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Species: Carex forsteri
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(590 results)
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(590 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
A'Deans Bush SR (ADEA) | APD 202 PCN663 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 01/04/1980 |
Abel Tasman NP (ABEL) | NZJ Bot AE Esler | Tasman District | 01/01/1972 |
Admiral Road remnant -de Jong (ADMR) | PCN235 P Enright | Carterton District | 06/06/1999 |
Ahi Paku QEII covenant (AHI1) | PCN226 T Silbery P Enright O John & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 30/10/1998 |
Aldermans - Hongiora Is 1961 (Q746) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Aldermans - Middle Is 1961 (Q748) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Aldermans - Ruahaunui Is 1961 (Q744) | Trans Royal Soc NZ 30:331-341 GR Cochran | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/11/1961 |
Alexs Knob track - bush (ALXB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 05/01/1998 |
Allens Bush, Masterton (ALLA) | PCN231 CC Ogle; O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 13/10/1988 |
Allsops Bay Lake Wairarapa (ALSO) | PCN797 A Townsend & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 06/12/1996 |
Alspach QEII Tablelands Rd Otara (ALSP) | DOC Opotiki M Heiginboorutham; Rotorua Bot Soc | Opotiki District | 01/01/1980 |
Anapai-Mutton Cove (ANAS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 18/12/2008 |
Aorangi (AORA) | APD 075 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1949 |
Aorangi (Haurangi) Ra (HAUR) | APD 019 PCN484 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Atiamuri Ecological District (ATIA) | DOC Rotorua | South Waikato District | 01/01/1997 |
Atiwahaktu Str, Mt Holdsworth foot (ATIW) | APD 006 PCN471 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1965 |
Auckland Isthmus of and the Takapuna District 1870 (Q821) | TNZI 3:148 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Awahou SR (AWAH) | PCN315 M Bayfield | Stratford District | 01/01/1986 |
Awakiki Bush SR (AWKK) | RB Allen; Wellington Bot Soc | Clutha District | 12/10/2000 |
Awapiko (AWAP) | APD 311 PCN763 AP Druce | Tararua District | 12/06/1988 |
Awaroa boat landing shore (Q21) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 11/11/2008 |
Awaroa SR (Q637) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; PD Champion | Otorohanga District | 22/10/1984 |
Awarua Bush (unfenced) (AWR2) | PCN803 T Silerby A Rebergen | Masterton District | 28/01/1998 |
Balaclava Eco Dis (BAL) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 01/01/1997 |
Baldwins Covenants Waipukerau (BLDW) | MT 42 M Thorsen | Central Hawke's Bay District | 13/10/2003 |
Balls Clearing (BLLC) | MT 27 M Thorsen | Hastings District | 04/02/2003 |
Balls Clearing and Hutchinson SR Puketiritiri (BALC) | APD 027 PCN492 AP Druce | Hastings District | 12/06/1972 |
Banks Peninsula (Q824) | TNZI 51:355 RM Laing | Christchurch City | 19/08/1919 |
Baring Head to Pencarrow coast (BARP) | PCN805 T Moss | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/2001 |
Bay of Islands District 1865 (Q926) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Far North District | |
Beebys Knob - bush track (BEBB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 29/03/1998 |
Black Gully (869B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 15/01/1989 |
Black Hill Waihi, Ngatohi (NGTH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 03/10/2005 |
Blackmount Station (842B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 23/07/1998 |
Blowhard Bush (BLOW) | APD 080 PCN545 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1960 |
Blue Duck (BLUE) | South Marlborough SR P Williams & Nelson Bot Soc; Auckland Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 22/10/1990 |
Bobs Cove - Twelve Mile Bush (Q418) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/12/2009 |
Bobs Knob SR (BOBS) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 24/02/1982 |
Boulder Lake and Haupiri Ra (F266) | APD 266 PCN723 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1977 |
Boulder stream - Pinnace & Bounds (BLDE) | APD 221 PCN681 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/05/1976 |
Broughton Forest, Scotts Gap (324B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/07/2006 |
Brown Cow track to Castles (BRWC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 02/03/2006 |
Buchanans Bush (Te Whanga Bush) Te Kopi Rd (BUCH) | PCN804 T Silbery & A Rebergen | Masterton District | 17/08/1997 |
Bush Farm Raincliff - Kahahu (BUSF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 05/12/1997 |
Butcher Track and Cattle Ridge Track, Rimutaka Forest Park (BUTC) | PCN 99 BJ Mitcalfe J Goodwin & Wellington Bot Soc | Lower Hutt City | 21/02/1998 |
Buterfly Creek - Eastbourne - Point Howard (BUTT) | Pamplet AP Druce & T Silbery | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1993 |
Cabbage tree swamp - Golden Downs (CABT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 20/12/1997 |
Cable Bay SR (CABL) | APD 275 PCN731 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/11/1985 |
Cannibal Cove SR (CANC) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/06/1983 |
Cape Lambert (CAPL) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/02/1983 |
Cape Palliser (PALL) | APD 012 PCN477 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1988 |
Carluke SR, Rai Valley (CARL) | APD 276 PCN732 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1985 |
Central Hawkes Bay plains Tangoio-Takapau-Porangahau (CHB) | APD 161 PCN623 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1958 |
Chalk Range- Ben More (CHAR) | NZJ Bot 20:183 APD107 PCN572 AP Druce & PA Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1983 |
Cherry Tree Crk (CHER) | PCN 1002 A Townsend | South Wairarapa District | 28/11/1996 |
Claremont Bush SR (CLRM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Timaru District | 29/01/2009 |
Clarence-Hapuku River calc mudstones (incl Blue Duck SR) (CLMS) | APD 286 PCN743 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/07/1986 |
Clutha Valley (below Beaumont) (884B) | PN Johnson | Clutha District | |
Colinswood Bush (Q328) | DOC Otago OTA59 JW Barkla & D Lyttle | Dunedin City | 21/07/2007 |
Colonial Knob SR (COL2) | PCN1340 DJ Clark & MC Wassilieff | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Colonial Knob SR (COLK) | PCN1341 CC Ogle R Craw & J Coulter | Porirua City | 28/09/1979 |
Crail Bay Historic Res (CBHR) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 25/02/1982 |
Crow-Slippery Ck (CROW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 14/02/1995 |
Croydon Bush (236B) | PCN 873 A Rebergen | Gore District | |
Croydon Bush - Whiskey Gully Hidden Valley area (239B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 21/01/2007 |
Croydon Bush- Waterfall Track Dolamore Park (DOLA) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gore District | 31/12/2008 |
D'Urville Is (Wel Bot Soc) (DURV) | APD 213 AP Druce & Wellington Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/04/1981 |
Dan Rogers Creek (DANR) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 11/11/1971 |
Darran ED (106B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/01/2007 |
Dart - Rees Track (90B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | |
Dart Valley track (20B) | BD Rance BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 28/12/1998 |
Dean Burn - Motu Bush (DEAB) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Dean Burn - Quinn property and adjacent Dean Forest (B48) | BD Rance | Southland District | 27/04/2001 |
Dean Burn Motu Road. Quinn property, swamp forest along (B72) | BD Rance | Southland District | 27/04/2001 |
Dean Burn on Mouat property (B26) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/1999 |
Delaware Bay (DEL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/06/1987 |
Devils Thumb (DEVT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1989 |
Dickies Flat upriver to first crossing (DICK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 02/11/2006 |
Dieffenbach Point (DEIF) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 11/03/1983 |
Drummond Walk - Parahaki (DRUM) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Whangarei District | 10/07/2008 |
Dry River - track down to river near limeworks (DRY1) | PCN242 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 07/02/1999 |
Dry River - upstream from stockyards (DRY2) | PCN1264 T Silbery & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 07/02/1999 |
Dunsdale loop walk (254B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/01/1998 |
Dunsdale Transpower track - southern access track (253B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 08/11/2008 |
Dunsdale, Hokonui/Hedgehope (DUND) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
East Cape to Opotiki - coastal excl Raukumara FP (J134) | NZJ Bot 23:379-406 M Heginbothan & AE Esler | Opotiki District | 01/10/1984 |
East Tongarriro TNP (ETPO) | APD 001 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1993 |
Eastbourne Hills (EASB) | PCN225 AP Druce; T Silbery; J Sawyer | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1993 |
Elie Bay SR (ELIE) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 25/02/1982 |
Elsthorp (ESLT) | APD 123 PCN587 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/12/1959 |
Enchanted Lookout -Partriarc Rd (ENCL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1989 |
Endeavour Inlet road (Q3) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 20/10/2000 |
Endeavour Inlet SR (ENDI) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 24/03/1982 |
Eringa Road Bush (2207) (130m asl) (ERNG) | PCN257 T Silbery & P Enright | Carterton District | 16/05/1999 |
Eyre mountains (EYRE) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Southland District | 01/01/1991 |
Falls Creek (J480) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance | Southland District | 04/01/2000 |
Farewell Cape to Kahurangi (FWCP) | APD 024 PCN489 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/05/1987 |
Forest Hill SR (547B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 02/01/2004 |
Forest Hill SR - tracks (548B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/01/2010 |
Frank Soper Waitapu Hill, Takaka (SOPR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 25/10/1997 |
Freehold Stream, Ohau Ra (FREH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 03/01/2002 |
Fyffe Palmer SR (FYPA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams; G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 01/08/1980 |
Garvey Creek Coal Mine (GARV) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/05/1995 |
Glenaray Lake Station (377B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Glenburnie SR (873B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 01/03/2001 |
Glenburnie SR (Q43) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 26/10/1977 |
Glenhope SR (GLNH) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Tasman District | 01/01/1972 |
Glenmorven SR, Hunterville (GLNM) | PCN332 WAN55 CC Ogle & A King | Rangitikei District | 10/04/1993 |
Glentui Loop - Mt Thomas Forest (GLNT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimakariri District | 23/01/2004 |
Goat Bay- Abel Tasman coast (GOAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/08/1998 |
Gollans Valley headwaters (Mt Hawtrey) (MTHW) | PCN1039 DJ Clark & MC Wassilieff | Lower Hutt City | 12/01/1984 |
Gorge Creek Abel Tasman (GORG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 08/11/1997 |
Graham's Bush SR extension (Proposed) (Q294) | DOC Otago OTA24 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 31/03/2006 |
Grampians - Kahikatea-matai-fuschia Walk (GRAM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 20/10/1997 |
Grant/Chattfield QEII covenant, Lora Gorge (257B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 22/10/2009 |
Great Barrier 1868 (Q843) | TNZI 1:144 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Great Barrier Is (GTB) | Auck BSJ 57:83 EK Cameron | Auckland | 26/01/2002 |
Greenvale Station (B88) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/11/1998 |
Grey Cliffs QEII (GREY) | P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 12/12/2005 |
Gunns Bush loop track (GUNB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 27/01/2009 |
Hadfields Bush (HADF) | APD 042 PCN506&509 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1964 |
Happy Valley - Cable Bay (HAPY) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 12/07/1998 |
Hapu SR (Q152) | E Taranaki SR MR Boase & MA Bayfield | Ruapehu District | 16/10/1981 |
Hapuku SR (HAPK) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 16/06/1980 |
Haruru Falls WW (HARU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 27/06/1997 |
Hautapu River remnants 2 - Ngakawa Str mouth (HHR2) | WAN139 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 04/11/2001 |
Hautapu River Remnants 4 - above SH1 Bridge (HRR4) | WAN139 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 04/11/2001 |
Hautapu River remnants 8 below Whakairohanga Str (HRR8) | WAN139 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 04/11/2001 |
Hauturu Awaroa SR (Q639) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange | Otorohanga District | 22/10/1984 |
Hauturu Trig via 6 foot track (HUTU) | Auck BSJ 58:8 Auckland Bot Soc | Far North District | 27/01/2003 |
Hawkdun Range (Northern ) (392B) | BD Rance | Waitaki District | 24/10/2004 |
Hay SR (HAY) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 02/11/1971 |
Haycocks Bush (HAYC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 25/05/1990 |
Herepuru Rd loop (Q532) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Whakatane District | 09/05/2010 |
Heritage Hut - Cumberland Str (HHIG) | G Jane & Wellington Bot Soc | Manawatu District | 22/03/2008 |
Heritage Hut - Iron Gate Gorge to drop (HERG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 21/03/2008 |
Hikurangi (incomplete) East Cape (HIKR) | APD 075 not PCN AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1949 |
Hine Rae SR (HINR) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 01/01/1989 |
Honokawa-Whanokao (HONO) | APD 075 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1949 |
Hoods Bush (HDSB) | D Norton 45 D Norton | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Hoods Bush (HODB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 25/06/1971 |
Hook Bush QEII (HOOC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 27/01/2009 |
Horohoro Bluffs (Q585) | CE PJ Bellingham M Bellingham EK Cameron MC Smale | Rotorua District | 17/11/1984 |
Horohoro SF (HORO) | Rot BS News MC Smale | Rotorua District | 26/09/1995 |
Howdens Bush SR (HOWD) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 24/03/1982 |
Huirau Ra (list 65+330) (HURR) | APD 330+ 65 AP Druce | Wairoa District | 01/01/1949 |
Hukarere Station (B89) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 27/05/2010 |
Hukutaia Domain Opotiki (HIKD) | APD AP Druce | Opotiki District | 01/11/1990 |
Hutchison SR (HUTC) | MT 26 M Thorsen | Hastings District | 04/02/2003 |
Ihunga RAP WAI 65 (IHUN) | MT 47 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 26/11/2003 |
Ikawetea G (IKAW) | APD 146 PCN609 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1946 |
Invercargill - Otepuni Creek - Main East (Tay St) Rd 1872 (Q910) | TNZI 5:360 JS Webb | Invercargill City | |
Iwituaroa SR -Houhou Pt (IWIT) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 13/01/1982 |
Jenkins Hill from Marsden intake (JENK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 08/11/1997 |
Johnson property, Dunsdale (261B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 05/05/2006 |
Jones Crk WW - Ross (JONC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Westland District | 10/01/1998 |
Kahikatea SR (KAIK) | Marlborough Sounds SR R Buxton & G Walls; G Jane | Marlborough District | 07/08/1982 |
Kahurangi fields etc (KAHU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 09/11/1996 |
Kahurangi Point (KAHP) | APD 193 PC655 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1979 |
Kaimai Ranges (TEAR) | APD 219 PCN679 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1959 |
Kaimanawa - all (KMWA) | APD 270 PCN726 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1986 |
Kaingaroa Rock art site (KRRR) | DOC Rotorua PJ deLange P Cashmore & G Boyt | Whakatane District | 06/12/2007 |
Kaipupu Point SR (KAIP) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 28/04/1982 |
Kaitake Ra (J133) | NZJ Bot 23: 15-31 BD Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1978 |
Kaiteriteri SR (KAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 08/08/1989 |
Kaitoke Springs - Gt Barrier (KAIS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 06/11/1998 |
Kamahi SR Edendale (B336) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | 30/01/1978 |
Kapiti Is consolidated list with amends from Ogle-1215 (KAP5) | PCN1224 S Fuller | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1985 |
Karaka Point (KARK) | Marlborough Sounds SR S Schele & G Walls | Marlborough District | 23/04/1993 |
Karaka Str track (J453) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/11/2010 |
Karamea Bend-Slippery Ck (BEND) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 15/02/1995 |
Karamea forests (FORE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Karapoti Rd, Akatarawa (KRPO) | PCN1228 Wellington Bot Soc | Upper Hutt City | 09/03/1996 |
Karetu SR (KRTU) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 18/09/1981 |
Karori Reservoir SW end (KAR1) | PCN204 AP Druce; BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 24/05/1996 |
Karori WL Sanctuary lower catchment (KRES) | PCN179 AP & H Druce BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 24/05/1996 |
Kauaeranga Valley (KUAR) | APD 108 PCN573 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/01/1967 |
Kawau Is 1876 (Q911) | TNZI 9:503 J Buchanan | Auckland | |
Kaweka Ra (KAWR) | APD 072 PCN538 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Kaweka Ra and adjacent areas (KWKA) | APD 333 PCN786 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Kenepuru Sound SR (KENS) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/10/1981 |
Kennedys Bush SR (KEND) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 27/05/1971 |
Kereoma 100 acre acre bush (Kays covenant?) (KER3) | PCN1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
King Covenant, The Glen (KING) | Nels BS C Jones | Nelson City | 15/06/1997 |
Kirae SR (Q158) | E Taranaki SR MA Bayfield & MA Benson | Stratford District | 17/05/1982 |
Kirwan's Hill track from Cronadin (KIRT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 23/01/1999 |
Klondike Tarns track, Rahu Saddle (KLNT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 23/01/1999 |
Knights bush terraces (KNIT) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Clutha District | 28/12/2008 |
Kohitere Forest covenant B (KOHB) | PCN 1246 A Townsend | Horowhenua District | 17/07/1996 |
Kohua Rd SR (Q159) | E Taranaki SR D Kelly | Waitomo District | 14/12/1983 |
Korokoro Str near old reservior (KOR3) | PCN1253 WEA Field Group Wellington | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1981 |
Kouratahi (KOUR) | PCN1255 O John P Enright & P Beveridge | Carterton District | 12/12/1998 |
Kramer & Smith QEII Motueka valley (KRAS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 20/09/1998 |
Kuana, (N Collie) (266B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 27/04/2007 |
Kumutoto Bay SR (KUMO) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Kurinui QE II Covenant (Scott & Dinah Dunavan) (Q347) | DOC Otago OTA79 K Lloyd; BSO | Waitaki District | 01/01/2007 |
Lake Grassmere SR (LGRA) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 25/08/1971 |
Lake Hanlon (HANL) | G Jane; Well Bot Soc | Buller District | 02/04/1994 |
Lake Okataina & Waione Block (OKAT) | Rot BS News 36:13 JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 12/06/2001 |
Lake Wakatipu (WAKA) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Lake Wiritoa forest remnants (LWIF) | WAN101 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 30/08/1997 |
Lietz property (ex Watson & Johnson), Tapanui (875B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 30/04/1999 |
Lietze Property - hardwood gully (881B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 13/05/2001 |
Lieze property - Podocarp Forest stand (882B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 01/08/2001 |
Limestone Crk SR (LIMC) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Hurunui District | 10/05/1980 |
Little Barrier Is (Q617) | CE RE Beever RE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1988 |
Little Barrier Is 1961 (J348) | DSIR Bull 137 pp198 WHM Hamilton | Auckland | 01/01/1956 |
Lochmara Bay SR (LOCH) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 20/12/1982 |
Longacre bush remnants (Gray) (LGAC) | PCN360 WAN 85 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 29/10/1994 |
Low Mount and Newton Forests remnants (LOWM) | D Norton 50 D Norton | Selwyn District | 09/11/2000 |
Lower Waimak Gorge - Kowhai (Torlesse) (J321) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/08/1961 |
Lowes Bush (LOWE) | PCN254 T Silbery; P Enright O John & A Rebergen | Carterton District | 01/08/1999 |
Lowry Bay SR (LOWR) | PCN1134 GC Kelly; MC Wassilieff | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1965 |
Mable Bush SR (565B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/05/2006 |
Mable Bush SR (568B) | Biol Res WG Lee & RB Allen | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
MacRaes Flat (MACR) | DOC Otago OTA13 M Thorsen | Waitaki District | 31/08/2005 |
Maitai Caves (CAVE) | G Jane; NBS | Nelson City | 12/12/1989 |
Makahu, Black Birch (MAKH) | APD 072 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Makino SR (MKN) | PCN322 WAN43 CC Ogle; AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 08/01/1991 |
Manawatu Gorge and environs (MWTU) | APD 084 PCN549 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1940 |
Mangaone & Mangaonua Str (MNGA) | PJ deLange | Waikato District | 01/01/1975 |
Mangaone WW, Kaitawa SR (MNGN) | PCN1151, 1155 I Coulter; CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 01/12/1965 |
Mangapohue Natural Bridge (Q515) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 05/04/2010 |
Mangaroa Access Tawa forest (Argillite soils) (J797) | G Jane & Rotorua Bot Soc | Opotiki District | 02/10/2011 |
Mangatoro SR (MGTR) | MT 28 M Thorsen | Tararua District | 09/02/2003 |
Mangatua Domain (Q80) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 05/10/1976 |
Mangawai Heads WW to Bream Tail (MHWW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaipara District | 12/07/2008 |
Manunui Rec Res (MNUN) | PCN391 WAN118 CC Ogle & C Bibby | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1995 |
Marble areas NWN lists 296,205,Art,Owen,Turk (MRBN) | AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1993 |
Marble Peaks (Q427) | G Jane & Rotorua Bot Soc | Tasman District | 01/01/1955 |
Mareatotara Res, Kakuranaki and adj hills (MRTT) | APD 089 PCN554 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1962 |
Marima domain (MARI) | APD 155 PCN618 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1975 |
Marshall Bush SR, Hedgehope (MBSR) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Mason, Venison Tops to Spion Kop (MASN) | MT 32 M Thorsen | Rangitikei District | 03/04/2003 |
Mataroa -Paengaroa (MTRO) | APD 171 PCN633 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1990 |
Matawai CA (MTWA) | MT 33 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 20/04/2003 |
Matawai ED (MTWI) | PNA Report 2001 KH Whaley & BD Clarkson etc | Gisborne District | 12/06/2001 |
Matawai Forest - Quarry track (J561) | G Jane JF Hobbs P Cashmore | Gisborne District | 05/02/2011 |
Matekerepu Historic Res (MTKE) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 22/08/1984 |
Maungaharuru Ra (MNGH) | APD 076 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1960 |
Maungakotuktuku SR (Old Game farm) (MUNE) | PCN1094 DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 10/07/1984 |
Maungakotutuku V incl Maunganui & Titi (MNG1) | PCN1160 CC Ogle | Upper Hutt City | 03/02/1972 |
Maunganui & Titi from Maungatukutuku valley (MGNU) | PCN1200 CC Ogle | Upper Hutt City | 03/02/1973 |
Maunganuku Str (MNKU) | MT 3 M Thorsen | Opotiki District | 24/08/2002 |
Maungatapere mountain (Raukawa SR south block) (J657) | DOC East Coast BD & BR Clarkson | Gisborne District | 19/01/1991 |
McKenzie-Wisely block (B369) | BD Rance | Southland District | 08/02/2000 |
Mclean Falls track (805B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 25/07/2004 |
Medina QEII - Fern Flat Stream (Q290) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 05/11/2009 |
Meeking-Stewart S (MEEK) | PCN1163 I Gabites | Porirua City | 01/01/1984 |
Meremere SR (MERE) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 29/02/1984 |
Mesopotamia - 2 Thumb (MESO) | APD 249 AP Druce | Timaru District | 12/06/1985 |
Mid Moawhango (MMOW) | APD 077 PCN42 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1946 |
Middle Spur remnants (MIDD) | PCN1164 A Rebergen T Silbery O John & P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 17/10/1998 |
Mirimar Peninsula 1872 (Q917) | TNZI 5:349 J Buchanan | Wellington City | |
Mirror Lakes south rock face (930B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 14/02/2010 |
Moanui CA (MOAN) | MT 45 M Thorsen; G Jane J Hobbs P Cashmore | Gisborne District | 28/10/2003 |
Moawhanga - Upper (MWGU) | APD 077 PCN542 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Moawhango - Mid (MWGM) | APD 077 PCN42 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Moawhango - South (MWGS) | APD 077 PCN542 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1986 |
Moetapu Bush - Kowhai Station (MOET) | PCN1167 T Silbery O John & P Enright | Carterton District | 11/04/1999 |
Momorangi Bay SR (MOMO) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 19/01/1982 |
Monckton SR (MNCK) | APD 231 PCN691 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/06/1982 |
Monkey Face SR (MONK) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 31/12/1980 |
Montgomeries Bush (J69) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaipara District | 09/07/2010 |
Montgomery SR (MONG) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 07/08/1971 |
Motu Bush near Mouat property (B25) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/1999 |
Motu SR (J640) | MT 38 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 09/07/2003 |
Motu SR (MTUR) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier; G Jane & G Donaghy | Gisborne District | 20/02/1984 |
Motuara Is (MTRA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1983 |
Motutara SR (Q176) | E Taranaki SR D Kelly & SM Sait | Ruapehu District | 11/01/1984 |
Moutere gravel remnants (Q548) | C Ecroyd G Walls | Tasman District | 01/01/1980 |
Mowhanau Stream remnant, off Mission Road, (MOUW) | PCN316 WAN37 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 04/08/1991 |
Mt Arthur - Flora carpark to hut (ARTH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 02/01/1998 |
Mt Burnett (BURN) | APD 215 PCN676 Nelson Bot Soc & AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/04/1986 |
Mt Burnett (F215) | APD 215 PCN 676 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1979 |
Mt Fishtail track (FIS2) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Marlborough District | 12/12/2004 |
Mt Freeth (FREE) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1982 |
Mt Fyffe (MTFY) | APD 309 PCN761 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/04/1988 |
Mt Grey - Red Beech Track - forest only (J575) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hurunui District | 19/02/2011 |
Mt Haast (HAAS) | Nelson Bot Soc | Buller District | 12/10/1995 |
Mt Hikurangi region1897 (Q871) | TNZI 30:414 BA Adams | Gisborne District | |
Mt Hobson - Canyon Track (HOBS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 12/07/1997 |
Mt Manaia (MTMA) | Auck BSJ 50:54 DOC | Whangarei District | 01/01/1995 |
Mt Murchison (MURC) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/03/1991 |
Mt Nimrod SR loop track (NIMR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waimate District | 29/01/2009 |
Mt Oliver (OLVR) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 29/04/1983 |
Mt Owen - marble areas (OWEM) | APD 305 (pt) PCN758 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1972 |
Mt Peel - greywacke (PEEG) | APD 256 AP Druce & BJP Molloy | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1984 |
Mt Percy (MPER) | APD 018 PCN483 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1960 |
Mt Percy (MTPR) | PCN1329 VUW Biol Soc | Masterton District | 01/01/1967 |
Mt Pirongia -all (PIRS) | APD 179 PCN641 MC Gudex & AP Druce | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1955 |
Mt Richmond (RICH) | APD 200 PCN661 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 01/01/1987 |
Mt Rimutaka (RIMT) | APD 004 PCN470 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1992 |
Mt Robertson & Whites Bay SRs (ROBR) | Marlborough Sounds SR R Buxton & M Clare et al | Marlborough District | 12/08/1982 |
Mt Stokes. (STKS) | APD 028 PCN493 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1972 |
Mt Taranaki from sealevel (EGMO) | APD 090 PCN555 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1986 |
Mt Wainui and Wainui Str (MTWN) | PCN863 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 16/03/1980 |
Myttons Hut - Lake Peel Track to summit (MYTT) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 19/12/2004 |
Naamai Park, Hawera plantings (defered entering) (NUAM) | PCN420 WAN148 CC Ogle | South Taranaki District | 30/11/2001 |
Newall Property, Waipori Valley (401B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 05/07/1999 |
Nga Rata QEII (A Falloon) (NGRT) | PCN1084 P Enright O John & A Rebergen | Tararua District | 13/09/1998 |
Ngaio Gorge (NGI1) | PCN1080 P Enright; O John | Wellington City | 14/03/1998 |
Ngakuta Bay SR (NKTA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1982 |
Ngapaeruru SR (Mangatoro Bush) (NGAP) | APD 143 PCN606 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1975 |
Ngaraunga Gorge- Petone overbridge shore (NGRA) | PCN1087 CC Ogle | Wellington City | 24/12/1976 |
Ngaruru SR (NRUR) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Ngatamahine SR (Q177) | E Taranaki SR D Kelly & SM Sait; MA Bayfield | Waitomo District | 14/02/1984 |
Ngawaierua SR (NGWE) | PCN359 WAN84 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp; G LaCock & G Hasley | Whanganui District | 01/01/1966 |
Ngawaka Str (NGWK) | PCN403 WAN131 CC Ogle V Nichols G LaCock & P Leigh | Rangitikei District | 23/01/2001 |
Northern Darran ED (north of Milford Sound and Milford Road) (9B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/06/2011 |
O'Neils Bush Reserve (18) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 15/06/2008 |
Ohingaroa SR (OHIN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 26/02/1982 |
Ohope SR (OHSR) | Rot BS News 51:40 SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 06/07/2008 |
Ohope SR - Ohope end (OHOP) | SM Beadel & W Shaw; G Jane | Whakatane District | 16/06/2001 |
Ohuka SR (OHUK) | APD 030 PCN495 AP Druce & G Park | Wairoa District | 01/01/1968 |
Okere Station, Upper Waikura Valley - Rap 30 Tin Pehiri (UWKU) | APD 310 PCN771 AP Druce & BD Clarkson | Gisborne District | 12/06/1991 |
Okiwi Bay - Patutu (Q13) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Okiwi Bay lookout track (Q12) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Okoha Rec Res (OKOH) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Campbell & G Walls | Marlborough District | 11/01/1983 |
Okuiti camp - Manaia Sanctuary (J574) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Christchurch City | 17/02/2011 |
Omarama (Rock Peak) CA (Q651) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; ABS | Waitomo District | 25/04/1986 |
Omaupuku (Round) Bush (ROUN) | PCN1053 WBS Bull 12: AE Esler & R Greenwood | Horowhenua District | 12/12/1968 |
Onahau Bay SR (ONAH) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 19/01/1982 |
Onamalutu (ONAM) | APD 209 PCN670 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1981 |
Onamalutu SR (D209) | APD 209 PCN670 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1986 |
Opape SR (OPPE) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 23/02/1984 |
Oparara (OPAR) | APD 312 PCN764 IAE Atkinson et al | Buller District | 31/01/1987 |
Opawa Bush (OPAW) | APD 083 PCN548 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1972 |
Opureke (OPUR) | APD 295 PCN751 AP Druce & DB Clarkson | Taupo District | 12/05/1960 |
Oringi Clearing (ORNG) | APD 153 PCN616 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1966 |
Oruwharo Str (upper), Atiu Regional Park (ORUW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 10/07/2008 |
Otago Peninsula (OTAP) | PCN1435 PN Johnson | Dunedin City | 01/01/2004 |
Otago region 1869 (Q936) | TNZI 1: 1868 J Buchanan | Central Otago District | |
Otanewainuka ED (R045) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1994 |
Otari Plant Museum 1934 (OTA1) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1934 |
Otari Plant Museum plantings 1992 (OTAR) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Otautau SR (348B) | BD Rance; BD Rance & L Esler | Southland District | 13/01/2001 |
Oterei Taipos (southern) (SOTT) | APD 015 PCN480 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1957 |
Oteriei Taipos (northern) (NOTT) | APD 015 PCN480 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1957 |
Outlook Hill & lower Waiariki Valley (OUTL) | PCN215 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Wellington City | 01/06/1991 |
Outram Domain (Q81) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 28/09/1976 |
Owen Lewis QEII (Q510) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Otorohanga District | 02/04/2010 |
Paengaroa mainland Is (Paengaroa SR & Te Kapua SR etc) (HHR1) | WAN139 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 04/11/2001 |
Paengaroa SR, Mataroa (PAEN) | PCN307 WAN28A APD 171 WBS CC Ogle; Well Bot Soc | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1991 |
Paeroa Ra (PAER) | APD 052 PCN519 AP Druce | Rotorua District | 01/01/1955 |
Pahia Hill SR (350B) | Bio Surv Southland WG Lee | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Pahoa Gorge Taipos (lower) (PAHG) | APD 016 (pt) PCN481 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1958 |
Pahoa Gorge Taipos (southern to Rerewhakaaiti R) (PAHS) | APD 016 (pt) PCN481 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1958 |
Pakuratahi Forks environs (PAKR) | APD 100 PCN565 AP Druce | Upper Hutt City | 01/01/1947 |
Palm Gully SR (PALG) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 24/11/1971 |
Papamoa Hills Park Forests (PAPM) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Western Bay of Plenty District | 21/11/2004 |
Paparoa National Park (PROA) | D Norton 30 D Norton | Buller District | 01/01/1990 |
Paraparaumu SR (PPUM) | PCN1007 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 12/10/1983 |
Pareora Gorge intake (UPAR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 30/01/2009 |
Pari Kawau SR (PARI) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 25/03/1982 |
Patera QEII- Longbush (PTER) | PCN966 P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 24/07/1999 |
Patten Passage (PATT) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Patutu, upper Moawhango (PATU) | APD 077 PCN42 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1946 |
Pauatahnui Inlet (PTNU) | APD 115 PCN579 AP Druce | Porirua City | 12/11/1976 |
Pearse Resurgence (PEAR) | L Metcalfe & Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 16/03/1996 |
Pelorus Bridge SR (PELO) | APD 199 PCN660 AP Druce; Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/05/1980 |
Percy SR (PRCY) | PCN1009 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 12/11/1983 |
Piano Flat - river walk to Titan junct (PANO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 20/01/2009 |
Pickersgill Is SR (PICK) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Picton SR (PICT) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 23/04/1983 |
Pioneer Park - short track (PION) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 06/12/1997 |
Pipinui Pt - steep gully north of (PIPI) | PCN976 CC Ogle & Well Bot Soc; BJ Mitcalfe & P Enright | Wellington City | 06/10/1984 |
Pongaroa forest reserve (PONG) | APD 068 PCN535 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1966 |
Popotunoa Hill Scenic Reserve (215B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 21/11/2002 |
Porirua SR (POR4) | PCN1017 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Porirua SR (PORI) | Well BS Bull 50:69 P Enright P Beverige et al | Porirua City | 12/01/2007 |
Porirua SR and fenced areas of Pikarere Farm (POR3) | PCN267 P Enright O John P Beverige & A Dench | Porirua City | 23/08/1997 |
Pororari SR (POR5) | North Westland SR SR June & G Lowe | Buller District | 01/01/1978 |
Potts Covenant, Longridge, Lumsden (378B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/02/2000 |
Pretty Bridge - Scaife Str (PRET) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/02/1998 |
Pryces Rahui bush (PYRC) | PCN362 WAN87 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp; JW Barkla | Rangitikei District | 03/12/1988 |
Pt Fitzroy (lookout rock) (FITZ) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 12/08/1997 |
Puahanui Bush (PUAH) | APD 048 PCN515 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 01/01/1972 |
Puhipuhi SR (PUHI) | South Marlborough SR P Williams;G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 21/01/1983 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (PKAR) | APD 059 PCN526 AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 01/01/1958 |
Pukearuhe, White Cliffs (Mihi-Tongaporu) (W110) | PCN383 WAN110 CC Ogle & AP Druce | New Plymouth District | 10/06/1998 |
Pukemuri DOC covenant (PKMU) | PCN269 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 29/05/2000 |
Puponga FP (PUPO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Pupu Springs (PUPU) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Pupu Walkway (PUPW) | Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 31/01/1993 |
Puriri Farm QEII (Mountfort) (J654) | Rot BS News 56:38 G Jane & G Donaghy & RBS | Whakatane District | 01/05/2011 |
Putangirua Str Palliser (PUTA) | APD 005 PCN507 AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1988 |
Putanui Point SR (PUTN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 26/05/1982 |
Puzzle Peak SR (PUZZ) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/01/1984 |
Raglan Ra (RAGL) | APD 133 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1996 |
Rainbow Mountain & Lake Ngata (MKKA) | APD 097 PCN552 AP Druce & CC Ogle | Rotorua District | 12/03/1975 |
Rainbow Mountain (Maungakakaramea) (R053) | APD 87 DOC Rotorua AP Druce & BD Clarkson | Rotorua District | 01/01/1987 |
Rainbow Mountain Crater forest (RAIB) | Rot BS News 3:22 JF Hobbs & G Jane | Rotorua District | 12/09/2001 |
Rakaia Gorge (RKIA) | Graeme Jane | Selwyn District | 01/01/1986 |
Rakaiwhaia ridge Urewera (RAKA) | APD 070 PCN537 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1960 |
Rakauka SR (RKAU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 13/10/2006 |
Rakautara SR (RKTA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 18/01/1980 |
Rangitata River Valley (RGTT) | BJP Molloy | Ashburton District | 01/01/1977 |
Rangitawa Str (RNGT) | PCN426 WAN154 CC Ogle & J Howard; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Manawatu District | 26/11/2002 |
Rangitikei ED (RGTK) | PCN346 WAN69 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 14/12/1999 |
Rangitikei Gorge around Narrows (RAGN) | APD 140 PCN603 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1950 |
Rangiwahia Hut Track Whanahia (RNGW) | Wellington Bot Soc; G Jane | Manawatu District | 11/04/2004 |
Rarangi to Whites Bluff (WHIB) | APD 279 PCN735 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/01/1986 |
Raukaroa SR and verges (J559) | G Jane JF Hobbs P Cashmore | Gisborne District | 05/02/2011 |
Raukumara (Mt) (RUKM) | APD 056 PCN523 AP Druce & M Heginbotham | Gisborne District | 01/01/1950 |
Raukuri Caves and Bush SR (Q656) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange | Waitomo District | 01/01/1983 |
Rawhiti (Manson) Cave (RAWC) | C Jones & Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane | Tasman District | 19/10/2003 |
Rayonier/SDC forest stand, Dunsdale Stream (270B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/02/2007 |
Red Hills, Wairau V (D110) | APD 110 PCN575 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Redwood Bush Res (RED2) | PCN902 R Bagnall | Wellington City | 01/01/1980 |
Redwood Bush Res (REDW) | PCN903 R Lewington | Wellington City | 01/07/1967 |
Resolution Bay & Ship Cove Reserves (RESO) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/01/1983 |
Rewa Forest Sanctuary Waipunga Str (REWF) | APD 238 PCN698 AP Druce | Carterton District | 12/11/1982 |
Riddell covenant, Winton Hill (582B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/02/2005 |
Rimutaka Ra (RIMR) | APD 134 PCN??no AP Druce | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1991 |
Rocks SR (ROCS) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 20/01/1982 |
Rocky Hills Taipos (RHTP) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Rocky Hills Taipos - fenced areas (RCKY) | APD 204 PCN665 AP Druce | Carterton District | 12/06/1980 |
Rotorua ED (published RBS) (ROTO) | Rot BS Special Issue CE Ecroyd | Rotorua District | 01/01/1998 |
Round Hill SR (RNDH) | PCN1052 DJ Clarke & SF | Horowhenua District | 12/08/1984 |
Ruahine Ranges - central (CRUA) | APD 119 PCN583 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/07/1979 |
Ruahine Ranges - north of Potae trig (RUAN) | APD 119 PCN583 AP Druce | Tararua District | 12/07/1979 |
Ruahine Ranges - southern (Takapari southwards) (RUAS) | APD 119 PCN583 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 12/07/1979 |
Ruakokoputuna QEII (RUKA) | PCN1055 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 01/11/1999 |
Ruaomoko Pt SR (RUAO) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 10/03/1983 |
Sawcut Gorge & Isolated Hill (SAW) | APD 107 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/10/1991 |
Selwyn Plantation Bd Plantations (SPBD) | D Norton13 D Norton | Ashburton District | 01/01/1970 |
Sentry Box SR (calc) (SNTR) | APD 281 PCN737 AP Druce & BJP Molloy | Hastings District | 12/06/1986 |
Sharlands TR upper face (SHA2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 24/10/1997 |
Sharplin Falls, Mt Somers (SHAP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 28/12/2003 |
Sherry River, Jeff Lukey's bush (K29) | NBS trip NBS, C Jones | Tasman District | 14/04/2010 |
Shirttail Rock track (J548) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 24/01/2011 |
Sinclair Head (SINC) | APD 003 PCN469 AP Druce | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Sinclair Head - stream west of (SINH) | PCN113 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horme | Wellington City | 19/10/1991 |
Sinclair wetlands QEII (Q449) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Clutha District | 03/01/2010 |
Snowdens Bush (SNO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1989 |
South Moawhango (SMOA) | APD 077 PCN42 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1946 |
Spring Grove QEII (T Herrick) (SPRG) | PCN1070 P Enright | South Wairarapa District | 19/05/1999 |
Springhill remnant (SPRH) | PCN1071 PJ deLange et al | Masterton District | 10/08/1996 |
Stephens Is (STEP) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls et al | Marlborough District | 01/01/1983 |
Stewarts Gully (STEW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 24/10/1990 |
Strides bush (STRI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 25/05/1990 |
Suckling Bush QEII - Turnberry (B Carthew) (SUCK) | PCN192 Wellington Bot Soc | Tararua District | 06/04/1996 |
Sugarloaf SR (SUGA) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 17/06/1971 |
Sutherland Bush A (SUTH) | PCN626 WAN86 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1976 |
Tablelands & U Takaka (calcareous) (F285) | APD 285 PCN742 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1975 |
Taharoa Bush (THRO) | PCN936 P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 14/11/1998 |
Taiaroa Bush (part) (Q363) | DOC Otago OTA89 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 15/02/2009 |
Taieri Gorge (lower) - Ferry Rd to Mouth (TGFR) | Otago BS News 47:21 OTA92 JW Barkla & D Lyttle | Dunedin City | 26/04/2009 |
Taihape Bush, Hautapu River (THPE) | APD 086 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1983 |
Taihape Reserves (along Hautapu & Oraukura Str) (TAIH) | WAN139 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 04/11/2001 |
Taihape SR and adj areas (THPS) | PCN349 WAN74 PCN551 AP Druce; CC Ogle JW Barkla & G LaCock | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1946 |
Taitai (TAIT) | APD 075 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1949 |
Takaka River (Flora) - Tertiary calc areas (TRTC) | APD 306(pt) PCN1116 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1975 |
Takapari (TKPA) | APD 136 PCN599 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1941 |
Talbot Forest (Geraldine Domain) (GERD) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 22/10/1971 |
Talbot Forest (TALB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Timaru District | 01/02/2009 |
Taneatua ED (R063) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel WB Shaw & D Gosling | Whakatane District | 01/01/1999 |
Tangahoe forest remnants (TANG) | PCN461 WAN51 CC Ogle | South Taranaki District | 27/07/1975 |
Tapanui Domain (Q82) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 26/10/1977 |
Tapanui ED (885B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 25/03/2005 |
Taranaki Coast (Waitara-Hawea) (TARC) | APD 078 PCN543 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1964 |
Taraponui from locked gate (TARP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hastings District | 25/02/2008 |
Tararua Ra (TRUA) | APD 134 PCN1109 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1991 |
Tararua Ra to C Turakuriae- 1936 vascular only (TRAR) | PCN1120 V Zotov N Elder et al | Carterton District | 07/10/1936 |
Taringatua SR (B364) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/09/2002 |
Taringatura Camp (918B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/09/2002 |
Taringatura SR (917B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Tasman Smith SR (TASM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Mackenzie District | 02/10/1971 |
Tataraimaka Pa (TTMK) | PCN415 WAN142 A Dijkgraaf J Campbell & M Gebitsky | New Plymouth District | 23/02/2002 |
Tataraimaka Pa His Rs (Q125) | W Taranaki SR MR Boase | New Plymouth District | 01/05/1981 |
Tauhara (TAUH) | APD 051 PCN518 AP Druce | Taupo District | 01/01/1988 |
Taumatawhero EA (TMTW) | APD 315(pt) PCN778 AP Druce | Waitomo District | 01/01/1980 |
Tawa Bay SR (TAWA) | Marlborough Sounds SR M Clare & G Walls | Marlborough District | 31/05/1983 |
Tawarau Gorge (upper) (TAWR) | APD 252 PCN710 AP Druce | Waitomo District | 01/01/1984 |
Tawaroa Pt SR (TROA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/01/1983 |
Te Aroha - All - AP Druce ex RBS (KAIA) | APD RBS13:8-17 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 01/01/1986 |
Te Aroha 1884 (Q962) | TNZI 17:275 J Adams | Hauraki District | |
Te Aroha Station remnant 3 (J645) | MT 43 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 05/09/2002 |
Te Aroha-Domain track to summit (TEAA) | G Jane; Wellington Bot Soc; G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 27/12/1997 |
Te Kopia SR - Paeroa Ra (TEKO) | Rot BS News B Clarkson | Rotorua District | 08/08/1984 |
Te Pukeohikarua, Kaweka Ra (PKHK) | APD 072 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1957 |
Te Rere Haka track (first 2 km) (J549) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 24/01/2011 |
Te Waka Ra (TEWK) | APD 076 AP Druce | Hastings District | 01/01/1960 |
Te Whiti O Tau Pa - Swinburn QEII (TEW1) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Hawke's Bay District | 31/12/2005 |
Tennyson Inlet end of Nydia Bay track (TENN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 14/02/1990 |
Tertiary calcareous NWN lists: Gou,Tak,Mat,Pike, Gar, Bal (TERC) | PCN APD 306 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1998 |
Thames Goldfields (Waikawau-Kaeuranga) (Q970) | TNZI 13:370; 16: 85 T Kirk; J Adams | Thames-Coromandel District | |
Thomas Covenant (Q340) | DOC Otago OTA71 JW Barkla | Clutha District | 28/11/2007 |
Three Kings (J324) | Rec Auck Ist Mus 3: 239-52. GTS Baylis | Far North District | 01/05/1946 |
Tikikura & Te Waka Range (TWKA) | MT 24a M Thorsen | Hastings District | 01/01/2004 |
Tiniroto ED (TINI) | PNA Report 2001 KH Whaley & BD Clarkson etc | Gisborne District | 12/06/2001 |
Tinline SR (TINL) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 28/01/1982 |
Tiraumera Valley forest remnants (TRME) | APD 137 PCN600 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1974 |
Titiokura and Te Waka Range (J631) | MT 24 M Thorsen A Townsend | Hastings District | 28/11/2002 |
Titirangi district (Q959) | TNZI 4: 270 TF Cheeseman | Auckland | |
Titirangi SR (TITR) | PCN395 WAN 122 CC Ogle et al; Wellington Bot Soc | Manawatu District | 03/02/2000 |
Toatoa SR (TOAT) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 31/08/1983 |
Toka loop - Shorts & Knights Tracks (TOKS) | G Jane; Wellington Bot Soc | Manawatu District | 15/04/2004 |
Tokomaru W - remnant (TKOR) | PCN337 WAN60 CC Ogle; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 04/07/1993 |
Tom Dick SR (TDIK) | PCN236 T Silbery & A Rebergen | South Wairarapa District | 17/01/2001 |
Tora Block (ONPO) | PCN 919 CC Ogle | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1978 |
Torea SR (TORE) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 21/06/1982 |
Torrent Bay to Anchorage (TORR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 21/05/1995 |
Total Karamea (KARM) | P Wardle & R Buxton | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Totara Reserve (TTRR) | APD 130 PCN594 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1945 |
Totaranui - Goat Bay (TNGB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Tasman District | 19/12/2008 |
Trickers Bush (TRIC) | PCN384 WAN111 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/11/1998 |
Trotters Creek Domain (Q83) | Otago SR RB Allen & PN Johnson | Waitaki District | 18/08/1977 |
Tuihu CA (TUIH) | PCN438 WAN168 J Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 31/07/2002 |
Tukainuka SR (TUKA) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 11/01/1984 |
Turanga ED (TURN) | PNA Report 14 BD & BC Clarkson | Gisborne District | 01/01/1991 |
Turitea (TRIT) | PCN388 WAN115 AE Esler | Palmerston North City | 01/01/1969 |
Turks Cap Ra (F245) | APD 245 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1983 |
Turks Cap - marble areas (TRCK) | APD 305 PCN758 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1983 |
Tutukau Bush - Tram Rd (TUTK) | G Jane G Donaghy & Rotorua Bot Soc | Taupo District | 04/04/2008 |
Upper Utahina Stream, Mamaku (UTAH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | South Waikato District | 01/08/2004 |
View Hill SR (VIEW) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimakariri District | 06/07/1971 |
Waewaepa Ra (WAEW) | APD 152 PCN617 AP Druce | Tararua District | 12/06/1975 |
Waewaepa SR (WAWE) | PCN1358 DJ Clark & I Gabites | Tararua District | 12/06/1984 |
Waharau Catchment track Waharau Reg Park (Q9) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 21/03/2004 |
Waianakarua SR (Q74) | Otago SR RB Allen | Waitaki District | 17/11/1976 |
Waiapu ED (WPED) | PNA Report 31 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Gisborne District | 01/01/1995 |
Waiau River Mouth SR (WARM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 13/12/1971 |
Waiau River Southland, WHOLE AREA (SWAI) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Waiaua SR (WAAW) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 01/11/1983 |
Waihirere Domain (WHRE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/06/2006 |
Waiiti Domain (WAID) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 25/03/1990 |
Waiiti Track -Te Pona a Pita (WAIS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 10/06/2004 |
Waikaia River Walk - road to upper bridge (J539) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 16/01/2011 |
Waikareao Bush SR (WKRE) | MT 50 M Thorsen | Central Hawke's Bay District | 02/12/2003 |
Waikaremoa area (Q580) | CE C Treverthen G Mason | Wairoa District | 01/01/1960 |
Waikaremoana (Q870) | Tane 3:24-30 C Trevarthen & G Mason | Wairoa District | 01/01/1949 |
Waikaremoana incl Wakareiti etc (WKMO) | APD 065 PCN532 AP Druce; WB Shaw & BD Clarkson | Wairoa District | 01/01/1949 |
Waikura River Remnants, Pehiri (WAKU) | Rot BS News 42:37; 22:21, MT M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 12/04/2004 |
Waimaru SR (WMRU) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 08/07/1982 |
Waimate WW (WAWW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 28/01/2009 |
Waingawa swamp forest (WGSW) | PCN 808 CC Ogle | Masterton District | 13/10/1988 |
Wainuioru V black beech stand (WONR) | APD 007 PCN472 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1966 |
Waioeka Gorge Nature Walk (WAOK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Opotiki District | 24/10/2004 |
Waioeka Gorge SR (WAK1) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 14/04/1982 |
Waiotahi - Te Waiti to first forks (WTHI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Opotiki District | 08/10/2005 |
Waipapa SR (WPAP) | APD 181 PCN643 AP Druce | Otorohanga District | 12/10/1978 |
Waipapa SR (WPPA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 15/01/1980 |
Waipoua Forest Sanctuary (WPFS) | FRI BUL 143 B Burns; J Leithwick | Far North District | 01/01/1984 |
Waipouri Falls SR (Q76) | Otago SR RB Allen & DVC | Clutha District | 12/08/1977 |
Waipouri powers station - Government track (WPPS) | DOC Otago OTA54 G Jane;JW Barkla & OBS | Clutha District | 17/02/2003 |
Wairarapa Plains ED (WRPD) | PCN885,887 A Rebergen A Perfect & SM Beadel | Carterton District | 01/01/1951 |
Wairoa Stream to Lindemanns loop (WROA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 25/05/2002 |
Waitawheta valley Kauri Walk loop (WATK) | Rot BS News 41: 38 SM Beadel | Hauraki District | 09/11/2003 |
Waitohi Bush Domain (WTOH) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 23/10/1971 |
Waitohi Bush SR (WATH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Timaru District | 30/01/2009 |
Waitotara road end-Trains Hut (WTTR) | PCN315 WAN36 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | South Taranaki District | 04/11/2000 |
Wakaretu SR (WKRT) | Marlborough Sounds SR MA Atkinson & G Walls | Marlborough District | 18/02/1983 |
Wakatipu shores (Q417) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/12/2009 |
Wanganui River (Pipiriki-Jerusalem) (PIPJ) | APD 163 PCN625 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 12/12/1976 |
Wanganui River, Retaruke - Mangapurua River Junction (WGNR) | APD 095 PCN560 AP Druce | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1972 |
Warbec SR (WARB) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Tasman District | 01/01/1973 |
Washborne SR (WASH) | APD 196 PCN658 AP Druce; Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 01/01/1979 |
Washpen Falls covenant (Rockwood) Ra (WASR) | BJP Molloy | Selwyn District | 01/01/1985 |
Waterfall Bay SR (WFLL) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 19/01/1982 |
Webb Creek Track from Moss Creek Juctn to Hydro Camp (Q473) | G Jane & Well Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 29/01/2010 |
Webb Crk - Anatori bluffs (WEBB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 26/10/1997 |
Wedge Point SR (WEDG) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 02/06/1982 |
Weka Point SR (WEKA) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 06/07/1982 |
Wellington Hills (WELH) | APD 134 AP Druce | Wellington City | 01/01/1991 |
Wellington region 1873 (south of line Wanganui-Castle Point) (Q967) | TNZI 6: 210 J Buchannan | Carterton District | |
Westport district 1906 (Q968) | TNZI 39:380; 46:30 W Townson; D Petrie | Buller District | 03/10/1906 |
Whakamarina track - N end to Devil hut (Q24) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 14/11/2008 |
Whana Huia (1) (WHAN) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1945 |
Whanahuia (WHUI) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1990 |
Whanarua Bay west across stream (J647) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Opotiki District | 14/04/2011 |
Whangamarino wetlands (Q797) | DOC Waikato CC Ogle | Waikato District | 01/01/1983 |
Whangarei District 1865 (Q925) | TNZI 2:239 J Buchanan & T Kirk | Whangarei District | |
Whangehu covenants (WHNU) | PCN279 T Silbery P Enright & O John | South Wairarapa District | 20/12/1998 |
Wharariki Beach (WARA) | G Jane; G Donaghy | Tasman District | 12/01/1989 |
Wharawhara-Te Rere link track (N/S) (WATR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 23/04/2004 |
Wharekia (WHRK) | APD 075 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 01/01/1949 |
Whenuanui Bay SR (WHNN) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls | Marlborough District | 24/04/1983 |
Whinray SR (WHIN) | Biol Surv Res 16; RBS News 54: BD Clarkson & CE Regnier; JF Hobbs | Gisborne District | 15/01/1984 |
Whinray SR Military track (Q484) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gisborne District | 20/01/2010 |
Whiskey Gully SR (887B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 16/01/1989 |
Whisky Gully - Blue Mts (WHIS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Clutha District | 20/01/2004 |
Wickliffe Bay Otago Pen (WICK) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Winton Hill Forest (601B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/03/2000 |
Woodbank - Clarence Bridge (J Murray) (CLAB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1980 |
Wrenns Bush, Lower Kawhatau (WREN) | PCN342 WAN65a CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 17/11/1993 |
Yeomans Track Ruahines fringes (YEO) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hastings District | 01/01/2006 |
Yncyca Bay SR (YNCY) | Marlborough Sounds SR A Katz & G Walls | Marlborough District | 12/11/1977 |
Zoo (ZOO) | APD 249 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 30/12/1994 |