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Species: Abrodictyum strictum
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(191 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Abel Tasman NP (ABEL) | NZJ Bot AE Esler | Tasman District | 01/01/1972 |
Akatarawa saddle ferns (AKAF) | PCN 810 P Brownsey | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1998 |
Anchor Island (426B) | BD Rance; P Kinghtbridge | Southland District | 01/12/2002 |
Anglem Scenic res (ANGS) | H Wilson | Southland District | 12/09/1985 |
Aorangi (Haurangi) Ra (HAUR) | APD 019 PCN484 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Arthurs Pass NP (APNP) | NZJ Bot 24:9-64 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/01/1996 |
Astronomer's Point (457B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Atiamuri Ecological District (ATIA) | DOC Rotorua | South Waikato District | 01/01/1997 |
Awaroa SR (Q637) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; PD Champion | Otorohanga District | 22/10/1984 |
Big John Is (B313) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Canoe Cove Walk, Lake Kaniere (CANO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 01/11/2003 |
Catseye Bay (117B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Chalk Range- Ben More (CHAR) | NZJ Bot 20:183 APD107 PCN572 AP Druce & PA Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1983 |
Chetwodes NR (CHET) | Marlborough Sounds SR J Campbell & G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/04/1983 |
Coal Island (428B) | BD Rance & GM Rogers | Southland District | 25/05/2005 |
Coromandel Forest Park (Q670) | DOC Waikato JL Nichols | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1977 |
Croesus Track from Blackball to summit (CROE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 20/02/2002 |
Curlew Is (439B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
D'Urville Is (Wel Bot Soc) (DURV) | APD 213 AP Druce & Wellington Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/04/1981 |
Darran ED (106B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/01/2007 |
Delaware Bay, Paramatta Reserve (PARM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 16/04/1998 |
Denniston (Coal) (DENN) | APD 208 PCN669 AP Druce | Buller District | 08/04/1996 |
Denniston SR (DENS) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Buller District | 01/01/1972 |
Depot Crk - Lower Haast River (LHAS) | D Norton 25 D Norton | Westland District | 15/11/1990 |
Elfin Forest (ELF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 02/04/1994 |
Farewell Cape to Kahurangi (FWCP) | APD 024 PCN489 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/05/1987 |
Farewell Spit (SPIT) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Fishermans Bay (490B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Fox River - Paparoas (FOXR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/04/1998 |
George Sound Track (115B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Goldsborough track - north end (Q273) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 31/10/2009 |
Great Barrier Is (GTB) | Auck BSJ 57:83 EK Cameron | Auckland | 26/01/2002 |
Grono Bay/Gut Hut Bay area Secretary Is (134B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/08/2003 |
Haldon Hills (HALD) | APD 242 PCN702 AP Druce & BJP Molloy; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/05/1983 |
Hauturu Awaroa SR (Q639) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange | Otorohanga District | 22/10/1984 |
Herangi Ra, Mt Maungamangero (HERA) | APD 044 PCN511 AP Druce | Waitomo District | 01/01/1983 |
Hohonu Range (HOHO) | D Norton & PJ deLange | Grey District | 12/03/1994 |
Hokianga district (Q932) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Horohoro Bluffs (Q585) | CE PJ Bellingham M Bellingham EK Cameron MC Smale | Rotorua District | 17/11/1984 |
Horohoro SF (HORO) | Rot BS News MC Smale | Rotorua District | 26/09/1995 |
Ianthe Forest Mystery Hills (MYST) | CBSJ 28:60 D Norton | Westland District | 03/05/1998 |
Indian Is (440B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/11/2002 |
Indian Is, Dusky Sound (473B) | K Morrison | Southland District | |
Kaharoa CA (KAHR) | Rot BS News 24:21 SM Beadel WB Shaw et al; Rotorua Bot Soc | Rotorua District | 01/01/1985 |
Kaharoa kokako area (KAHK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Rotorua District | 14/06/2003 |
Kaimai Ranges (in part) (KAIM) | PCN170 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1982 |
Kaimai Ranges (TEAR) | APD 219 PCN679 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1959 |
Kaipawa Track: Tokatea-Whangapoa Rds (KIPW) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/06/1985 |
Kaitake Ra (J133) | NZJ Bot 23: 15-31 BD Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1978 |
Kaitarakihi (Mt) (KTKI) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/02/1988 |
Kaituna track (KAIT) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 30/01/1995 |
Kapiti Is plants introduced 1924-43 (KAPN) | PCN1222 AS & A Wilkinson | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1952 |
Karamea Bluff (KBLF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 02/04/1994 |
Karamea coastal (COA) | G Jane; Well Bot Soc | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Karamea estuary (KEST) | G Jane; Well Bot Soc | Buller District | 02/04/1994 |
Kauaeranga Valley (KUAR) | APD 108 PCN573 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1967 |
Kawarau Gorge (J139) | NZJ Bot 29: 295-310 TR Partridge RB Allan et al | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/09/1983 |
Kaweka Lakes (KAWE) | APD 041 PCN505 AP Druce; M Thorsen | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Kirwan's Hill track from Cronadin (KIRT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 23/01/1999 |
Lake Gault from bush edge (add Lake Matheson) (GAUL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 08/01/1998 |
Lake Kaniere WW eastern end to hut (KANI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 12/01/1998 |
Lake Mahinapua SR (MHPU) | South Westland SR P Wardle | Westland District | 01/06/1976 |
Lake Marian (J485) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance | Southland District | 16/02/1986 |
Lake Monowai (MONW) | BD Rance & PN Johnson | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Little Barrier Is (Q617) | CE RE Beever RE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1988 |
Little Barrier Is 1961 (J348) | DSIR Bull 137 pp198 WHM Hamilton | Auckland | 01/01/1956 |
Little Moehau via Hope Stream (Q686) | Auck BSJ 57: S McCraith | Thames-Coromandel District | 23/03/2002 |
Long Is Dusky Sound (453B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Looking Glass Bay (118B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Mahinapua WW (MAHW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 22/02/2006 |
Manapouri to Hope Arm and Back valley (946B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 10/03/2003 |
Manapouri, Hope Arm and Back valley (BAKV) | BD Rance & PN Johnson; G Jane | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Mangonui Co ferns 1914 (Q921) | TNZI 45:76 H Carse | Far North District | 16/12/1914 |
Manuoha (J639) | MT 30 M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 18/03/2003 |
Manuoha (UR30) | DOC Rotorua WB Shaw BD Clarkson & SM Beadel | Wairoa District | 25/04/1983 |
Maratoto Track (MART) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 25/05/2008 |
Masons Bay Shore St Is (MASS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 05/04/1999 |
Maumaupaki (Camels Back) track (MMPK) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1987 |
McPhail Wetland, Benio (213B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 07/01/2009 |
Meremere - Maramarua causeway - sedgelands and herbfields (Q717) | DOC Waikato RM Irving | Waikato District | 01/02/1988 |
Moawhanga - Upper (MWGU) | APD 077 PCN542 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Mongonui Co (southern) 1910 (Q920) | TNZI 43:194; 45:276 H Carse | Far North District | 22/11/1910 |
Moss Creek Track Kauaeranga (MOSC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 18/01/2003 |
Motuihe Is (MTHI) | Auck BSJ 54:19 PJ deLange | Auckland | 01/01/1999 |
Mt Bonar - Harihari (BONA) | D Norton 37 D Norton | Westland District | 14/06/1992 |
Mt Brown - forest (Q434) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Westland District | 21/12/2009 |
Mt Eliza Mine loop (ELIZ) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 19/09/2000 |
Mt Flemming (FLEM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 26/04/1997 |
Mt Hercules - Harihari (MTHE) | D Norton 6 D Norton et al | Westland District | 01/01/1989 |
Mt Hobson - Canyon Track (HOBS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 12/07/1997 |
Mt Kaitarakihi (KTAR) | Auck BSJ 43:52 J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 20/02/1988 |
Mt Moehau - All (MOEG) | Auck BSJ RO Gardner & J Smith Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1989 |
Mt Pirongia -all (PIRS) | APD 179 PCN641 MC Gudex & AP Druce | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1955 |
Mt Pureora & Titiraupenga (PURE) | APD 045 PCN512 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1985 |
Mt Rakeahua Track (RAKE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 17/02/1998 |
Mt Stokes. (STKS) | APD 028 PCN493 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1972 |
Neavesville - Pairarahi (J771) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 23/09/2011 |
Nikau SR (NKAU) | North Westland SR SR June; G Jane | Grey District | 12/11/1978 |
Northern Darran ED (north of Milford Sound and Milford Road) (9B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/06/2011 |
Nydia Bay Shore (NYDS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 07/01/1999 |
Okarito - hill track along coast (OKAH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 04/01/1998 |
Okarito coast (OKAC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 24/01/1998 |
Okarito District 1878 (Q934) | TNZI 11:435 A Hamilton | Westland District | |
Okarito forest - South (SOKO) | D Norton 43 D Norton & F Overmars | Westland District | 01/01/1993 |
Omarama (Rock Peak) CA (Q651) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; ABS | Waitomo District | 25/04/1986 |
Omotumotu SR (OMOT) | North Westland SR SR June & G Lowe | Grey District | 11/11/1975 |
Omotumotu track (Q277) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 01/11/2009 |
Omutumutu SR (OMUT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 18/02/2002 |
Oparara (OPAR) | APD 312 PCN764 IAE Atkinson et al | Buller District | 31/01/1987 |
Oparau SR (Q650) | DOC Waikato p160 J Nichols; AC, AE | Otorohanga District | 01/03/1973 |
Otago region 1869 (Q936) | TNZI 1: 1868 J Buchanan | Central Otago District | |
Otanewainuka ED (R045) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1994 |
Otawa-Otanewaenuku Area (R047) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1985 |
Paeroa Water Res - Waterfall track (J459) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 14/11/2010 |
Pakawau estuary (PAKA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 30/01/2001 |
Paparoa National Park (PROA) | D Norton 30 D Norton | Buller District | 01/01/1990 |
Parrot Is (447B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Poklowski Bush (POLB) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Pt Elizabeth WW Greymouth - south end and bush (PTEL) | G Jane; G Donaghy | Grey District | 03/01/2004 |
Pukeamaru ED (Q909) | CE Regnier SP Courtney MI Wiessing | Gisborne District | 01/01/1988 |
Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust (Q117) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson & MR Boase | New Plymouth District | 01/09/1981 |
Puketutu-Te Hunga from Upland Rd (PUKE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 10/07/2001 |
Puponga FP (PUPO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Pupu Walkway (PUPW) | Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 31/01/1993 |
Pureora FP (PFP) | Auck BSJ 54:54 Auckland Bot Soc | Taupo District | 01/01/1959 |
Puzzle Peak SR (PUZZ) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/01/1984 |
Rainbow Mountain & Lake Ngata (MKKA) | APD 097 PCN552 AP Druce & CC Ogle | Rotorua District | 12/03/1975 |
Rainbow Mountain (Maungakakaramea) (R053) | APD 87 DOC Rotorua AP Druce & BD Clarkson | Rotorua District | 01/01/1987 |
Rainbow Mountain Crater forest (RAIB) | Rot BS News 3:22 JF Hobbs & G Jane | Rotorua District | 12/09/2001 |
Rakitane Walk, Moana (RAKI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 31/12/2003 |
Raparapahoe Track (RAPA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 18/08/2002 |
Rarangi fossil beaches and dune wetlands (RARA) | APD 273 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/04/1993 |
Rarangi to Whites Bay (WHIT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/04/1993 |
Rarangi to Whites Bluff (WHIB) | APD 279 PCN735 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/01/1986 |
Resolution Is (455B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Rotoiti SR (R056) | DOC Rotorua BD Clarkson & D King | Rotorua District | 01/01/1987 |
Rotorua ED (published RBS) (ROTO) | Rot BS Special Issue CE Ecroyd | Rotorua District | 01/01/1998 |
Sawcut Gorge & Isolated Hill (SAW) | APD 107 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/10/1991 |
Secretary Is 1962 (J108) | NZJ Bot 6: 285-94; 8: 22-9. GTS Baylis P Wardle AFM Mark | Southland District | 11/01/1963 |
Secretary Island Forest (133B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/08/2003 |
Secretary Lake (136B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/08/2003 |
Sentinel Rock track Kaimai Ra (SENT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 24/03/2001 |
Smiths Block (SMIT) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs & P Cashmore | Hauraki District | 12/08/1990 |
Southern Herangi Ra (Q561) | CE BC Clarkson | Waitomo District | 14/02/1983 |
Stewart Is 1987 (J137) | Field Guide, NZJ Bot 25:81-131 H Wilson | Southland District | 01/02/1978 |
Stewart Is ferns (Q956) | TNZI 17:228 T Kirk | Southland District | |
Sutherland Sound (120B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Table Mountain from Waiora (now closed) (TABL) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 23/02/1990 |
Table mountain plateau (Q483) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 23/02/2010 |
Tararua Ra (TRUA) | APD 134 PCN1109 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1991 |
Tararua Ra 1907 (Q960) | TNZI 40:289; 42:12 D Petrie; BC Aston | Carterton District | 02/01/1907 |
Tararua Ra to C Turakuriae- 1936 vascular only (TRAR) | PCN1120 V Zotov N Elder et al | Carterton District | 07/10/1936 |
Te Aroha - All - AP Druce ex RBS (KAIA) | APD RBS13:8-17 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1986 |
Te Aroha 1884 (Q962) | TNZI 17:275 J Adams | Hauraki District | |
Te Hunga Plateau (Q421) | P Cashmore & JF Hobbs | Western Bay of Plenty District | 20/03/2009 |
Te Kauri SR (TKAU) | Auck BSJ 42:21, 62: PJ deLange | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1987 |
Te Kinga - L. Brunner (TEKI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 02/01/2004 |
Te Matua Ngahere Track - Waipoua (TKNG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 10/11/1998 |
Thames Goldfields (Waikawau-Kaeuranga) (Q970) | TNZI 13:370; 16: 85 T Kirk; J Adams | Thames-Coromandel District | |
Titirangi district (Q959) | TNZI 4: 270 TF Cheeseman | Auckland | |
Total Karamea (KARM) | P Wardle & R Buxton | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Tuahu Track (TUAH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 02/01/2003 |
Tumutumu QEII (TKUR) | PCN138 Wellington Bot Soc | Waitomo District | 04/01/1998 |
Tutamoe summit track (TUTS) | Auck BSJ 52:21 ME Young; G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaipara District | 30/03/1997 |
Tutoko valley track (J498) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance | Southland District | 04/01/1993 |
Ulva Is (ULVA) | G Jane; H Wilson C Meuke; Wellington Bot Soc | Southland District | 14/02/2000 |
Waima forest - 6 Foot Track (WAI6) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 20/04/2003 |
Waiorongomai Kauri loop track (Q8) | G Jane; J Hobbs & Rotorua Bot Soc | Matamata-Piako District | 04/04/2004 |
Wairere Falls ridge track (WKRI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Matamata-Piako District | 21/04/2004 |
Waitaanga Forest (WAAF) | DOC Rotorua BD Clarkson | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Waitaanga Plateau (WAAA) | APD 093 PCN558 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1958 |
Waitakere Ra (Q605) | CE RO Gardner | Auckland | 01/01/1982 |
Waituna Coast east of the old homestead at road end (B216) | BD Rance | Southland District | 14/06/2003 |
Wanganui River- Poerua River WW (WPWW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 07/01/1998 |
Wekaweka Rd to Waioku Rd track Waipoua (WEKW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 08/07/2001 |
Wellington region 1873 (south of line Wanganui-Castle Point) (Q967) | TNZI 6: 210 J Buchannan | Carterton District | |
Wentworth Valley (Q664) | DOC Waikato p8 Unknown | Thames-Coromandel District | 29/11/1969 |
West Cape (480B) | P Wardle, AFM Mark & G Baylis | Southland District | |
Westland National Park (WESN) | NZJ Bot 13:497 P Wardle | Westland District | 01/01/1975 |
Westport district 1906 (Q968) | TNZI 39:380; 46:30 W Townson; D Petrie | Buller District | 03/10/1906 |
Whangapoua estuary and dunes (WPOD) | Spreadsheet Wellington Bot Soc | Auckland | 03/02/2008 |
Wharariki Beach (WARA) | G Jane; G Donaghy | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Whitiau Sci Res (WHTA) | PCN282 WAN2 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 12/04/1988 |
Windbag Valley (WINB) | CBSJ 23, DN 8 D Norton | Westland District | 08/02/1988 |
Windy Canyon (WIND) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 06/07/1997 |
Windy Canyon (WINW) | Spreadsheet Wellington Bot Soc | Auckland | 01/02/2008 |
Woodbank - Clarence Bridge (J Murray) (CLAB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1980 |
Woods Ck walk (Q272) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 30/10/2009 |
Woolshed beach, N Head Whanganui Inlet (WOOL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Yakas Kauri - Waipoua Forest HQ (YAKA) | Auck BSJ 52:21 ME Young; G Jane | Far North District | 29/03/1996 |
Yates Point (14B) | PN Johnson | Southland District |