - East Cape coastline (HIKB) | APD 082 PCN547 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1950 |
Hicks Bay Lodge Bush (HCBB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gisborne District | 15/09/2008 |
Hidden Lakes QEII, Ngatui (B & D Abraham) (HIDD) | PCN122 Wellington Bot Soc | Masterton District | 07/04/1996 |
Hikuai Beach (J447) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/10/2010 |
Himitangi Sci Res (HIMI) | PCN1308 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Horowhenua District | 01/11/1983 |
Hinau Walk - Mt Fyffe (HINU) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 09/01/2008 |
Hinewaka Bush 1 (HNW1) | PCN234 P Enright & O John | Carterton District | 03/04/1999 |
Hinewaka Bush 2 (HNW2) | PCN277 P Beverige P Enright & O John | Carterton District | 07/03/1999 |
HInewaka Bush 3 (HNW3) | PCN1311 O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 21/03/1999 |
Hogg Park, Aramoho (HOGG) | PCN331 WAN54 CC Ogle | Whanganui District | 05/03/1993 |
Hokianga district (Q932) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Hokio - Ohau River mouth along coast (HOKI) | APD 235 PCN695 AP Druce | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1964 |
Hokio Bush, Lake Horowhenua (HOKO) | PCN1315 CC Ogle & C West | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1997 |
Hokoromea Is (J104) | Tane 32: 114-130 EK Cameron | Auckland | 30/12/1983 |
Hope Hill SR (Q306) | DOC Otago OTA34 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 04/09/2002 |
Hori Bay (HORI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 01/01/1990 |
Huiawa (Horrobin) (HUWA) | PCN125 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 04/07/1993 |
Hukutaia Domain Opotiki (HIKD) | APD AP Druce | Opotiki District | 01/11/1990 |
Hunter Brown (HUNB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1989 |
Huntleigh Park, Crofton Down (HUNT) | PCN1346 S Myers; P Enright O John & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 01/01/1985 |
Hunua Ra (Q602) | NZJ Bot 10: 8-26 IL Barton | Waikato District | 31/03/1971 |
Huriawa Peninsula (non planted) (J469) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Dunedin City | 22/12/2010 |
Inner Town Belt, Wellington incl Mt Victoria, natives (INTB) | PCN817 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 12/04/1992 |
Islet off Ponui Is (PONN) | Auck BSJ 47:23 EK Cameron & G Tayor | Auckland | 28/10/1988 |
Jacksons Bay dunes (N end) (JACB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/09/2009 |
Jacobsen QEII (JACO) | PCN249 Wellington Bot Soc; P Enright & O John | Porirua City | 05/10/1996 |
Jamie Strange, Mangahuia Str (JSTR) | PCN250 P Enright & O John | Carterton District | 26/11/1998 |
Jenkins Hill from Marsden intake (JENK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 08/11/1997 |
Jersey Is -Lake Wairarapa (JERS) | PCN895 DOC SRC 20 CC Ogle AP Druce & T Moss | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1990 |
John Slow Garden (SLOW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1995 |
Jollies Bush SR (JOLL) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 05/06/1971 |
Jubilee Park (JUBL) | PCN 1321 Forest & Bird Lower Hutt | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1983 |
Kahutera SR (KHTE) | PCN1210 I Gabites | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1981 |
Kai Iwi Str remant (KWI) | PCN421 WAN149 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 29/09/2001 |
Kaikoura Is (Motu Kaikoura) 2007 (KKRI) | Auck BSJ 62:78 EK Cameron | Auckland | 12/12/2006 |
Kaikoura Is 1995 (KAII) | Auck BSJ 50:76 EK Cameron | Auckland | 08/07/1995 |
Kaikoura Peninsula loop walk (KKPE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 05/02/1995 |
Kaimanawa - all (KMWA) | APD 270 PCN726 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1986 |
Kaipara Is - Kakaraea Rd Ohakura Penin (KAKR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 14/04/2003 |
Kaipupu Point SR (KAIP) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 28/04/1982 |
Kairakau Beach environs (KRAK) | APD 203 PCN664 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/04/1980 |
Kairakau Cliffs (KRKA) | PCN123 Wellington Bot Soc | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/04/1998 |
Kaitaia district 1865 (Q931) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Kaitake area trees and shrubs (KTKA) | WAN127 J Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/2003 |
Kaitake Ra (J133) | NZJ Bot 23: 15-31 BD Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1978 |
Kaiteriteri SR (KAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 08/08/1989 |
Kapiti Is - northen tip (KAP1) | PCN1227 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 12/11/1962 |
Kapiti Is 1907 (KAP3) | PCN11225; AJHR 1907 C8 L Cockayne | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1907 |
Kapiti Is 1952 (KAP2) | PCN1222 AS Wilkinson | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1952 |
Kapiti Is consolidated list with amends from Ogle-1215 (KAP5) | PCN1224 S Fuller | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1985 |
Kapiti Is natives 1980 (KAP4) | PCN1223 D Garrick | Kapiti Coast District | 23/04/1980 |
Karaka Bush (KRKR) | APD 141 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Karamea forests (FORE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Karamuramu Is (KRMU) | Auck BSJ 62:146 A Wright; EK Cameron | Auckland | 06/03/1982 |
Karetai Road Bush (Q307) | DOC Otago OTA33 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Karori Reservoir SW end (KAR1) | PCN204 AP Druce; BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 24/05/1996 |
Karori Sanctuary and nursery (KARN) | PCN180 AP & H Druce BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 12/05/1996 |
Karori WL Sanctuary lower catchment (KRES) | PCN179 AP & H Druce BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 24/05/1996 |
Kauaeranga Valley (KUAR) | APD 108 PCN573 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1967 |
Kawau Is 1876 (Q911) | TNZI 9:503 J Buchanan | Auckland | |
Kawau Is, North Cove etc. (KAWA) | Auck BSJ 59:22 MD Wilcox & Auckland Bot Soc | Auckland | 12/03/2003 |
Kaweka Ra and adjacent areas (KWKA) | APD 333 PCN786 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Kawerua area (5 km radius) (J26) | Tane 20: 116-124 DJ Court | Far North District | 01/01/1974 |
Keebles Bush (KEEB) | APD 188 PCN650 AP Druce | Palmerston North City | 01/01/1943 |
Kennedys Bush SR (KEND) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 27/05/1971 |
Kereoma 100 acre acre bush (Kays covenant?) (KER3) | PCN1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
Kereoma homestead block (Kay's? covenant) (KER1) | PCN1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
Kereoma Ngaio Forest (KER2) | PCN 1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
Khandallah Domain area (KHND) | PCN826 A Mead | Wellington City | 01/01/1974 |
Khandallah Park (KHAN) | PCN1352 S Myers | Wellington City | 12/06/1985 |
King Covenant, The Glen (KING) | Nels BS C Jones | Nelson City | 15/06/1997 |
King Spencer QEII (KINS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/09/2005 |
Kings Bush Perry Rd Carterton (KIN2) | PCN251 T Silbery & A Rebergen | Carterton District | 11/07/1999 |
Koatanui SR (KOAT) | PCN453 WAN188 Anon | Whanganui District | 01/01/2003 |
Kohi Pt WW Ohope (KOHI) | Rot BS News SN Beadel & WB Shaw; G Jane | Whakatane District | 28/07/2001 |
Kokorua, Whangamoa (KOKO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 04/09/1994 |
Korokoro SR (KOR4) | PCN1252 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 15/01/1984 |
Korokoro Str (KOR1) | PCN1250 P Hughes | Lower Hutt City | 07/07/1982 |
Koroniti (Carl Eyre ) (KORN) | WAN 48 JW Barkla | Whanganui District | 19/10/1992 |
Koropuki Is - Mercury group (Q796) | Notornis 22:195-220 GRF Hicks et al | Thames-Coromandel District | 25/11/1974 |
Kouratahi (KOUR) | PCN1255 O John P Enright & P Beveridge | Carterton District | 12/12/1998 |
Kumaras - Motueka (KUMA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/07/1993 |
Kumutoto Bay SR (KUMO) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Kupe Bay (D'Urville Is) (KUPE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1992 |
Lady Alice Is 1984 (J74) | Tane 30:251-273; 33:87-88 EK Cameron | Whangarei District | 07/01/1982 |
Lady Alice Is, (Motu Muka) Hen and Chickens (WHPK) | Tane 11: 87-91. RE Beever & G Jane | Whangarei District | 01/01/1970 |
Laingholm, Waitakeres (LAIN) | Auck BSJ 49:45 ED Hatch | Auckland | 01/01/1994 |
Lake Alice dune forests (SW) (LALC) | PCN368 WAN95 CC Ogle W Beggs & JW Barkla; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 27/05/1996 |
Lake Alice wetlands (LAL1) | PCN378 WAN129 CC Ogle Beggs & JW Barkla | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1996 |
Lake Kohangapiripiri - Baring Head (KOHA) | APD 127 PCN591 AP Druce | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1988 |
Lake Pauri (LPAU) | PCN429 WAN156 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 05/04/2003 |
Lake Pouanui northern margin (DL Cameron) (LPON) | PCN987 CC Ogle | South Wairarapa District | 07/10/1972 |
Lake Rotoiti (LRTI) | PCN321 WAN42 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 01/02/1992 |
Lake Wairarapa & Lake Onoke (WRPA) | APD 125 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1988 |
Lake Wairarapa Shore SR (WRRP) | PCN1367 I Gabites | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1981 |
Lake Westmere (WESM) | PCN394 WAN121 CC Ogle | Whanganui District | 26/01/2000 |
Lake Wiritoa forest remnants (LWIF) | WAN101 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 30/08/1997 |
Langwel Pl (D Renwick) (LANG) | PCN962 C Harlen | Porirua City | 02/05/1995 |
Little Akaloa SR (LITA) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 07/07/1971 |
Little Barrier Is (Q617) | CE RE Beever RE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1988 |
Little Barrier Is 1961 (J348) | DSIR Bull 137 pp198 WHM Hamilton | Auckland | 01/01/1956 |
Little Barrier SE Coast (Q844) | TNZI 1:155 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Little Brother (LIBR) | Well BS Bull 33:19 PCN1129 G Collet (B Mc Millan) | Marlborough District | 01/01/1963 |
Little Kaiteriteri (LKAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 06/07/1995 |
Lizard Is (J106) | Tane 32: 114-130 EK Cameron | Auckland | 30/12/1983 |
Lizard Is (J36) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Long Bay SR (LNGB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 13/07/1971 |
Long Beach - Dummies Beach (790B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/12/1999 |
Long Is (LONG) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 30/05/1983 |
Longacre bush remnants (Gray) (LGAC) | PCN360 WAN 85 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 29/10/1994 |
Lottin Point (LOTN) | MT 62 M Thorsen & K Riddel | Gisborne District | 19/05/2004 |
Lowry Bay - Ridge and Ferry Rd Tracks (LWRY) | PCN1135 C Horne | Lower Hutt City | 19/11/1995 |
Lowry Bay SR (LOWR) | PCN1134 GC Kelly; MC Wassilieff | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1965 |
Lyttleton SR & Mt Pleasant SR (LYTT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 11/06/1971 |
Mabel Is (MABL) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/03/1983 |
Mahia SR (MAHI) | G Jane; M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 08/04/2002 |
Mahurangi East Regional Park - Lagoon Bay (MAHE) | Auck BSJ 6149 ME Young | Auckland | 18/02/2006 |
Mahurangi West Regional Park (MAHU) | Auck BSJ 60:12 ME Young | Auckland | 19/02/2005 |
Makara coast and cliffs - additions (MAK2) | PCN1145 CC Ogle & WEA Wellington | Wellington City | 01/09/1974 |
Makara Foreshore and estuary (MAK4) | PCN1191 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 01/01/1997 |
Makara Limestone Gorge (MKRL) | APD 032 PCN508 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1957 |
Makaro (Ward) Is (WAR1) | PCN1147 D Cox D Sherratt & JC Horne | Lower Hutt City | 04/08/1996 |
Makaro (Ward) Is (WAR3) | PCN892 Freegard & Weeber | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1986 |
Makino SR (MKN) | PCN322 WAN43 CC Ogle; AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 08/01/1991 |
Makohine SR (MAKO) | PCN411 WAN138 V Nichols & D Havell | Rangitikei District | 03/07/2001 |
Makorori Point Walk (MKRO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/08/2006 |
Makuhou SR (MAKU) | PCN306 WAN27 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 24/03/1991 |
Mana Is - around buildings (MNA1) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/04/1984 |
Mana Is - coastal cliffs to plateau (MNA3) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/03/1984 |
Mana Is - pasture plateaus and ridges (MNA2) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/03/1984 |
Mana Is - valleys, pasture & forest (MNA4) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/03/1984 |
Managaweka Power Station Walk (MNGW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 12/04/2004 |
Manawatu Gorge and environs (MWTU) | APD 084 PCN549 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1940 |
Mangamaunu SR (MGMU) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 06/05/1980 |
Mangapakeha taipos (MGKH) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Mangawai Heads WW to Bream Tail (MHWW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaipara District | 12/07/2008 |
Mangere mountain - incl planted (MGRE) | Auck BSJ 60:33 MD Wilcox | Auckland | 01/01/2006 |
Manuka Bay shore (Q286) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 04/11/2009 |
Mapoutahi Pa His Res (Q51) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 05/09/1975 |
Mareatotara Res, Kakuranaki and adj hills (MRTT) | APD 089 PCN554 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1962 |
Marfells Beach Rec Res (MARB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Marlborough District | 15/01/1980 |
Marie Neverman Res (J687) | Auck BSJ 65:94 S Jones A Wesley ME Young & EK Cameron | Auckland | 29/05/2009 |
Maringaiwai Str bush (MRNG) | PCN256 O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 06/06/1999 |
Martin Conway (CONW) | G Jane & C Jones | Tasman District | 20/07/1997 |
Matakana Is (all) (MTKI) | Mike Thorsen | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/2009 |
Matakana Is N End (MTKN) | Rot BS News 19:24 WB Shaw & SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 19/03/1990 |
Matakohe (Limestone) Is (MKLI) | Auck BSJ 57:131 P White | Whangarei District | 08/09/2002 |
Matata SR (MTA) | Rot BS News 35:30 SM Beadel; G Jane & G Donaghy | Whakatane District | 01/01/1991 |
Matiu (Somes) Is (SOM3) | PCN1068 Freegard & Weeber | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1986 |
Matiu (Somes) Is and adjacent stacks (MATU) | PCN259 PJ deLange | Lower Hutt City | 19/09/1991 |
Matiu (Somes) Is and adjacent stacks - planted (SOMP) | PCN259 PJ deLange | Lower Hutt City | 19/09/1991 |
Matthews & Boggy Pond lagoons (MLGO) | PCN895 DOC SRC 20 CC Ogle AP Druce & T Moss | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1990 |
Maud Is or Tom Shand Sci Res (MAUD) | Marlborough Sounds SR CC Ogle | Marlborough District | 01/01/1982 |
Mauku District (Pukekohe) 1901 (Q916) | TNZI 34:362 H Carse | Auckland | 02/09/1901 |
Maunganui (Casnell) Is, Maharangi (CASN) | Auck BSJ 51:46 PJ deLange G Crowcroft | Auckland | 10/12/1995 |
Maungaraki Ra - E of Raumahanga River incl Tawaru River (RUMH) | APD 116 PCN580 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1947 |
Maungaroa tracks Waitakere (MGRA) | Auck BSJ 57:28, 63: L Clapperton; S Jones | Auckland | 16/03/2002 |
Mayor Is 1926 (Q416) | Trans NZI 1926: 34-36 HH Allan & KW Dalrymple | Hauraki District | 01/01/1926 |
Mayor Is 1926 (Q422) | NZJ Sci Tech B 8:204 B Sladden | Hauraki District | 12/12/1926 |
Mayor Is 1996 (MAYO) | DOC Rotorua internal report WB Shaw & D Hunt | Hauraki District | 31/05/1986 |
Mayor Is 2009 - composite (Q426) | DOC P Cashmore | Hauraki District | 15/04/2009 |
McElroys SR (Q611) | Scenic Res near Warkworth AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1987 |
McKee Domain (MCKE) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly; Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 01/01/1974 |
Medina QEII - Fern Flat Stream (Q290) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 05/11/2009 |
Medlands Beach (MEDL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 06/07/1997 |
Meeking-Stewart S (MEEK) | PCN1163 I Gabites | Porirua City | 01/01/1984 |
Milnethorp (MILN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/02/1999 |
Mirimar Peninsula 1872 (Q917) | TNZI 5:349 J Buchanan | Wellington City | |
Mirimara Peninsula Mahanga - Scorching Bays, Darlington Rd (MIRI) | PCN155 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 01/10/1995 |
Mitimiti - Warawara (MITI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 07/07/2001 |
Moawhango - South (MWGS) | APD 077 PCN542 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Mohakatino mouth swamp forest (MHKF) | PCN324 WAN46 CC Ogle | New Plymouth District | 21/05/1991 |
Moioio Is (MOIO) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 11/03/1983 |
Mokohinau Is 1959 (Q919) | TNZI 88:79 ME Gillham | Auckland | 06/09/1959 |
Mokopuna (Rabbit) Is (MKP2) | PCN1171 Freegard & Weeber | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1986 |
Mokopuna (Rabbit) Is (MKP3) | PCN1170 PJ deLange & GM Cowcroft | Lower Hutt City | 04/09/1992 |
Mongonui Co (southern) 1910 (Q920) | TNZI 43:194; 45:276 H Carse | Far North District | 22/11/1910 |
Moores taipos (MOO) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Motoiti Res, Iti Grove (MOTI) | PCN156 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 20/10/2000 |
Motoruhi Is (Q780) | NZJ Bot 16: 25-44 AE Esler | Thames-Coromandel District | 08/10/1981 |
Motu ED (MOTE) | J Molloy | Gisborne District | 01/01/1984 |
Motuara Is (MTRA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1983 |
Motuhara Gully (MTUH) | PCN MC Wassilieff | Porirua City | 21/08/1978 |
Motuharakeke Is (Q997) | Tane 25:61-100 AE Wright | Far North District | 28/12/1978 |
Motuhoropapa (Noises) (MTHO) | Auck BSJ 53:28 EK Cameron | Auckland | 21/03/1998 |
Motuhoropapa Is - Noises group (Q974) | NZJ Bot 37:433 G Mason DL Knowlton & IAE Atkinson | Auckland | 01/07/1954 |
Motuihe Is (J128) | NZJ Bot 18:15-36 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1980 |
Motuihe Is (MTHI) | Auck BSJ 54:19 PJ deLange | Auckland | 01/01/1999 |
Motukahakaha or Ponui unnamed Islet (PNII) | Auck BSJ 47:23; 50:22 EK Cameron & G Taylor | Auckland | 28/10/1988 |
Motukaraka forest (MTKK) | PCN968 IAE Atkinson | Porirua City | 16/05/1989 |
Motukiekie (J57) | Tane 26:107-114 RE Beever | Far North District | 02/01/1980 |
Motukokako (Piercy) Is (J100) | Tane 33:121-142 EK Cameron & GA Tayor | Far North District | 30/11/1987 |
Motukokako Point (J330) | TNZI (Bot) 1: 313-6 MC Gudex | Waikato District | 14/09/1962 |
Motukokako Point SR (Q862) | DOC Waikato SR Report BD Clarkson | Waikato District | 13/03/1985 |
Motukokako Pt 1954 (Q722) | DOC Waikato Unknown | Waikato District | 01/12/1954 |
Motukopake Is (Q774) | NZJ Bot 16: 25-44 AE Esler | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/10/1981 |
Motukorenga Is (Q684) | DOC Waikato A Brandon | Thames-Coromandel District | 20/04/2005 |
Motumuka (J5) | Tane 25:61-100 AE Wright | Far North District | 28/12/1978 |
Motungarara (Fishermans) Is (MNG3) | PCN1174 J Sawyer PJ deLange & Monchy | Kapiti Coast District | 12/08/1997 |
Motuopae (Peach) Is (Q397) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 20/11/2009 |
Motuopuhi (Rat) Is (RATI) | P Cashmore P Cashmore; G Jane & G Donaghy | Tauranga City | 21/06/2008 |
Motuora Is excl planted spp. (MTO) | Auck BSJ 61:115 S Heiss-Dunlop & J Fillery | Auckland | 20/04/2006 |
Motuotu Is (MTI) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 14/03/1983 |
Motupapa Is (J33) | Tane 24:187 AE Esler | Auckland | 22/07/1978 |
Moturekareka Is (J87) | Tane 36: 27-56 AJ tennyson EK Cameron & GA Taylor | Auckland | 01/11/1988 |
Motutapu Is (J127) | NZJ Bot 18:15-36 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1980 |
Motutara Is (J88) | Tane 36: 27-56 AJ tennyson EK Cameron & GA Taylor | Auckland | 01/01/1988 |
Moutere gravel remnants (Q548) | C Ecroyd G Walls | Tasman District | 01/01/1980 |
Mowhanau (Kaiiwi beach) (MWHA) | PCN285 WAN6 CC Ogle | Whanganui District | 24/10/1988 |
Mowhanau Stream remnant, off Mission Road, (MOUW) | PCN316 WAN37 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 04/08/1991 |
Mt Brown (J741) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 08/01/2004 |
Mt Camel 1865 (Q929) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Mt Cass (J742) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 01/01/2004 |
Mt Eden rock forests (EDEN) | Auck BSJ 54:51 EK Cameron | Auckland | 01/01/1999 |
Mt Fyffe (MTFY) | APD 309 PCN761 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/04/1988 |
Mt Hikurangi region1897 (Q871) | TNZI 30:414 BA Adams | Gisborne District | |
Mt Karioi and coast (MTKD) | APD 128 PCN592 AP Druce; PJ deLange | Waikato District | 12/10/1973 |
Mt Manaia Track, Whangarei Heads (MANA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whangarei District | 14/11/1998 |
Mt Maunganui (Mauao) (MAUO) | Rot BS News C Bibby WB Shaw et al | Tauranga City | 01/01/1999 |
Mt Percy (MPER) | APD 018 PCN483 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1960 |
Mt Percy (MTPR) | PCN1329 VUW Biol Soc | Masterton District | 01/01/1967 |
Mt Pleasant Bush 1868 (Q945) | TNZI 2:118 JF Armstrong | Christchurch City | |
Mt Rimutaka (RIMT) | APD 004 PCN470 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Mt Ross (Arapawawa) (ROSS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1994 |
Mt Starveall (STAR) | Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/12/1991 |
Mt Taranaki from sealevel (EGMO) | APD 090 PCN555 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1986 |
Mt Wainui and Wainui Str (MTWN) | PCN863 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 16/03/1980 |
Muritai Park (MRT1) | PCN1182 A Warden; G Smith | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1974 |
Muritai Park - Butterfly Crk Track (MURB) | PCN1185 Wellington Bot Soc | Lower Hutt City | 12/08/1973 |
Muritai Sci Res (MURT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/04/1993 |
Muriwai Cliffs (J781) | Auck BSJ 66:30 MD Wilcox & ABS | Auckland | 19/01/2011 |
Muruwai Beach 1948 (Q864) | Tane 2: 22 N Butler | Auckland | 01/06/1948 |
Naamai Park, Hawera plantings (defered entering) (NUAM) | PCN420 WAN148 CC Ogle | South Taranaki District | 30/11/2001 |
Napenape SR (Q289) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 04/11/2009 |
Napenape SR and environs (NAPE) | APD 287 PCN744 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1972 |
Needle Rock (J80) | Tane 35: 51-56 GA Taylor | Thames-Coromandel District | 22/05/1989 |
New Chums Beach Track (NWCW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 03/06/2008 |
Newlands - Hutt Rd (NEWL) | PCN1079 Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 06/07/1974 |
Nga Manu F&B area (NGMU) | PCN1083 WEA Field Group Wellington | Kapiti Coast District | 17/09/1989 |
Ngaio Gorge (NGI1) | PCN1080 P Enright; O John | Wellington City | 14/03/1998 |
Ngaio Gorge (NGIO) | PCN1082 S Myers | Wellington City | 01/01/1984 |
Ngamanu (NGM1) | PCN172 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 20/10/2000 |
Ngaraunga Gorge- Petone overbridge shore (NGRA) | PCN1087 CC Ogle | Wellington City | 24/12/1976 |
Ngaruru and Namunamu Lakes (NGRU) | PCN626 WAN86 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1976 |
Ngaruru SR (NRUR) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Ngawaierua SR (NGWE) | PCN359 WAN84 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp; G LaCock & G Hasley | Whanganui District | 01/01/1966 |
Ngio Bay (NGI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/06/1989 |
Nikau SR (NKA1) | PCN1089 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 12/11/1983 |
North Cape (J45) | Tane 9: 63-84. JM Wheeler | Far North District | 01/01/1963 |
North Cape (NORC) | Auck BSJ 51:82 EK Cameron S Jones | Far North District | 01/01/1963 |
North Cape and Surville Cliffs (SURV) | APD 190 PCN652 AP Druce; PJ deLange | Far North District | 12/04/1979 |
North Cape area 1865 (Q930) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
North Cape cliff communities (J46) | Tane 9: 63-84. JM Wheeler | Far North District | 01/01/1963 |
North Cape Peninsula (Mongonui northwards) (Q933) | TNZI 29:333 TF Cheeseman | Far North District | |
North Cape serpentine area (J30) | Tane 25: 187-206 AP Druce JK Bartlett. & RO Gardner | Far North District | 08/04/1979 |
North Head Westhaven - Grey Point to Bar Point (Q254) | G Jane & S Courtney | Tasman District | 24/10/2009 |
North head Westhaven shore - Bar Point to Meroiti (Q256) | G Jane & S Courtney | Tasman District | 24/10/2009 |
North Taranaki Ed (NORT) | WAN107 M Bayfield SC Courtney & G Wiessing | Stratford District | 01/01/1991 |
North Tata Is (NTAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/09/1998 |
Northern Darran ED (north of Milford Sound and Milford Road) (9B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/06/2011 |
Norwood (NORW) | PCN416 WAN144 D Ravine; V Nichols | Rangitikei District | 12/04/1994 |
Nukutanga IS (J9) | Tane 25:61-100 AE Wright | Far North District | 28/12/1978 |
O'Kains Bay Domain (OKAN) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 23/11/1971 |
Oakleigh salt marsh island (OAKL) | Auck BSJ 62:156 ME Young | Whangarei District | 13/08/2007 |
Oakley Crk from Gt North Rd to Phyllis Res (Q621) | Auck BSJ 64:128 M Wilcox PJ deLange W John | Auckland | 16/05/2009 |
Oaro SR (OARO) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 09/05/1980 |
Oaro-Pukaroro Rock along railway (OARR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 09/01/2008 |
Ocean Beach Port Underwood - N end (OCEN) | PCN171 Wellington Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 23/01/1995 |
Ocean Grove (OCEA) | Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Ohau Bluff Waterfall Walk (OHWF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 23/10/2007 |
Ohinauiti Is (Q685) | DOC Waikato A Brandon | Thames-Coromandel District | 20/04/2005 |
Ohinekeao SR Matata (OHIK) | Rot BS News 21:15 SM Beadel WB Shaw & C Jones; G Jane & G Donaghy | Whakatane District | 12/09/1990 |
Ohiwa sandspit (OHWS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/05/2009 |
Ohiwa to Onekawa - coastal cliffs (ONEK) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/05/2009 |
Ohope Rec Res (R038) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Ohope SR (OHSR) | Rot BS News 51:40 SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 06/07/2008 |
Ohope SR - Ohope end (OHOP) | SM Beadel & W Shaw; G Jane | Whakatane District | 16/06/2001 |
Okarito District 1878 (Q934) | TNZI 11:435 A Hamilton | Westland District | |
Okato Rec Res (Q136) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 25/12/1981 |
Okiwi Bay - Patutu (Q13) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Okiwi Bay lookout track (Q12) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Okiwi Bay Shore (Q14) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Okiwi Bay SR (OKIW) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 16/01/1980 |
Okuiti camp - Manaia Sanctuary (J574) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Christchurch City | 17/02/2011 |
Okuti Valley (OKUT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 22/06/1971 |
Omaio Bay - pohutukawa cliffs only (Q399) | G Jane & G Donaghy; J Hobbs, P Cashmore, E Miller | Opotiki District | 21/11/2009 |
Omarupotiki Beach shore (Q525) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 18/04/2010 |
Omaumau Salt Marsh (OMAU) | Auck BSJ 54:26 H Ogle | Auckland | 17/04/1999 |
Omaupuku (Round) Bush (ROUN) | PCN1053 WBS Bull 12: AE Esler & R Greenwood | Horowhenua District | 12/12/1968 |
Omokoroa shore - Northwest end (Q534) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 11/05/2010 |
Onaero River SR (Q110) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 24/02/1981 |
Onehunga Bay fenced area- Whitireia Park 1970 (WHT5) | PCN839 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 12/12/1970 |
Onehunga Bay fenced area- Whitireia Park 1979 (ONE2) | PCN836 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 12/12/1979 |
Onehunga Bay fenced area- Whitireia Park 1988 (WHT6) | PCN838 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 12/12/1988 |
Onehunga Bay fenced area- Whitireia Park 2000 (ONEH) | PCN264 P Enright & O John | Porirua City | 12/08/2000 |
Onekaka Rec Res (Q253) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 23/10/2009 |
Onepunga (J744) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 28/01/2005 |
Onetangi F&B reserve- Waiheke (ONET) | Auck BSJ 58:97 P White; G Jane | Auckland | 20/09/2003 |
Opau Valley (OPAU) | PCN163 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 30/08/1998 |
Opera Point (Q688) | DOC Waikato NCM | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/06/1985 |
Oporua Station remnants 2 (fenced) (OPO2) | PCN1096 A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 12/11/1997 |
Oputama Str RAP1 Waihua (MHNG) | MT 41 M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 13/10/2003 |
Orokawa Beach Waihi (OROK) | Rot BS News SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 12/12/1996 |
Orokawa block Orokawa SR (J679) | NC Miller | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/11/1983 |
Orongorongo River mouth - Windy Point coast (ORNO) | PCN871 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Lower Hutt City | 16/02/1994 |
Orongorongo Field Station Study area (ORN2) | PCN1098; NZJ Bot 22:223-270 J Campbell | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1984 |
Orongorongo Valley (ORN1) | PCN1104 J Lane-Tayor | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1989 |
Oruamo or Hellyer Ck Greenhithe (ORUM) | Auck BSJ 56:67 C McKain | Auckland | 01/01/2001 |
Oruwharo Str (upper), Atiu Regional Park (ORUW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 10/07/2008 |
Otago Peninsula (OTAP) | PCN1435 PN Johnson | Dunedin City | 01/01/2004 |
Otago region 1869 (Q936) | TNZI 1: 1868 J Buchanan | Central Otago District | |
Otakeho Bush (Greaves) (OTKE) | PCN400 WAN128 J Clarkson D Caskey | South Taranaki District | 06/10/1999 |
Otaki Plains rennants (OTAK) | APD 035 PCN499 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1966 |
Otamarakau-Whakatane dune systems (THOR) | Rot BS News 11:29 SM Beadel | Whakatane District | 12/11/1987 |
Otanewainuka ED (R045) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1994 |
Otari Plant Museum 1934 (OTA1) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1934 |
Otari Plant Museum plantings 1992 (OTAR) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Otata (Noises) Is (NOIS) | Auck BSJ 53:28 EK Cameron | Auckland | 01/01/1998 |
Otata Is (Noises) (OTTA) | Auck BSJ 53:28 EK Cameron | Auckland | 21/03/1998 |
Otata Is- Noises (Q868) | Tane 3:34-38 G Mason & C Trevarthen | Auckland | 02/04/1959 |
Oterei Taipos (southern) (SOTT) | APD 015 PCN480 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1957 |
Oteriei Taipos (northern) (NOTT) | APD 015 PCN480 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1957 |
Otoko Gorge SR (Q111) | W Taranaki SR MR Boase & BR Clarkson | South Taranaki District | 10/08/1981 |
Outlook Hill & lower Waiariki Valley (OUTL) | PCN215 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 01/06/1991 |
Pah Point - Waitai Bay D' Urville Is (PAHP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 04/04/1999 |
Pahoa Gorge Taipos (gorge -Mangatoi Str) (PAHN) | APD 016 (pt) PCN481 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1958 |
Pahoa Gorge Taipos (lower) (PAHG) | APD 016 (pt) PCN481 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1958 |
Pahoa Gorge Taipos (southern to Rerewhakaaiti R) (PAHS) | APD 016 (pt) PCN481 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1958 |
Pakatoa Is (J436) | N Singers EK Cameron | Auckland | 17/10/2010 |
Pakihi (Sandspit) Is (PKHI) | EK Cameron | Auckland | 13/04/2004 |
Pakipaki wetland (PAKI) | PCN378 WAN105 AP Druce; Cooksley; G Rapson; P Enright | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1972 |
Pakowhai SR (PAKO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/06/2006 |
Palm Gully cliffs (PLMC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Christchurch City | 01/01/1987 |
Palm Gully SR (PALG) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 24/11/1971 |
Pancake Rocks Punakaiki (PANK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 11/04/1998 |
Papaitona SR (PPAI) | PCN1005 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1984 |
Papakowhai Bush 1973 (PPK1) | PCN964 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/07/1973 |
Papakowhai Bush 1975-9 (PPK2) | PCN961 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 12/12/1975 |
Papakowhai Bush 1983 (PPK3) | PCN1006 MC Wassilieff | Porirua City | |
Papamoa Hills Park Forests (PAPM) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Western Bay of Plenty District | 21/11/2004 |
Paparoa National Park (PROA) | D Norton 30 D Norton | Buller District | 01/01/1990 |
Paparoa Pt SR (PAPR) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 18/02/1980 |
Papatea coastal faces (W) (PPTE) | MT 63 M Thorsen & K Riddel | Opotiki District | 18/05/2006 |
Paraparaumu SR (PPUM) | PCN1007 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 12/10/1983 |
Paritutu coast (PART) | WAN190 CC Ogle | New Plymouth District | 22/07/2004 |
Patarau-Waikaki shore (PATS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 11/04/2009 |
Patten Passage (PATT) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Pauatahanui salt marsh WLM Res (PAUS) | PCN1008 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 20/01/1982 |
Pauatahnui Inlet (PTNU) | APD 115 PCN579 AP Druce | Porirua City | 12/11/1976 |
Peketa SR (PEKT) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 05/05/1980 |
Pepin Island (PEPI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 02/06/1995 |
Peraki Bay SR (PERB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 08/07/1971 |
Percy SR (PRCY) | PCN1009 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 12/11/1983 |
Perry Rd Bush -Tenair Station (PERR) | PCN266 T Silbery P King & P Enright | Carterton District | 11/07/1999 |
Pickering St - Harbourside Development (PIKR) | PCN988 JC Horne & FMC Lee | Wellington City | 30/07/2001 |
Pickersgill Is SR (PICK) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Picton SR (PICT) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 23/04/1983 |
Piha SR (PIHR) | Lower North Auckland SR AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1979 |
Pipinui Pt - steep gully north of (PIPI) | PCN976 CC Ogle & Well Bot Soc; BJ Mitcalfe & P Enright | Wellington City | 06/10/1984 |
Piripai Spit - Whakatane River mouth (PIRI) | DOC Rotorua P Cashmore | Whakatane District | 12/07/2007 |
Plimmerton Bush (PLIM) | PCN978 M Mc Donald | Porirua City | 01/01/1978 |
Ponui Is (PONU) | Auck BSJ 61:11 EK Cameron & PJ deLange | Auckland | 16/10/2007 |
Ponui Is (Q977) | Tane 25:5-16 AE Brown | Auckland | 26/08/1978 |
Poor Knights 1905 (Q940) | TNZI 83:303 L Cockayne | Whangarei District | 05/07/1905 |
Poranagahu coast to Blackhead Point (PRNG) | APD 145 PCN608 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/04/1975 |
Porirua (Elsdon) SR (not Elsdon Park) (ELSD) | PCN984 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 20/07/1980 |
Porirua Rec Res (Gillies Place) (POR2) | PCN1016 Anon | Porirua City | 12/02/1980 |
Porirua SR (POR4) | PCN1017 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Porirua SR (PORI) | Well BS Bull 50:69 P Enright P Beverige et al | Porirua City | 12/01/2007 |
Porirua SR 1974 (PORR) | PCN826 A Mead | Porirua City | 01/01/1974 |
Porirua SR and fenced areas of Pikarere Farm (POR3) | PCN267 P Enright O John P Beverige & A Dench | Porirua City | 23/08/1997 |
Poronui taipos (PORO) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Port Hills 1868 (grasslands?) (Q946) | TNZI 2:118 JF Armstrong | Christchurch City | |
Port Robinson & Point Gibson (Q285) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 04/11/2009 |
Port Robinson Domain (PROB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 14/04/1971 |
Port Robinson WW headland scrub (Q287) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 04/11/2009 |
Post Office Bush (POST) | PCN182 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 05/09/1998 |
Pouawa Lagoon (POUA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/08/2006 |
Pouawa sand dunes (J628) | MT 18 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 03/11/2002 |
Puahanui Bush (PUAH) | APD 048 PCN515 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 01/01/1972 |
Puangiangi Is (Rangitotos) (PONI) | G Warren (QEII) & Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 28/08/1996 |
Pudding Island (Titeremoana) (PUDD) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 02/04/1998 |
Puhipuhi lower river terrace (PULT) | G Jane & G Donaghy & Auckland Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 03/01/2008 |
Puhipuhi SR (PUHI) | South Marlborough SR P Williams;G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 21/01/1983 |
Pukeamaru ED (Q909) | CE Regnier SP Courtney MI Wiessing | Gisborne District | 01/01/1988 |
Pukeariki Beach (J451) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/10/2010 |
Pukearuhe His Res (Q115) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson & MR Boase | New Plymouth District | 26/05/1981 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (PKAR) | APD 059 PCN526 AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1958 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (W110) | PCN383 WAN110 CC Ogle & AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 10/06/1998 |
Pukemuri DOC covenant (PKMU) | PCN269 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 29/05/2000 |
Pukerua Bay -Wairaka Pt, cliffs (PUK2) | PCN1022 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Pukerua Bay Res 1974 (PKR1) | PCN826 A Mead | Porirua City | 01/01/1974 |
Pukerua Bay reserves - forest (Raroa) 1980 (PUK0) | PCN1029 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 31/07/1980 |
Pukerua Bay reserves - forest areas (PUK6) | PCN996 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 05/05/1974 |
Pukerua Bay WLM Res incl all fenced areas (PUK1) | PCN995 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/07/1985 |
Pukerua Track N Block (PKUR) | PCN979 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/08/1985 |
Pukerua Track S Block (PKRT) | PCN979 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/09/1985 |
Puna Hokoi 2010 (Q505) | G Jane & JF Hobbs | Wairoa District | 09/03/2010 |
Puponga FP (PUPO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Putangirua Str Palliser (PUTA) | APD 005 PCN507 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1988 |
Putanui Point SR (PUTN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 26/05/1982 |
Quail Is (Otamahua) (J161) | NZ Nat Sci 24:127-150 CD Meurke | Christchurch City | 01/01/1999 |
Queen Elisabeth II Park forest remnant (QE2P) | PCN244 CC Ogle; JC Horne & P Enright; Well Bot Soc | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Queen Elizabeth II Park forest remnant (QE23) | PCN1030 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Rabbit Is (Q802) | Tane 20:66-70 AE Wright; CC Ogle | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1973 |
Rabbit Is (RABB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 08/05/1991 |
Rakanui SR & Tawairoa Str (Q735) | DOC Waikato p78 PJ deLange; Auckland BS; PD Champion | Otorohanga District | 03/07/1990 |
Rakauka SR (RKAU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 13/10/2006 |
Rakautara SR (RKTA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 18/01/1980 |
Rakitu (Arid) Is (J66) | Tane 28: 85-124 EK Cameron & AE Wright | Auckland | 04/06/1980 |
Rangipukea Is (Q770) | NZJ Bot 16: 25-44 AE Esler | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/10/1981 |
Rangitawa - Pryces line (RNG2) | PCN291 WAN12 CC Ogle | Manawatu District | 15/06/1989 |
Rangitikei ED (RGTK) | PCN346 WAN69 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 14/12/1999 |
Rangitoto Is (Q616) | AE Esler | Auckland | 27/11/1991 |
Rangitoto Is 1878 (Q942) | TNZI 11:444 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Rangohua - Wilton (RNGO) | PCN186 JC Horne B & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 27/02/2000 |
Rapahoe Ra SR Greymouth (RAPH) | S June | Grey District | 12/12/1978 |
Rarangi fossil beaches and dune wetlands (RARA) | APD 273 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/04/1993 |
Rarangi to Whites - Bay: track up to road (Q11) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 23/10/2005 |
Rarangi to Whites Bluff (WHIB) | APD 279 PCN735 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/01/1986 |
Raumati Escarpment - Norwood forest (RAU2) | PCN1036 Kapiti F&B | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1987 |
Raumati Escarpment - two remnants (RAUM) | PCN228 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 27/04/1997 |
Rawhiti (Manson) Cave (RAWC) | C Jones & Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane | Tasman District | 19/10/2003 |
Re Use Marsden Valley: Barnicoat Range Walkway (K21) | NBS C Jones | Nelson City | 16/08/2009 |
Red Hills, Wairau V (D110) | APD 110 PCN575 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Red Mercury Is (Q979) | Tane 18: 21-29 PA Lynch EJ Ferguson & P Hynes | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/08/1971 |
Remuera bush (REMU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 28/12/2009 |
Reserve Rd (RESR) | PCN979 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 12/08/1978 |
Resolution Bay & Ship Cove Reserves (RESO) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/01/1983 |
Rewa & Meridith (REWA) | APD 088 PCN553 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1947 |
Rewa Forest Sanctuary Waipunga Str (REWF) | APD 238 PCN698 AP Druce | Carterton District | 12/11/1982 |
Reynods Rd junct bush (REYN) | PCN427 WAN155 CC Ogle D Morton & H Wilson | Rangitikei District | 01/12/2002 |
Riccarton Bush 1868 (Q943) | TNZI 2:118 JF Armstrong | Christchurch City | |
Richmond Hill - near Dell Rec Res (BRN2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 14/11/1997 |
Richmond Hill - S Gully (BARN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 14/11/1997 |
Rimariki and adjacent islands and stacks (J83) | Tane 36:15-26 EK Cameron | Whangarei District | 24/11/1981 |
Rimutaka Ra (RIMR) | APD 134 PCN??no AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1991 |
Riversdale remnant 2 (RIV2) | PCN1188 A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 26/05/1996 |
Riversdale remnant 3 (RIV3) | PCN1188 A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 26/05/1996 |
Rocky Hills Taipos (RHTP) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Roto Iti (J746) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 22/02/2006 |
Rotoroa Is southern end shores (RRAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 04/11/2006 |
Round Hill SR (RNDH) | PCN1052 DJ Clarke & SF | Horowhenua District | 12/08/1984 |
Rowe Rd bush, Tukituki River (ROWE) | APD 126 PCN590 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1973 |
Ruakaka Bay SR (RUAK) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Ruakokoputuna QEII (A Wilkinson) (RAUK) | PCN1054 P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 29/11/1998 |
Ruakokoputuna QEII (A Wilkinson) (RUK2) | PCN1055 P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 29/11/1998 |
Ruakokoputuna QEII (RUKA) | PCN1055 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 01/11/1999 |
Ruamahanga River terrace (RMHA) | PCN1060 A Townsend PJ deLange & J Sawyer | Carterton District | 17/10/1996 |
Ruamahanga River terrace 2 (RMH2) | PCN1059 A Rebergen | Masterton District | 22/10/1997 |
Ruaomoko Pt SR (RUAO) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Rurima Is (RURI) | DOC Rotorua A Wright; P Cashmore & S Crump | Whakatane District | 04/10/1983 |
Russel Reserve (RUSS) | PCN188 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 21/10/2000 |
Ruthe Islet (RUTH) | G Taylor & EK Cameron | Auckland | 28/10/1988 |
Sawcut Gorge & Isolated Hill (SAW) | APD 107 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/10/1991 |
Sawcut Gorge - river walk (SAWG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 26/08/1998 |
Saxton Is (OYS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 24/07/1993 |
Scott Bush Cons Cov (SCTQ) | PCN450 WAN182 J Clarkson | South Taranaki District | 27/08/2002 |
Scotts Monument (J64) | Tane 27: 7-12 AE Wright | Thames-Coromandel District | 21/05/1980 |
Seaview SR (Q379) | DOC Otago OTA14 JW Barkla M Thorsen & P Enright | Dunedin City | 14/10/2005 |
Shannel Courtney covenant, Pohara (SHAN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 02/01/1999 |
Shark Bay- Tuiahenui Pt QEII (J349) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 16/08/2010 |
Sharlands bush (SHAR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 08/09/1990 |
Shelly (Honey) Bay remnant 1974 (WHT7) | PCN1313 I Coulter | Porirua City | 11/12/1974 |
Shelly (Honey) Bay Res (HONY) | PCN826 A Mead | Porirua City | 01/01/1974 |
Shingle Fans (SHIN) | Nelson Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 23/10/1990 |
Smiths Bay and coastal faces to Makara (SMB) | PCN189 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 21/08/1993 |
Snowdens Bush (SNO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1989 |
Soldiers Memorial Park - Greytown (SOLD) | PCN190 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | South Wairarapa District | 23/06/1998 |
Solway Remnants (SOLW) | PCN271 T Silbery; A Rebergen P Enright & O John | Masterton District | 10/04/1998 |
South Moawhango (SMOA) | APD 077 PCN42 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1946 |
South Mole - Kaitoke Str (SMOL) | WAN212 CC Ogle | Whanganui District | 12/02/2004 |
South West Is (J327) | Rec Auck Ist Mus 5:1-12 GTS Baylis | Far North District | 07/05/1958 |
Spener Park dunes (J147) | Mauri Ora 11: 99-111 MA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 02/01/1979 |
Spenser Bay SR (SPEN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 09/03/1983 |
Spooky Gully (SPOO) | PCN91 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; R Logan | Wellington City | 13/07/1991 |
Spring Grove QEII (T Herrick) (SPRG) | PCN1070 P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 19/05/1999 |
Springhill remnant (SPRH) | PCN1071 PJ deLange et al | Masterton District | 10/08/1996 |
St Johns Hill and Victoria Park (STJO) | PCN369 WAN96 CC Ogle & M Daniells | Whanganui District | 26/10/1999 |
St Omer: Ferndale SR (FERD) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/07/1982 |
Stanley (Kawhitu) Is (Q803) | Tane 36: 85-111 GA Taylor & TG Lovegrove | Thames-Coromandel District | 03/10/1987 |
Stanley (Kawhitu) Is - Mercury group (ATIU) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/06/1989 |
Stanley Is inner stack (Q804) | Tane 36: 85-111 GA Taylor & TG Lovegrove | Thames-Coromandel District | 11/11/1993 |
Stanley Is outer stack (Q805) | Tane 36: 85-111 GA Taylor & TG Lovegrove | Thames-Coromandel District | 11/11/1993 |
Stephens Is (STEP) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls et al | Marlborough District | 01/01/1983 |
Stewart Is 1987 (J137) | Field Guide, NZJ Bot 25:81-131 H Wilson | Southland District | 01/02/1978 |
Stewarts Gully (STEW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 24/10/1990 |
Sugarloaf Is - Mataora (Round Rock) (MTAO) | PCN338 WAN61 M Boase; CC Ogle | New Plymouth District | 09/05/1982 |
Sugarloaf SR (SUGA) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 17/06/1971 |
Sutherland Bush A (SUTH) | PCN626 WAN86 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1976 |
Taharoa Bush (THRO) | PCN936 P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 14/11/1998 |
Tahunanui Beach (TAHU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 25/04/1988 |
Tahunatara Pt shore (J455) | G Jane & G Donaghy & JF Hobbs | Taupo District | 06/11/2010 |
Taiaroa Bush (part) (Q363) | DOC Otago OTA89 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 15/02/2009 |
Taiaroa Head Nat Res (Q334) | DOC Otago OTA64 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 02/11/2006 |
tainui Sci Res (J681) | DOC Waikato BD Clarkson | Waitomo District | 26/11/1982 |
Taipare Bay (TAIP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 24/10/1999 |
Taneatua ED (R063) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel WB Shaw & D Gosling | Whakatane District | 01/01/1999 |
Tangoio Falls (TNGO) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hastings District | 18/04/2006 |
Tapu Bay - Stephens Bay (11) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 15/07/2007 |
Tapu Te Ranga Marae (TPUM) | PCN193 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 01/01/1996 |
Tapu Te Renga Marae (TPUR) | PCN940 JC Horne | Wellington City | 01/01/1996 |
Taputeranga Is (TPRG) | PCN200 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 01/12/1998 |
Taputerenga Is (TPUT) | PCN941 D Cunningham | Wellington City | 26/01/1979 |
Tarahake Cliffs - Earnest Reeves Reserve (TOLB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gisborne District | 27/06/2007 |
Taranaki Coast (Waitara-Hawea) (TARC) | APD 078 PCN543 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1964 |
Taranga (Hen) Is (J101) | RAIM 1:301-308 Tane 24: 77-186 LM Cranwell & LB Moore | Whangarei District | 01/11/1933 |
Tararua Ra (TRUA) | APD 134 PCN1109 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1991 |
Tararua Ra to C Turakuriae- 1936 vascular only (TRAR) | PCN1120 V Zotov N Elder et al | Carterton District | 07/10/1936 |
Tata Is (TATA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1975 |
Tatapihi (Groper Is) (J81) | Tane 35: 51-56 PJ deLange EK Cameron GA Taylor | Thames-Coromandel District | 16/04/1990 |
Tataraimaka Pa (TTMK) | PCN415 WAN142 A Dijkgraaf J Campbell & M Gebitsky | New Plymouth District | 23/02/2002 |
Tataraimaka Pa His Rs (Q125) | W Taranaki SR MR Boase | New Plymouth District | 01/05/1981 |
Taupinikau Pa His Res (Q124) | W Taranaki SR MR Boase | South Taranaki District | 15/07/1981 |
Taupo Mire (TUP1) | PCN897 R Bagnall; CC Ogle & Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 01/01/1977 |
Taupo Mire - southern end (TUPO) | PCN194 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Porirua City | 05/09/1999 |
Tauranga Harbour (R070) | DOC Rotorua, RBS 19 SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1990 |
Tawaroa Pt SR (TROA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/01/1983 |
Tawharangi Regional Park (J440) | Auck BSJ 65: 47 B Stanley | Auckland | 05/12/2009 |
Te Akau wharf bush (L. Humphrey QEII) (TARB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waikato District | 13/05/2008 |
Te Arai Point-Eyres Pt (TEAP) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Auckland | 10/07/2008 |
Te Hopai Is - Pahoia (TEHO) | DOC Rororua P Cashmore | Western Bay of Plenty District | 08/07/2007 |
Te Huka Pa (J63) | Tane 26:223-234 RO Gardner & JK Bartlett | Far North District | 01/12/1979 |
Te Kanapa Str Headwaters (TEKN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 21/06/2006 |
Te Kouma farm - 2 bush blocks (TEKU) | G Jane G Donaghy & Auckland Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 31/01/2005 |
Te Kowhai Bush Lake Horowhenua (TEKW) | PCN1315 CC Ogle & C West | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1997 |
Te Mata Peak (TEMT) | APD 026 PCN491 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1958 |
Te Ngaio Beach (J446) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/10/2010 |
Te Oka SR (TEOK) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 21/06/1971 |
Te Pukatea Bay-Observation Bay (TPUK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 14/05/1996 |
Te Rangipai (TERP) | PCN322 WAN43 NJ Singers H Flanagan | Rangitikei District | 12/12/1996 |
Te Toto Gorge (Q739) | DOC Waikato p105,115 Unknown | Waikato District | 01/01/1968 |
Te Umuroa SR (Q740) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange | Otorohanga District | 02/12/1984 |
Te Waka Ra (TEWK) | APD 076 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1960 |
Te Whanau (TWHA) | D Norton 51 D Norton & H McBeth | Buller District | 23/04/2001 |
Telephone line (D'Urville Is) (TELE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1992 |
Terawhiti Hill -Oteranga/Terawhiti/Ohau (TERW) | PCN165 JC Horne & BJ Mitcalfe; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 12/04/1991 |
Thames Goldfields (Waikawau-Kaeuranga) (Q970) | TNZI 13:370; 16: 85 T Kirk; J Adams | Thames-Coromandel District | |
Thornton Dunes (THR1) | P Cashmore & JF Hobbs | Whakatane District | 11/08/2007 |
Three Kings (J324) | Rec Auck Ist Mus 3: 239-52. GTS Baylis | Far North District | 01/05/1946 |
Tinakori Hill (TINK) | PCN911 Anon | Wellington City | 01/01/1987 |
Tiniroto ED (TINI) | PNA Report 2001 KH Whaley & BD Clarkson etc | Gisborne District | 12/06/2001 |
Tinui Taipos (TINU) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Tiriritiri Matangi 1975 (J124) | NZJ Bot 13: 123-9 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1971 |
Tirohanga stream bluff (J449) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/10/2010 |
Tiromoana Bush Mt Cass (TIRO) | Cant BSJ B Macmillan | Hurunui District | 14/10/1978 |
Tiromoana Bush WW (TIRB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hurunui District | 21/12/2008 |
Titi Is (TITI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/09/1990 |
Titirangi district (Q959) | TNZI 4: 270 TF Cheeseman | Auckland | |
Titoki St swamp Castlecliff (TITO) | WAN161 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 02/06/2002 |
Toatoa SR (TOAT) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 31/08/1983 |
Toenga SR (TOEN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 09/03/1983 |
Tokata SR (TKAT) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 31/08/1983 |
Tokomaru W - remnant (TKOR) | PCN337 WAN60 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 04/07/1993 |
Tokorahu Pt stack (J768) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 20/09/2011 |
Tom Dick SR (TDIK) | PCN236 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 17/01/2001 |
Tora Block (ONPO) | PCN 919 CC Ogle | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1978 |
Torea SR (TORE) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 21/06/1982 |
Total Karamea (KARM) | P Wardle & R Buxton | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Totaranui - Goat Bay (TNGB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 19/12/2008 |
Trelissick Park - Ngaio Gorge (TRES) | PCN1350 S Myers | Wellington City | 12/06/1991 |
Trickers Bush (TRKR) | PCN317 WAN38 BA Lovelock; CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 18/08/1981 |
Trotters bush remnant 2 (TRT2) | PCN363 WAN89 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 24/06/1995 |
Troups Bush (TRUP) | PCN205 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Porirua City | 05/06/1999 |
Tuff Crater (Q620) | Auck BSJ 64:109 R Hursthouse | Auckland | 30/03/2008 |
Tuhitarata SR (TUHI) | PCN1371 I Gabites | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1981 |
Tuki Waha QEII (TKIW) | PCN929 A Rebergen | Masterton District | 28/01/2000 |
Turakirae Sci Res (TURK) | PCN1370 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 30/12/1983 |
Turanga ED (TURN) | PNA Report 14 BD & BC Clarkson | Gisborne District | 01/01/1991 |
Tutaekuri (TUTA) | A Cunningham | Hastings District | 01/01/1974 |
Tuwhakare, Ohiwa (R073) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Tweedies Gully track (Q284) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 03/11/2009 |
Urupukapuka Is (J53) | Tane 26:107-114 AE Wright; RE Beever | Far North District | 01/02/1973 |
Urupukapuka Is (Q218) | Auck BSJ: 64:90 M Young | Far North District | 12/03/2009 |
Vinegar Hill SR and adj cliffs (VING) | APD 174 PCN636 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1978 |
Wadestown Scout Hall - Weld Crk (WADE) | PCN209 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 23/08/1996 |
Waiapu ED (WPED) | PNA Report 31 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Gisborne District | 01/01/1995 |
Waiau River Mouth SR (WARM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 13/12/1971 |
Waihau Bay (WHAU) | MT 14 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 21/09/2002 |
Waihua ED (WHUA) | PNA Report 2001 KH Whaley & BD Clarkson etc | Wairoa District | 12/06/2001 |
Waikaki-Te Hapu beach rocky cliffs (PATC) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 11/04/2009 |
Waikanae SR (1983) (WKNR) | PCN1359 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 12/11/1983 |
Waikanae SR (update 2000) (WKNA) | PCN278 P Enright O John & P Beverige | Kapiti Coast District | 07/10/2000 |
Waikanae SR (WKN) | APD 177 PCN639 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 12/08/1978 |
Waikane Estuary (WKNE) | PCN1361 MC Wassilieff | Kapiti Coast District | 12/09/1983 |
Waikawa SR (WKWA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 23/04/1983 |
Waikino SR (J424) | N Singers NJ Singers | Taupo District | 26/08/1999 |
Waikokopu Str - lower - Mahia (LWKK) | MT 40 M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 25/08/2003 |
Waimahuru Gey petrel area (J143) | DOC Gisborne G Jane | Gisborne District | 27/07/2010 |
Waimahuru SR (J142) | DOC Gisborne G Walls | Gisborne District | 30/03/1991 |
Waimangara EA (WAIM) | A Huber | Kaikoura District | 12/01/1983 |
Waimaru SR (WMRU) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/07/1982 |
Waimate Is (Q771) | NZJ Bot 16: 25-44 AE Esler | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/10/1981 |
Wainiuomata River mouth to Pencarrow - coast (WNPC) | PCN870 L Clarke & JC Horne | Lower Hutt City | 15/11/1993 |
Wainui SR (WANU) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 26/07/1971 |
Waiotane SR (J623) | DOC Rotorua G Jane G Donaghy JF Hobbs & P Cashmore, SM Beadel | Whakatane District | 02/04/2011 |
Waipahihi - Lemonwood Walk arboretum (WPKH) | Rot BS News 19:13 J Drydon | Taupo District | 01/01/1974 |
Waipapa Is (Q486) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/03/2010 |
Waipapa SR (WPPA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 15/01/1980 |
Waipapa Str (WPP1) | PCN223 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 28/07/1991 |
Waipatiki SR (WPTS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hastings District | 17/04/2006 |
Wairaka Rd Gully 1974 (PUK5) | PCN996 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 05/05/1974 |
Wairaka Rd gully 1980 (PUK8) | PCN1029 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 31/07/1980 |
Wairarapa Plains ED (WRPD) | PCN885,887 A Rebergen A Perfect & SM Beadel | Carterton District | 01/01/1951 |
Wairau (Vernon) Lagoons (WALG) | SC Courtney C Jones & J C_G; G Jane | Marlborough District | 23/10/1997 |
Wairau Boulder Bank (WABB) | DOC Rotorua SC Courtney; G Jane | Marlborough District | 23/10/1997 |
Wairau Diversion (WROD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/04/1993 |
Wairere Walk, Whakatane (R083) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Waitakere Ra (Q605) | CE RO Gardner | Auckland | 01/01/1982 |
Wallace QEII - roadside (Q482) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 14/02/2010 |
Wanganui River (Pipiriki-Jerusalem) (PIPJ) | APD 163 PCN625 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 12/12/1976 |
Wangawehi Conservation Res (WANC) | MT 1 M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 19/08/2002 |
Wedge Point SR (WEDG) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1982 |
Weka Point SR (WEKA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/07/1982 |
Weld Cone (WELD) | AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/10/1992 |
Wellington Airport Hill (AIRP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Wellington City | 30/12/1997 |
Wellington Bot Gardens native forest remanarts (WELB) | PCN1348 S Myers | Wellington City | 01/01/1984 |
Wellington Botanic Gardens 188? (WLLB) | PCN1117 JD Buchanan | Wellington City | |
Wellington Bush (WILT) | PCN826 A Mead | Wellington City | 01/01/1974 |
Wellington Coast (WELT) | PCN814 Freegard & Weeber | Wellington City | 01/01/1986 |
Wellington Coast - (Paekakariki-Te Kaukau) (WELC) | APD 118 PCN582 AP Druce | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Wellington Hills (WELH) | APD 134 AP Druce | Wellington City | 01/01/1991 |
Wellington region 1873 (south of line Wanganui-Castle Point) (Q967) | TNZI 6: 210 J Buchannan | Carterton District | |
West Is (J329) | Rec Auck Ist Mus 5:1-12 GTS Baylis | Far North District | 07/05/1958 |
Western Lake reserve - Wairarapa (WESL) | APD 017 PCN482 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1951 |
Westerwood (J753) | DOC Canterbury C Jensen A Skanks A Spencer | Hurunui District | 02/03/2006 |
Westmere (Tangingongoro) SR (WSMR) | PCN288 WAN9 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 05/06/1989 |
Westoe (WSTO) | PCN336 WAN59 J Howard | Rangitikei District | 27/08/1993 |
Westport district 1906 (Q968) | TNZI 39:380; 46:30 W Townson; D Petrie | Buller District | 03/10/1906 |
Whakarua (WHKR) | PCN828 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 18/04/1999 |
Whakatiwai Regional Park (WHAK) | Auck BSJ 62:116 B Stanley | Hauraki District | 18/05/2008 |
Whale Bay (Q743) | DOC Waikato MC Gudex | Waikato District | 10/10/1959 |
Whale Bay (Q841) | DOC Waikato Unknown | Waikato District | 10/10/1959 |
Whale Is (Moutohora) WLM Res (R085) | DOC Sci Pap 9; Tane 32:17 CC Ogle | Whakatane District | 05/01/1985 |
Whangaehu Valley, near Kauangaroa Marae (WGEH) | PCN301 WAN22 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 13/08/1991 |
Whangaehu-Turakina mouth dunes (WHNT) | PCN296 WAN17 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp; J Campbell | Rangitikei District | 01/04/1990 |
Whangakopikopiko (Tern) Is, Ohiwa (R086) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel; PJ deLange & JF Hobbs | Opotiki District | 01/01/1999 |
Whangamoa Head, North (Kokorua) (WHA) | APD 241 PCN701 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/11/1982 |
Whangaparara - Witheys and Old Mill tracks (WHPP) | Spreadsheet Wellington Bot Soc | Auckland | 03/02/2008 |
Whangarei District 1865 (Q925) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Whangarei District | |
Whangaroa district 1865 (Q927) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Whangawehi Historic Res (WWHR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Wairoa District | 25/04/2007 |
Wharariki Beach (WARA) | G Jane; G Donaghy | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Whareakeake coastal forest remnant (Q391) | Doc Otago OTA95 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 29/07/2009 |
Wharekakahu Island (Q297) | DOC Otago OTA42 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 01/12/2001 |
Wharekauhau Sation: - Wharepapa Str-Papatai Str (WHKH) | PCN830 P Enright & Wellington Bot Soc | South Wairarapa District | 08/12/1996 |
Wharekopu - Kapiti Is (WHKO) | PCN1217 R Epson & Wellington Bot Soc | Kapiti Coast District | 11/02/1996 |
Wharekupenga (Ghost Bay) Arapawa (WHPG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1994 |
Whareponga roadside (WHPO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 09/10/2006 |
Whareroa Cons Cov (WHR0) | PCN1469 G Flaconer & M Mc Alpine; Well Bot Soc | Kapiti Coast District | 22/02/1999 |
Whatapuke - Chickens (J75) | Tane 30:251-273 EK Cameron | Whangarei District | 07/01/1982 |
Whatipu Sands (WHPS) | Auck BSJ 43:9 EK Cameron | Auckland | 15/11/1987 |
White Pine Bush track- Tangioi (J629) | MT 19 M Thorsen | Hastings District | 21/11/2002 |
Whites beach, N Piha (FISR) | Auck BSJ 51:16 EK Cameron | Auckland | 09/11/1995 |
Whites Bush (Q625) | DOC Wanganui AE Esler | Horowhenua District | 19/09/1969 |
Whitiau Sci Res (WHTA) | PCN282 WAN2 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 12/04/1988 |
Whitiereia Peninsula (WHT3) | PCN837 P Hughes; Stephenson; CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1980 |
Whitipirorua Pt (J358) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 04/09/2010 |
Whitireia Park 1995 (WHT4) | PCN840 Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 01/01/1995 |
Wi Parata KCDC Res (WTOK) | PCN221 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 21/10/2000 |
Wickliffe Bay Otago Pen (WICK) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Wilderness bush (WLDN) | APD 141 PCN604 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1974 |
William Corbett SR (Q134) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 18/09/1980 |
Wilton Bush 1996 (WLTN) | PCN216 P Enright BJ Mitcale JC Horne & J Sawyer | Wellington City | 25/04/1996 |
Wilton Bush, Otari Plant museum 1984 (OTA3) | PCN1100 J Reid (S Myers) | Wellington City | 01/01/1984 |
Woodbank - Clarence Bridge (J Murray) (CLAB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1980 |
Wrenns Bush, Lower Kawhatau (WREN) | PCN342 WAN65a CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 17/11/1993 |
Yncyca Bay SR (YNCY) | Marlborough Sounds SR A Katz & G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/11/1977 |