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Species: Notogrammitis givenii
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(111 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
Alma -Rangitata-2 Thumb (ALMA) | APD 249 AP Druce | Timaru District | 01/01/1985 |
Anatoki Ra (F259) | APD 259 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1977 |
Anglem Scenic res (ANGS) | H Wilson | Southland District | 12/09/1985 |
Aorere Pk (F214) | APD 214 PCN675 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1970 |
Arrow river from town to first bridge up river (J570) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 13/02/2011 |
Arthurs Pass NP (APNP) | NZJ Bot 24:9-64 CJ Burrows | Selwyn District | 01/01/1996 |
Bald Hill - Hikurahi Lodge to summit (N) (283B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 10/12/2009 |
Bald Hill (166B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/2009 |
Baton Saddle -Mt Star - Hough Saddle (F227) | APD 227 PCN687 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/03/1982 |
Benson tops - Ruby Lake (BENS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 15/01/2006 |
Borland Limestone Cavern (997B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 19/01/1998 |
Borland Limestone Cavern (BORC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 02/01/1997 |
Borland river, S Branch (BORS) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 06/01/2001 |
Bridal Veil Walk (Q451) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Selwyn District | 05/01/2010 |
Cameron Mts (468B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/01/2007 |
Canyon Crk flats above gorge (CNYT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitaki District | 18/02/2006 |
Central sedimentary NWN lists 250,259,302,228,298259,321 & (CENS) | AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1995 |
Crane Creek Track and Mt Newcome etc (CRAN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 18/02/2002 |
Darran ED (106B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/01/2007 |
Devil Ra (DEVI) | APD 259(pt) PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/02/1984 |
Douglas Ra (F250) | APD 250 PCN708 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1977 |
Eastern granites NWN list:222,233,29 (EGRA) | APN 304 PCN AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1986 |
Editor Hill (EDIH) | APD 274 PCN730 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1985 |
Eldrig tops (999B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 05/01/2000 |
Eldrig tops (ELDT) | BD Rance; G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 04/01/2001 |
Eyre Creek (170B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1987 |
Eyre mountains (EYRE) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Southland District | 01/01/1991 |
Gertrude Saddle track (GERS) | G Jane; & Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 07/01/2001 |
Glaisnock takahe release area (116B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Glaisnock valley (131B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/02/1994 |
Glasgow Ra (F271) | APD 271 PCN727 AP Druce | Buller District | 02/12/1986 |
Glenroy (upper) mountains west of Alpine Faut (GLNR) | APD 257 PCN253 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/05/1984 |
Gordons Knob (GORD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/08/1990 |
Gorge Crk-Hummock Peak (GRGE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 17/01/2007 |
Gunner Downs (F201) | APD 201 PCN662 AP Druce | Buller District | 12/11/1979 |
Gunner Downs alpine areas (ALP) | APD 201 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Hikurangi Ra Ruahine (HKRG) | APD 124 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1990 |
Hikurangi Range - Ruahines (HKRA) | APD 124 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1945 |
Hope Ra (F222) | APD 222 PCN682 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/11/1976 |
Hump Track - Ohaka to coast (HMP4) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 09/01/2005 |
Hump Track - summit nature walk (HMP3) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 08/01/2005 |
Hurunui scrub (HURN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1986 |
Indurated limestones lists:239,211,2478,226,223,Lov,Tk,Cb (INDU) | PCN 1115 APD303 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1996 |
Iron Hill, Mt Bensen,Diamond Lakes, L. Sylvester, Lockett Ra (F218) | APD 218 PCN678 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1958 |
Key Summit track and loop walk (KEYS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 06/01/2001 |
Lake Monk (464B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 20/05/1997 |
Lake Roe Hut tarns (LROW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 12/01/2009 |
Lake Roe Hut to Lake (LROE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 12/01/2009 |
Lake Wapiti (137B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/10/2003 |
Lead Hills (F265) | APD 265 722 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/02/1985 |
Lewis Pass (Springs Junct-Doubtful incl Christobel & Opera) (LEWP) | APD 175 PCN637 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 12/07/1978 |
Long Valley Ridge Rd hut stream (J566) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 11/02/2011 |
Lookout Ra (F233) | APD 233 PCN693 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1972 |
Malaspina Reach alpines, Doubtful Sound, (113B) | PN Johnson | Southland District | |
Mangarakau environs incl coast (MGK2) | Edith Shaw E Shaw and friends | Tasman District | 12/12/2002 |
Marino Mts & E Allen Ra - non calc (F212) | APD 212 PCN673 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/05/1981 |
Mathias EA (MATH) | R Wardle | Ashburton District | 01/01/1984 |
Maungatapu Saddle (MANG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 29/03/1989 |
Mt Aglem Track (ANGL) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 14/02/1998 |
Mt Brewster tops (Q439) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Westland District | 28/12/2009 |
Mt Burns (MTBU) | AFM Mark; G Jane | Southland District | 05/01/1997 |
Mt Cook NP (MTCO) | Field guide H Wilson | Mackenzie District | 01/01/1978 |
Mt Domett (F220) | APD 220 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/01/1977 |
Mt Flemming (FLEM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 26/04/1997 |
Mt Haast (MHAA) | APD 176 PCN638 AP Druce; H Wilson | Buller District | 12/01/1978 |
Mt Holdsworth -Mitre (MITR) | APD 010 PCN475 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1947 |
Mt Mytton - limestone (F211) | APD 211 PCN672 AP Druce; G Jane | Tasman District | 01/01/1969 |
Mt Peel and Tablelands (MTPE) | APD 272 PCN728 AP Druce | Tasman District | 12/04/1969 |
Mt Pohokura (POHU) | APD 282 PCN738 AP Druce BD Clarkson et al | Wairoa District | 12/01/1986 |
Mt Richmond (RICH) | APD 200 PCN661 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 01/01/1987 |
Mt Riley (RILY) | APD 200, 316 PCN661, 768 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 28/03/1989 |
Mt St Patrick (Amuri Ski Area) (MTSP) | APD 104 PCN569 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 12/05/1973 |
Mt Stokes. (STKS) | APD 028 PCN493 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 01/01/1972 |
Mt Titiroa (B2) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/01/2003 |
Mt William - summit grassland (MTW5) | D Norton 23 D Norton & F Overmar | Buller District | 11/09/1990 |
Mueller Tarn Track- Lewi Pass (MEUL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 26/03/2000 |
Nature Walk - Arthurs Pass summit (Q450) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Westland District | 05/01/2010 |
Norma via old hunters track (Nina) (NORN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 11/02/2002 |
North Von Valley (312B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 26/03/1992 |
Northern Darran ED (north of Milford Sound and Milford Road) (9B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/06/2011 |
Pleasant Range - open tops only (PLEA) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 11/01/2009 |
Princhester to Clare Peak tops (PRN1) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 18/01/2007 |
Rastus Burn (Q407) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1990 |
Raukumara Forest Park (every 2nd page only) (J468) | DOC Rotorua M Heginbotham | Gisborne District | 01/05/1981 |
Rob Roy Glacier track (RBRY) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 27/01/2007 |
Ruahine Ranges - central (CRUA) | APD 119 PCN583 AP Druce | Central Hawke's Bay District | 12/07/1979 |
Secretary Island to north of Caswell Sound (108B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/04/1998 |
Stewart Is 1987 (J137) | Field Guide, NZJ Bot 25:81-131 H Wilson | Southland District | 01/02/1978 |
Taraponui from locked gate (TARP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hastings District | 25/02/2008 |
Tararua Ra (TRUA) | APD 134 PCN1109 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1991 |
Te Kinga SR (TKIN) | North Westland SR SR June & G Lowe | Grey District | 11/02/1978 |
Te Rangaakapua, Mokakokere Str (UR10) | DOC Rotorua WB Shaw | Opotiki District | 14/04/1982 |
Thomson Mountains (320B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/06/2000 |
Titan Rocks - upper track and nearby wetlands (J536) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 15/01/2011 |
Total Karamea (KARM) | P Wardle & R Buxton | Buller District | 01/08/1985 |
Treble Cone ski area (TREB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/01/2007 |
Tunnel Burn to Lake Orbell (TAKV) | G Jane & G Donaghy; BD Rance Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 19/01/2007 |
Umbrella Mountains (UMBR) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Clutha District | 01/01/1991 |
Upper Wanganui River (UWAN) | R Buxton & P Wardle | Westland District | 14/04/1994 |
W Allen Ra (Non-calc) (F207) | APD 207 PCN668 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1980 |
Waiapu ED (WPED) | PNA Report 31 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Gisborne District | 01/01/1995 |
Waimangara EA (WAIM) | A Huber | Kaikoura District | 12/01/1983 |
Wakatipu shores (Q417) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/12/2009 |
Walter Peak PL - Lakes faces (Q311) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 16/02/2004 |
Western granite areas NWN : lists 265,326,201,220,224,271 (WESG) | PCN790 APD298 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1995 |
Western sedimentary areas: lists 192,66pt,302,214,301,296,m, (WSED) | PCN1115 APD 303 AP Druce | Buller District | 01/01/1997 |
Whana Huia (1) (WHAN) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1945 |
Whanahuia (WHUI) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1990 |
Wilberforce EA (WFCE) | R Wardle | Selwyn District | |
Wilberg Range -Wanganui river (WILB) | R Buxton P Wardle & K Ford | Westland District | 28/04/1993 |
Wye Valley - Remarkables (WYER) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/01/1991 |