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Species: Acaena caesiiglauca
Results map
(365 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Alford SR (AFLF) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Ashburton District | 30/06/1971 |
Alma -Rangitata-2 Thumb (ALMA) | APD 249 AP Druce | Timaru District | 01/01/1985 |
Aparima CA, Aparima River walk and access track (841B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1992 |
Aparima Valley CA (840B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1992 |
Arthurs Pass NP (APNP) | NZJ Bot 24:9-64 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/01/1996 |
Ashton Flats (165B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/1998 |
Ashton Ridge (Hut access) (164B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/03/2002 |
Awa Awa Rata Res Mt Hutt Saddle track (AWAR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 01/01/2005 |
Awakino Ski field Kurow (AWAK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 25/02/2000 |
Balaclava Eco Dis (BAL) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 01/01/1997 |
Bald Hill - Hikurahi Lodge to summit (N) (283B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 10/12/2009 |
Bald Hill - Hikurahi stockyards to summit (S) (284B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/12/2009 |
Bald Hill (166B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/2009 |
Banks Peninsula (Q824) | TNZI 51:355 RM Laing | Christchurch City | 19/08/1919 |
Bare Hill (223B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 25/07/2000 |
Barn Hill property (893B) | BD Rance, AFM Mark, D Robertson | Southland District | 12/04/1995 |
Bealy - Minga- Edwards (J165) | TNZI (Bot) 195-215 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/09/1962 |
Beaumont Pastoral Lease (890B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/09/2006 |
Beaumont Station (894B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/12/1997 |
Beaumont/Ardross Pastoral Lease (889B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/09/2006 |
Beebys Knob (BEEB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1996 |
Ben Bolt, Otapiri Gorge (225B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/02/1988 |
Ben Lomond (Q828) | TNZI 52:248 DL Poppelwell | Queenstown Lakes District | 14/10/1919 |
Bendhu Sci Res (BENU) | Otago SR BJP Molloy; G Jane | Waitaki District | 30/11/1982 |
Bendigo CA - Mt Moka (MMKA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 17/02/2006 |
Bendigo Goldfields reserve (BNDI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 10/01/2004 |
Bendigo Kanuka second loop of track (BEN2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 19/01/2009 |
Black Birch (BLAB) | APD 106 PCN571 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1987 |
Black Gully track - Blue Mts scrub and tops (BLAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Clutha District | 21/01/2009 |
Black Rock Sci Res (Q36) | Otago SR RB Allen & DVC | Clutha District | 12/08/1977 |
Blackmount Station (842B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 23/07/1998 |
Blackmount Station - McKercher Str (BLKM) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 02/01/2001 |
Blue Mountain tops (870B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 15/03/2004 |
Blue Mountains (BLMM) | Otago Bot Soc M Heads; AFM Mark | Clutha District | 01/01/1985 |
Borland river, S Branch (BORS) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 06/01/2001 |
Boulder stream - Pinnace & Bounds (BLDE) | APD 221 PCN681 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/05/1976 |
Boulderfield scrub - Kingston (J543) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 20/01/2011 |
Boundary Creek hut corner bluff - Oteake TP (J531) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 11/11/2011 |
Boyd Carpark area (closed waterfall track) (J516) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 29/12/2010 |
Boyd Creek to Dunton Stream (Upukeroroa Track) (J472) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance | Southland District | 24/10/1992 |
Boyd Creek Tops track (J473) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance; C Horne & B Mitcalfe | Southland District | 01/04/1995 |
Boyd Creek Tops track and tops (285B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/05/1995 |
Boyd Stream tussock wetlands (J524) | G Jane & G Donaghy & Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 04/01/2011 |
Broken River Basin (J319) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/01/1961 |
Caithness PL (Q377) | DOC Otago OTA11 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 01/01/2005 |
Cambrian Hills PL (Q375) | DOC Otago OTA9 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 19/12/2005 |
Camden: Cam Valley (K24) | DOC Northland SSBI A Saunders | Marlborough District | 13/01/2001 |
Campbell Creek including Potters goldfield (384B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/01/1986 |
Canyon Crk forest (CNYN) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitaki District | 21/01/2006 |
Carews Peak SR (CARE) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 16/07/1971 |
Cascade Ck, Upper Lochy River (398B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 04/04/1997 |
Cascade Creek Flats - Eglington (J476) | DOC Invercargill BD Rance; Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 01/01/2005 |
Castle Hill kettleholes (CAST) | PN Johnson | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Cave Stream SR (CAVS) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 01/07/1971 |
Chalk Range BotSoc (CHAL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 27/12/1994 |
Chilton Valley, Sugarloaf (CHIT) | D Norton 29; Mauri Ora 10:9-10 DA Norton | Selwyn District | 12/10/1991 |
Clarke Hut Clearing, Upper Grebe Valley (926B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/11/2010 |
Clayton Wetlands N Opuha (CLYT) | APD 267 PCN724 AP Druce & BJP Molloy | Mackenzie District | 12/09/1983 |
Coal Pit Reserve (COAP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/01/2009 |
Coralyn (5 data sets) (CRLY) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 01/01/1987 |
Coronet Peak PL (Q373) | DOC Otago OTA7 JW Barkla; M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 29/11/2004 |
Coronet Peak ski area (CORP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 14/01/2001 |
Craigieburn SR (CRAB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 06/09/1971 |
Craigieburn Valley skifield main basin from gate (CRGS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 26/12/2003 |
Crown Range (CRWN) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Crown Rock Pastoral Lease (B85) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 11/11/1998 |
Croydon Bush (235B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 15/06/2000 |
Croydon Bush (236B) | PCN 873 A Rebergen | Gore District | |
Croydon Bush (237B) | Biol Surv REs DSIR | Gore District | |
Croydon Bush - East Peak (255B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 03/07/2004 |
Croydon Bush - East Peak Track (CRBD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gore District | 01/01/2000 |
Croydon Bush - Middle Ridge/Grants Ridge loop Track (238B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 24/01/2004 |
Crystal Walk Shotover River (CRYS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/01/1998 |
Danseys Pass (DANS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 26/02/2000 |
Danseys Pass Saddle (J533) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitaki District | 11/01/2011 |
Dart - Rees Track (90B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | |
Dart Valley track (20B) | BD Rance BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 28/12/1998 |
Dawsons Falls - summit (DAWS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Stratford District | 14/04/2001 |
Dee (Tapaeunuku) (DEE) | APD 111 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 31/12/1994 |
Deep Creek Station (386B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 31/10/2001 |
Devils Staircase (416B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 04/07/1991 |
Diggers Ridge Sunnyside station - J O' Brian (DIGR) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/07/1999 |
Dillon ED (DIL) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 01/01/1987 |
Dobson - 2 Thumb- Mt Misery south (DOB2) | APD 249 PCN1110 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 12/07/1985 |
Doolans (Q410) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 01/01/2009 |
Dracophyllum Flat clearing (DRAF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 20/01/2008 |
Dumblane (DUMB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 25/12/2003 |
Dunstan mountains (DUNS) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1996 |
East Matakitaki (EMAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 24/05/1993 |
Emerald Hills PL (Q364) | DOC Otago OTA88 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 09/12/2008 |
Emerald Stream - Nempthorn (387B) | BD Rance | Waitaki District | 26/11/1998 |
Esk Catchment (J320) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/08/1961 |
Eyre Creek (170B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1987 |
Eyre mountains (EYRE) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Southland District | 01/01/1991 |
Falls Dam (388B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 27/01/1994 |
Family Peaks (866B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Flagpole Hill bush (FLGP) | D Norton 45 D Norton | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Flat Top Hill (389B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 27/10/2004 |
Flat Top Hill Cons Area (FLAT) | DOC Otago DOC | Central Otago District | 01/01/2007 |
Foggy Peak from Porters Pass (FOGY) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 09/02/2009 |
Forbes Mountains (FORB) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Fox Peak Ski Area between top gate and gate above lodge (FOXL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 31/01/2009 |
Fox Peak Ski Area south basin above carpark (FOXP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 31/01/2009 |
Garden Gully eastern the Blue Mtns (872B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 04/04/1997 |
Garvie mountains (GARM) | APD 292 AP Druce | Southland District | 01/01/1991 |
Garvie Mts 1912 (Q839) | TNZI 47:120 DL Poppelwell | Southland District | 01/01/1909 |
Gem Lake Station (B87) | BD Rance; N Simpson; AP Druce | Clutha District | 02/12/2001 |
Glenaray Lake Station (377B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Glenaray Station - Jac Macs area (376B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Glenaray Station - western Plateau (375B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Glenaray Station Gorge area Waikaia River-Gorge Burn, (380B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/04/2005 |
Glenlappa Station (367B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/03/2003 |
Gordons Knob (GORD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1990 |
Gorge Burn/Jane Peak (173B) | BD Rance N Simpson & K Dillon | Southland District | 04/03/2004 |
Gorge Crk-Hummock Peak (GRGE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 17/01/2007 |
Governors Bush, Mt Cook NP (GOVB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 29/12/2001 |
Gowan Lea (GWNL) | D Norton 45 D Norton | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Grampian Ra - Kirklistons (GRMK) | Otago Bot Soc M Hangar | Mackenzie District | 12/01/1987 |
Green Lake Track (Borland Road to Green lake) (942B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1987 |
Green Lake, Manapouri (GREL) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Greenvale Pastoral Lease, Kingston (171B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/01/1999 |
Greenvale Station (B88) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/11/1998 |
Guardian Str, Tummil (GUAR) | SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 02/10/1991 |
Hamilton River (HAMI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 06/02/1998 |
Happy Valley PL (Q385) | DOC Otago OTA21 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 05/12/2005 |
Harris mountains (HARR) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Hector mountains (HECT) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Herbert Peak SR (HERT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 26/08/1971 |
Hokonui Hills - East Peak (Croydon bush) 1920 (Q924) | TNZI 52:239 DL Popelwell | Gore District | 14/10/1919 |
Homebush (D O'Brian) (HOMB) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Hoods Bush (HDSB) | D Norton 45 D Norton | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Hoods Bush (HODB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 25/06/1971 |
Hukarere Station (B89) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 27/05/2010 |
Hummock Peak (172B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 06/02/1995 |
Hummock Peak stream - south spur (Q466) | G Jane & G Donaghy D Lyttle | Southland District | 14/01/2010 |
Huruni Peak - Koran Downs (J735) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 17/01/2005 |
Hurunui scrub (HURN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1986 |
Invincible Ck Rees (INV) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 19/02/2003 |
Island Creek headwaters (J538) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Clutha District | 15/01/2011 |
Islay Downs PL (Q346) | DOC Otago OTA78 JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 08/05/2003 |
Jordan Stream SR (JORD) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 25/11/1980 |
Kawarau & Cromwell Gorge (KGOR) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Kawarau Gorge (J139) | NZJ Bot 29: 295-310 TR Partridge RB Allan et al | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/09/1983 |
Kinross PL - Horse Range (Q337) | DOC Otago OTA67 JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 02/05/2006 |
Kiwi Burn (292B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 08/07/1991 |
Kurinui QE II Covenant (Scott & Dinah Dunavan) (Q347) | DOC Otago OTA79 K Lloyd; BSO | Waitaki District | 01/01/2007 |
Lake Benmore Islands (12) (LBEN) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waitaki District | 18/10/1971 |
Lake Coleridge shores (COLS) | CBSJ 35:80 C Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/01/2001 |
Lake Grassmere SR (LGRA) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 25/08/1971 |
Lake Guyon shores (LGUY) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 16/12/1971 |
Lake Hawea Pastoral Lease (Q296) | DOC Otago OTA43 JW Barkla | Queenstown Lakes District | 09/12/2002 |
Lake Heron, Swin access (LHSW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 03/01/2009 |
Lake Moke- Lake Dispute (407B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 11/11/1991 |
Lake Monowai Nature Walk (990B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 07/03/2010 |
Lake Ohau shore - Round Bush area (OHSH) | DOC Northland SSBI A Saunders | Waitaki District | 03/01/2004 |
Lake Pukaki shores to 540 m (J125) | NZJ Bot 17:23-42 BH McMillan | Mackenzie District | 02/11/1969 |
Lake Tekapo islands (Motuarike and satelite) (LTEK) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Mackenzie District | 15/10/1971 |
Lake Tekapo-Alexandrina area wetlands (TEKA) | PN Johnson | Mackenzie District | 01/01/2001 |
Lake Tennyson riparian Res (LTNN) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 15/12/1971 |
Lake Tennyson shore (LTEN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1989 |
Lake Tennyson, Mt Princess & Crystal Peak (LTPR) | APD 160 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1976 |
Lake Wakatipu (WAKA) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Lammermoor Range (397B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 26/01/1994 |
Leaning Rock PL (Q374) | DOC Otago OTA8 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 16/12/2004 |
Leatham limestone (LAEL) | APD 255 PCN713 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1976 |
Lewis Pass National Reserve (LPNR) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Hurunui District | 01/01/1972 |
Lietz property (ex Watson & Johnson), Tapanui (875B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 30/04/1999 |
Livingston Mtns near Taipo Hut (293B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/04/1997 |
Loch Katrine shore (LOCK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 12/02/2002 |
Loch Linne Station (Q324) | DOC Otago OTA 53 JW Barkla M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 29/01/2007 |
Long Gully PL (Q318) | DOC Otago 25 BD Rance | Central Otago District | 12/04/2003 |
Long Gully Station (399B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 30/03/2003 |
Long Valley Ridge Rd hut stream (J566) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 11/02/2011 |
Lower Dome Ridge (B332) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Lower North Von tarns (B327) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 26/03/1992 |
Lower Waimak Gorge - Kowhai (Torlesse) (J321) | Trans Roy Soc NZ (Bot) 1:195 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 07/08/1961 |
MacRaes Flat (MACR) | DOC Otago OTA13 M Thorsen | Waitaki District | 31/08/2005 |
Maling Pass (FPAS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 10/12/1988 |
Manorburn Reservoir shore at road end (J563) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 09/01/2011 |
Maori Lakes (MAOL) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Ashburton District | 30/11/1971 |
Mararoa Valley above North Lake Mavora to Livingstone Mtns (294B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/04/1995 |
Mararoa wetlands (319B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Mararoa, Von, Oreti wetlands (MARA) | PN Johnston | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/2001 |
Mataktaki/Genroy (MATK) | W Burke | Tasman District | 01/01/1985 |
Matata SR (MTAT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 01/10/1971 |
Mataura Valley Pastoral lease (176B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 26/01/1999 |
Mavora Lakes - grasslands etc between (MAVO) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 15/01/2005 |
Mavora WW - Swing bridge to Kiwi Burn Hut (304B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 08/07/1991 |
Mavora WW - South end South Lake Mavora to Boundary hut (295B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/01/1991 |
Meadows to Kirtle Burn Huts - Pisa Ra (KRTL) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 25/01/2007 |
Mesopotamia - 2 Thumb (MESO) | APD 249 AP Druce | Timaru District | 12/06/1985 |
Michael Peak station (incl. part Blackstone Hill) (Q329) | DOC Otago OTA58 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 02/08/2007 |
Middle Waimakariri (J168) | TNZI (Bot) 195-215 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 02/09/1962 |
Miromiro ED (MIR) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Hurunui District | 01/01/1987 |
Moa Hills Station (B92) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 26/01/2005 |
Moffat Peak area (307B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/12/2008 |
Moffat Peak ultramafic area (306B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/12/2008 |
Mole Stream Track (MOLE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/01/2000 |
Morven Hills PL - Chain Hills & land north of Dip Creek (Q304) | DOC Otago OTA36 BD Rance & JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 26/01/2004 |
Morven Hills PL - Western hill country south of Dip Creek (Q303) | DOC Otago OTA36 BD Rance & JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 26/01/2004 |
Morven Hills Station (400B) | BD Rance & JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 26/01/2004 |
Mt Alta, Wakatipu (ALTA) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Mt Aspiring NP (Q390) | DOC Otago OTA94 AFM Mark; JW Barkla; N Simpson | Westland District | 01/12/1977 |
Mt Aspiring PL (Q376) | DOC Otago OTA10 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 31/01/2005 |
Mt Bee (177B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/10/1999 |
Mt Benger SR (BENG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 22/01/2009 |
Mt Buster - rocks and screes (Q459) | G Jane D Lyttle & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 16/01/2010 |
Mt Cerberis (308B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/04/1995 |
Mt Cerberis - alpine (287B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/04/1995 |
Mt Cheeseman skifield above Middle Hut (MCH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 06/02/2009 |
Mt Cook NP (MTCO) | Field guide H Wilson | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1978 |
Mt Creighton Pastoral Lease (Q299) | DOC Otago OTA40 JW Barkla | Queenstown Lakes District | 12/03/2002 |
Mt Fyffe (FYFF) | Nelson Bot Soc & Auckland Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 04/02/1995 |
Mt Fyffe (MTFY) | APD 309 PCN761 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/04/1988 |
Mt Grey (MTGY) | Cant BSJ BJP Molloy | Hurunui District | 01/01/1980 |
Mt Grey - open grasslands - Red Beech Track (J578) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hurunui District | 18/02/2011 |
Mt Grey summit track - scrub (J577) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hurunui District | 18/02/2011 |
Mt Hedgehope (265B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 27/07/2007 |
Mt Iron SR (Q55) | Otago SR RB Allen | Queenstown Lakes District | 12/11/1975 |
Mt Isobel (ISOB) | BJP Molloy | Hurunui District | 24/06/1974 |
Mt Isobel from Jacks Pass (ISOJ) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 29/12/1999 |
Mt Mason (Q557) | Cant BSJ 10: 43 BJP Molloy | Hurunui District | 04/11/1976 |
Mt Murchison (MURC) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/03/1991 |
Mt Nimrod SR (MTNM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 30/09/1971 |
Mt Partiarc (Wairau)1-6 (PATR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/01/1990 |
Mt Peel - andesites (PEEA) | APD 256 AP Druce & BJP Molloy | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1991 |
Mt Pisa Station access from DOC boundary to stream (MPIS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 05/01/2009 |
Mt Possession Station wetland -Asburton (MTPO) | C Burrows V Stout et al | Ashburton District | 01/01/1997 |
Mt Prospect Station (B126) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/12/1992 |
Mt Richmond area, Livingstone Mts (309B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 27/01/2000 |
Mt Robert (ROBT) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/01/1992 |
Mt Rosa from Coal Pit Saddle (MTRS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/01/2009 |
Mt Sinclair (MTSI) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 31/08/1971 |
Mt Somers (MTSD) | APD 249 AP Druce & BJP Molloy | Ashburton District | 01/01/1984 |
Mt Somers via Staveley Peak (MTSO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 30/12/2003 |
Mt Somers- Woolshed Crk to South face (SOM2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 29/12/2004 |
Mt St Patrick (Amuri Ski Area) (MTSP) | APD 104 PCN569 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 12/05/1973 |
Mt Stuholme - ridge line over 1000 m (STUD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 28/01/2009 |
Mt Tapuaeounuku (TAPI) | APD 111 PCN576 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 12/06/1984 |
Mt Tennyson from water race saddle (J545) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 21/01/2011 |
Mt Umuwera SR (MTUW) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 27/11/1980 |
Mt Walter (Q838) | TNZI 45: 288 DL Poppelwell | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/04/1912 |
Nevis Valley (NEVI) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Nevis Valley saddle/Hector Mts (NEVS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 12/01/2001 |
Nokomai EA (NOK) | PNA Report JRoyl Soc 28: 83-15 K Dickinson | Southland District | 01/01/1989 |
Nokomai Saddle to Sod Cottage (372B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/12/2000 |
Nokomai Valley Olearia fimbriata locality (373B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 25/01/2007 |
North Von Valley (312B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 26/03/1992 |
Obelisk PL (Q392) | Doc Otago OTA96 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 06/10/2009 |
Ohau Skifield (OHAS) | M Hanger & P Enright; G Jane | Waitaki District | 16/01/2001 |
Old Dunstan Road area (402B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 24/01/1994 |
Old Man & Old Woman Ra additions (Q335) | DOC Otago OTA65 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 12/05/2005 |
Old Man Ra (OLDM) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Old Woman Range (OLDW) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Otekaieke Station (Tony Bayley) (Q345) | DOC Otago OTA77 JW Barkla M Thorsen & G Rogers | Waitaki District | 06/03/2008 |
Pareora River SR (PRRI) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 05/10/1971 |
Patersons Ridge (B335) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Pisa Range (PISA) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Poison Creek CA (Q367) | DOC Otago OTA31 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 01/01/2009 |
Poolburn - tussockland (406B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 23/01/1994 |
Poolburn Lakeshore (405B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 23/01/1994 |
Poulter River Helichrysum scrub (POU1) | D Norton15 D Norton D Given & J Lord | Selwyn District | 23/11/1989 |
Poulter River Scrub (POU2) | D Norton15 D Norton D Given & J Lord | Selwyn District | 23/11/1989 |
Princhester Hut to Princhester Saddle to Claire Peak (851B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/1992 |
Pt Caroline SR (PTCR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 14/02/1978 |
Pukaki Scientific Res (PUKS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 28/12/2001 |
Quartz Reef WW - Northburn sluicings (QUAW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 20/01/2009 |
Raglan Ra (RAGL) | APD 133 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1996 |
Raglan Ra road (RAGR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 16/12/2001 |
Raincliff HR (RANC) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 04/10/1971 |
Rastus Burn- Remarkables Ski Area (RAST) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson; G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Red Tarns (REDT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 28/12/2001 |
Rees Valley track (21B) | BD Rance BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 28/12/1998 |
Richardson Mountains (RICM) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |
Roberts Creek (178B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/2005 |
Robrosa PL (Q383) | DOC Otago OTA19 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/01/2006 |
Rock & Pillar - Leaning hut basins (ROCP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Dunedin City | 15/02/2006 |
Rock & Pillar Range (408B) | BD Rance | Dunedin City | 24/01/1994 |
Rock and Pillar snowbank species near Summit Rock (Q976) | NZJ Bot 30:271 J Talbot AFM Mark | Central Otago District | 01/01/1992 |
Round Hill St (ROBS) | G Jane & Auckland Bot Soc | Waitaki District | 05/01/2004 |
S Temple Forest (TMPL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 01/01/1985 |
Sams Hut to Mt Crichton, forest (MTCR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 22/01/2006 |
Sandy Point Station (410B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 30/10/2001 |
Sawpit Ck Track (J569) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 13/02/2011 |
Schoolhouse Flat wetland etc, Nevis (SCHO) | G Jane & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 24/01/2009 |
Sealy Tarns and Mueller Hut track (MUEH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 31/12/2001 |
Sedgemere ED (SED) | PNA Report SC Courtney | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Shepherds Creek, Cambrian Hills Station (411B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 26/10/2003 |
Shortlands Station (Q323) | DOC Otago OTA52 M Thorsen JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 04/12/2006 |
Sign of the Packhorse (SGNP) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 03/09/1971 |
South Mavora tops (Q461) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 17/01/2010 |
Spenser Mts (Eastern), Mt Princess Waiau - Clarence 1911 (Q955) | TNZI 44:60 RM Laing | Hurunui District | 25/12/1910 |
Spider Lakes Kettle Holes (SPIL) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Ashburton District | 05/01/2005 |
St Mary Ra (STMA) | Otago BS News 57:10 JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 12/12/2008 |
Staircase Creek (Q409) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1990 |
Stewarts Gully (STEW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 24/10/1990 |
Styx Run PL (Q343) | DOC Otago OTA76 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 24/01/2008 |
Summerhills - 3 O'Clock Stm (Q330) | DOC Otago OTA60 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 14/05/2007 |
Sutton Salt lake reserve (Q371) | DOC Otago OTA5 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 18/10/2004 |
Swampy Spur, Flagstaff Hill (SWAS) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Tapanui ED (885B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 25/03/2005 |
Tasman Smith SR (TASM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Mackenzie District | 02/10/1971 |
Te Anau Downs Wetland (B116) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/04/1997 |
Te Arowhenua SR (AROW) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Marlborough District | 05/01/1982 |
Temple Peak Pastoral Lease (Q300) | DOC Otago OTA39 JW Barkla | Queenstown Lakes District | 12/02/2003 |
Temple Str, North Branch (NTEM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 17/01/2001 |
Temple View Walk - Ohau (TEMV) | G Jane; C Jones | Waitaki District | 03/01/2002 |
Tennants Peak from Nevis Saddle (J547) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 24/01/2011 |
Tennants Peak Ridge (414B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 28/12/2000 |
Teviot River Downs (Q317) | DOC Otago OTA26 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 12/05/1999 |
The Bastion (249B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
The Branches (Q366) | DOC Otago OTA90 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 24/02/2009 |
The Crater - Taieri Ridge (CRAT) | Otago BS News 41:20 OTA48 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 10/09/2005 |
The Knob Block, Waicoe Forest, (859B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 26/02/2009 |
The Larches Station (415B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 30/01/2002 |
Thomson Mountains (320B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/06/2000 |
Thomson Mountains - southern (310B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 05/04/1995 |
Titan Rocks - upper track and nearby wetlands (J536) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 15/01/2011 |
Totara Creek head - Poolburn (404B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 23/01/1994 |
Treble Cone ski area (TREB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/01/2007 |
Tunnel Burn to Lake Orbell (TAKV) | G Jane & G Donaghy; BD Rance Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 19/01/2007 |
Umbrella EA (Q763) | J Roy Soc NZ 28:83-156 KJM Dickenson AFM Mark et al | Clutha District | 01/03/1998 |
Umbrella Mountains (UMBR) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Clutha District | 01/01/1991 |
Upcot volcanics (UPCV) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 29/03/1997 |
Upper Dome Ridge (B333) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Upper Grey - Ashley (UGRE) | CBSJ 21, DN 3 D Norton | Hurunui District | 01/01/1987 |
Upper Makaroa to Haast Pass (Q964) | TNZI 49:161 DL Poppelwell | Queenstown Lakes District | 26/12/1915 |
Upper Saxton (USAX) | APD 254 PCN712 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1984 |
Upper Wairau (Rainbow forks to Island Pass) (UPP) | APD 105 PCN597 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 12/01/1993 |
Victoria University campus Plantings (VICU) | PCN935 Vic University | Wellington City | 01/01/1998 |
Waenga RAP (Q386) | DOC Otago OTA22 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 09/03/2006 |
Waiau River Southland, WHOLE AREA (SWAI) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Waicoe (Blackmount) grazing leasse (Peter Baker) (867B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Waikaia Bush Rd - Bains Block (B84) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 08/01/1986 |
Waikaia Forest (B99) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/03/1993 |
Waikaia River to Blue Lakes, Garvie Mountains (363B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 19/10/2001 |
Waikaia Tors (B101) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Waimangara EA (WAIM) | A Huber | Kaikoura District | 12/01/1983 |
Wairuna - Taylor Property (B159) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 06/04/2000 |
Waitaki grassland survey (WTKI) | New Zealand Forest Service | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1983 |
Wakatipu shores (Q417) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/12/2009 |
Walter Peak PL - Lakes faces (Q311) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 16/02/2004 |
Walter Peak PL - Lochy river catchment (Q310) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 16/02/2004 |
Walter Peak PL - valley flats (Q308) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/02/2004 |
Walter Peak Station (182B) | BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/02/2004 |
Warepa SR West (Q77) | Otago SR RB Allen & DVC | Clutha District | 21/10/1975 |
Washpen Falls covenant (Rockwood) Ra (WASR) | BJP Molloy | Selwyn District | 01/01/1985 |
Waterloo Valley (860B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/12/1997 |
Watson's Crk Matakitaki (WATS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/10/1996 |
Way Spur (179B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/04/1991 |
West Dome (181B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/01/1992 |
Western Rock and Pillar Range (Q372) | DOC Otago OTA6 JW Barkla; M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 15/11/2004 |
Westport district 1906 (Q968) | TNZI 39:380; 46:30 W Townson; D Petrie | Buller District | 03/10/1906 |
Whether Hill - Saunders (915B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/2009 |
Whether Hill - Saunders QEII (913B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/2009 |
Whitcombe Station (B103) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
White Hill (B362) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1986 |
Whittens Ck -Hector Mtns (395B) | BD Rance | Central Otago District | 04/04/1997 |
Wilberforce EA (WFCE) | R Wardle | Selwyn District | |
Wilderness Sci Res (B384) | WG Lee | Southland District | 01/01/1981 |
Wilderness Sci Res Te Anau (WSCR) | CBSJ 21 R Close W Sykes & M Giller | Southland District | 02/01/1997 |
Winton Falls, Hokonui Forest (walk from Overton QEII covenan (281B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/01/2009 |
Wye Creek mid (420B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/12/1997 |
Wye Creek track to upper basin (Q6) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/02/2003 |
Wye Valley - Remarkables (WYER) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |