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Species: Sambucus nigra
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(590 results)
Results listing
(590 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
225 Marama Avenue North, Dennison Property, (621B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/11/2000 |
30 Marama Avenue North, Otatara (602B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 27/05/2000 |
300 Oreti Road - Broad property (B340) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 14/04/2001 |
48 Marama Avenue South, Steck -Otatara (639B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 21/11/2004 |
69 Black Road (603B) | BD & C Rance | Invercargill City | 30/12/2007 |
Acacia Downs (Groundwater) (J701) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 17/01/2003 |
Adkin remnant 1 - Jefferson Line, Marton (ADKN) | PCN325 WAN47 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/02/1993 |
Adkin remnant 2 - Jefferson Line, Marton (ADK2) | PCN325 WAN47 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/02/1993 |
Adkin Remnant 3 (fenced) Jefferson Line, Marton (ADK3) | PCN325 WAN47 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/02/1993 |
Ahuriri SR & Coopers Knob SR (AHUR) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 23/05/1971 |
Aitcheson QEII Covenant, Kauana (581B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/07/1998 |
Akapatiki Flat (Harbour Cone and adjacent areas) (Q389) | Doc Otago OTA72 D Lyttle M Thorsen & M Parker | Dunedin City | 12/12/2007 |
Albury Park (J723) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Mackenzie District | 20/12/2003 |
Alfredton Domain Moroa station (ALFD) | PCN1365 A. Rebergen & G. Foster | Tararua District | 01/01/1983 |
Allports (Motutapu) Is (MTPU) | Marlborough Sounds SR G Walls & P Gaze | Marlborough District | 08/03/1983 |
Anderson (Janet) property, Egerton Road, Winton (532B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 06/08/2000 |
Anderson Park (533B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 12/01/2004 |
Andersons Bush - Invercargill (ANDE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 10/01/2005 |
Arden (J726) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 10/02/2005 |
Ariki Avenue, Downey property, Otatara (611B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 14/05/2000 |
Ariki Avenue, Reid property, Otatara (630B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 14/05/2000 |
Arrow river from town to first bridge up river (J570) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 13/02/2011 |
Ashburton adventives 1903 (Q965) | TNZI 36:203 WW Smith | Ashburton District | 04/11/1903 |
Ashton Fitchett Dr, 48 (W& S Tervit) Brooklyn (ASHT) | PCN203 JC Horne & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 09/11/1997 |
Auckland adventives 1868 (Q818) | TNZI 2:134 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Auckland City adventives 1987 (J135) | NZJ Bot 25: 539-558 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1987 |
Auckland Isthmus of and the Takapuna District 1870 (Q821) | TNZI 3:148 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Auckland Province adventives 1882 (Q822) | TNZI 15: 268 Cheeseman | Auckland | |
Awakiki Bush SR (AWKK) | RB Allen; Wellington Bot Soc | Clutha District | 12/10/2000 |
Bannock Burn sluicings (BANN) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 02/12/2009 |
Barber wetland, Glencoe QEII (534B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/06/1999 |
Barracouta Point loop walk (188B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/04/2010 |
Barrs Falls SR (Q34) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 25/10/1975 |
Beautiful Valley (Dalrymple) (J724) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 18/12/2002 |
Belfield (Mc Vicars) (J739) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 19/02/2005 |
Bellfield (J727) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 27/01/2005 |
Belvedere Rd bush (RF&B) (BELV) | APD 009 PCN474 AP Druce | Carterton District | 12/03/1969 |
Ben Lomond SR (Q35) | Otago SR RB Allen | Queenstown Lakes District | 16/11/1975 |
Ben Moi Cliff and Terraces (BENM) | PCN458 WAN193 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 29/01/2005 |
Bendhu Sci Res (BENU) | Otago SR BJP Molloy; G Jane | Waitaki District | 30/11/1982 |
Bendigo Kanuka first loop of track (BENK) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 04/01/2009 |
Bendigo Kanuka second loop of track (BEN2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 19/01/2009 |
Bird Is Foveau Str (BIRF) | NZJ Bot 4:133 Fineran | Southland District | 01/01/1966 |
Black Gully (869B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 15/01/1989 |
Blackmount Station (842B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 23/07/1998 |
Blackmount Station - McKercher Str (BLKM) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 02/01/2001 |
Blake Rd - Rances Forest (629B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 21/12/2004 |
Blue Cliffs beach to Port Craig (Sandhill Point ) (B267) | BD Rance | Southland District | 26/03/2006 |
Bluff Harbour Is (190B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/02/1991 |
Blumine (Oruwairua) Is (J148) | Mauri Ora In Conner MN Powelsend & AJ Conner | Marlborough District | 09/11/1978 |
Blumine Is (BLUM) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 01/01/2000 |
Borland Mire (BORM) | BD Rance; AFM Mark et al | Southland District | 05/01/2000 |
Bowmans Bush (607B) | PN Johnson; BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/04/1986 |
Brookland Covenant (643B) | BD Rance | Gore District | |
Brooklands Lagoon (BKLD) | CBSJ 23 J Innes et al; G Jane | Christchurch City | 01/01/1987 |
Brooklands Lagoon - inner shore (J152) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 02/01/1979 |
Brooklands Lagoon- outer shore (J151) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 01/02/1979 |
Brothers Rd (J702) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 13/01/2003 |
Bruce Park and Silverhope Scenic Reserves (BRUP) | PCN371 WAN98 CC Ogle JW Barkla NJ Singers & H Flannagan | Rangitikei District | 10/12/1996 |
Buckleys Bay SR (BUKL) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 08/06/1971 |
Bull Creek (lower) (Q348) | DOC Otago OTA80 JW Barkla | Clutha District | 16/01/2005 |
Bull Creek SR (BULL) | Otago BS News 55:20 B Curnow | Clutha District | 23/08/2008 |
Burns Park SR (Signal Hill) (Q37) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 29/06/1976 |
Burnt Hill (J729) | DOC Canterbury | Waimakariri District | 08/02/2006 |
Bush Farm Raincliff - Kahahu (BUSF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 05/12/1997 |
Bushy Point CA - eastern (662B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 06/08/2008 |
Bushy Point CA (661B) | PN Johnson | Invercargill City | 01/01/1978 |
Bushy Point CA - northern (B347) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 22/01/2005 |
Bushy Point CA - southern (B348) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 22/05/2005 |
Bushy Point Educational Boardwalk -Gamble Forest (612B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 08/11/1991 |
Cabbage tree swamp - Golden Downs (CABT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 20/12/1997 |
Cairns Property, North Otatara (670B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | |
Caithness PL (Q377) | DOC Otago OTA11 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 01/01/2005 |
Cambrian Hills PL (Q375) | DOC Otago OTA9 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 19/12/2005 |
Canterbury adventives 1871 (Q966) | TNZI 4:284 JF Armstrong | Selwyn District | |
Carnival Park - Pahiatua (Q19) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tararua District | 03/11/2008 |
Carvossa (Lamb) (J736) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 16/02/2004 |
Cass Peak SR (CSSP) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 24/05/1971 |
Castle Point only (CSPR) | PCN1227 G Park VUW University Field Club | Masterton District | 01/01/1965 |
Castle Point SR (CPTY) | PCN 1332 I Gabites | Masterton District | 01/01/1996 |
Castle Rock limestone faces, Clearwater property (897B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/02/2002 |
Catlins River SR (4 small fragments over 9 km ) (Q38) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 22/10/1975 |
Cemetery Bush (CEM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 06/02/1995 |
Centre Is dunes (B320) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/11/2005 |
Chalk Range- Ben More (CHAR) | NZJ Bot 20:183 APD107 PCN572 AP Druce & PA Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1983 |
Chapman Road Scientific Res (CHAP) | DOC Otago OTA 69 N Simpson; M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 11/04/1997 |
Claremont Bush SR (CLRE) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 28/09/1971 |
Clifden Bridge limestone site (B19) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/02/2001 |
Clifden Bridge/Waiau river (CLFB) | BD Rance; G Jane | Southland District | 03/01/2001 |
Clifden Rec Res (B377) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Clifden Rec Res (B379) | Well Bot Soc | Southland District | 03/01/2001 |
Clifden SR (CLFS) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/2000 |
Clutha Valley (below Beaumont) (884B) | PN Johnson | Clutha District | |
Coleridge ED (COLE) | PNA report A Shanks et al | Selwyn District | 01/01/1990 |
Colinswood Bush (Q328) | DOC Otago OTA59 JW Barkla & D Lyttle | Dunedin City | 21/07/2007 |
Conical Hill Railway Tunnel (211B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 30/10/2010 |
Corballis Bush -"Mairangi" (CORB) | PCN293 WAN14 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 30/09/1989 |
Coronet Peak PL (Q373) | DOC Otago OTA7 JW Barkla; M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 29/11/2004 |
Corrody (Ellis) (J697) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 15/01/2004 |
Cowie QEII, Winton Hill (539B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/03/2005 |
Cragganmore (Loomes) (J720) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 30/01/2003 |
Craigieburn (CRAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Selwyn District | 01/01/1990 |
Craigmore (R & J Elworthy) (J708) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Waimate District | 04/02/2003 |
Craigmore crags (R & J Elworthy) (J721) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Waimate District | 11/02/2003 |
Croydon Bush (235B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 15/06/2000 |
Croydon Bush (237B) | Biol Surv REs DSIR | Gore District | |
Croydon Bush - Dolamore Track (DOLI) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gore District | 31/12/2008 |
Croydon Bush - Middle Ridge/Grants Ridge loop Track (238B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 24/01/2004 |
Croydon Bush- Waterfall Track Dolamore Park (DOLA) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gore District | 31/12/2008 |
Daffodil Bay area and walks (631B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/12/2005 |
Daffodil Bay loop (Inland) (J515) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 27/12/2010 |
Daffodil Bay to Hatchs Hill/Noki Kaika - coastal track (609B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 24/04/2003 |
Daffodil Bay to Hatchs Hill/Noki Kaika - inland track (608B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 24/04/2003 |
Dan Rogers Creek (DANR) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 11/11/1971 |
Darran ED (106B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 29/01/2007 |
Darvel (Esler) (J703) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 10/03/2003 |
Davis Rd Wetland, Glenroy (DAVS) | D Norton 27 D Norton | Selwyn District | 10/07/1991 |
Delaware Bay, Paramatta Reserve (PARM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 16/04/1998 |
Dennistoun Track Peel Forest (DENT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Timaru District | 27/02/2000 |
Donald's farm - river to road (DON2) | PCN364 WAN164 CC Ogle V McGlynn G La Cock etal | Ruapehu District | 06/06/2004 |
Douglas property, Greenhills (203B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 06/02/2000 |
DSIR property - Taita (TTA) | APD 102 PCN567 AP Druce | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1957 |
Eans Crossing (Evans) (J713) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 28/01/2003 |
East Cape to Opotiki - coastal excl Raukumara FP (J134) | NZJ Bot 23:379-406 M Heginbothan & AE Esler | Opotiki District | 01/10/1984 |
East of Spensor - Islet (194B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/02/1999 |
EC Holmes Memorial SR (ECHL) | PCN1278 I Gabites | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1981 |
Edwards Bush, Kopane (EDWP) | PCN413 WAN141 V Nichols | Manawatu District | 01/01/2000 |
Elworthy gorges (J690) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 18/12/2004 |
Elworthy's Cave QEII (P Elworthy) (J691) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 19/12/2003 |
Emerald Hills PL (Q364) | DOC Otago OTA88 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 09/12/2008 |
Enchanted Stream (ENCH) | Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 12/05/1996 |
Evansdale Glen SR (Q41) | Otago SR OTA49 RB Allen | Dunedin City | 17/09/1975 |
Eyre Creek (170B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1987 |
Eyrewell Sci Res 2003 (EYRW) | CE Ecroyd | Waimakariri District | 01/01/2002 |
Fensham Res (FEND) | PCN84 AP Druce; P Enright O John & Wellington Bot Soc | Carterton District | 10/02/1969 |
Fernhill track (FRNH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/01/2009 |
Flagpole Hill bush (FLGP) | D Norton 45 D Norton | Selwyn District | 01/01/1993 |
Flagstaff covenant (lower portion) (366B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/04/2008 |
Flat Top Hill Cons Area (FLAT) | DOC Otago DOC | Central Otago District | 01/01/2007 |
Forest Hill SR (547B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 02/01/2004 |
Forest Hill SR - northern outlier (546B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/11/2009 |
Forest Hill SR - south eastern (549B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 02/01/2004 |
Forest Hill SR - tracks (548B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/01/2010 |
Forest Hill SR -southern (550B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/2009 |
Fortrose Spit (B236) | PN Johnson | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Fosbender Park - track to Kilnock Bush (FOSB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 27/12/2008 |
Frenchmans Gully Rd (Mead) (J709) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Waimate District | 03/02/2003 |
Frog Rock area - Herbert (J732) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 18/02/2004 |
Fullerton-Smiths, RAP 27 (FULL) | WAN214 D Ravine | Rangitikei District | 03/05/1994 |
Gamma Foundation Res (J719) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 16/12/2002 |
Glen Hayes (Blackler) (J715) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 10/01/2003 |
Glenaray Lake Station (377B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Glenburnie SR (873B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 01/03/2001 |
Glenburnie SR (Q43) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 26/10/1977 |
Glencoe SR (J470) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitaki District | 22/12/2010 |
Glenham - Hall Property (651B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/04/1997 |
Glenmorven SR, Hunterville (GLNM) | PCN332 WAN55 CC Ogle & A King | Rangitikei District | 10/04/1993 |
Glenralloch SR (GLER) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 13/11/1971 |
Glenroy Station, Doolans Creek - Mt Edward to Left Branch (Q381) | DOC Otago OTA17 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 06/12/2005 |
Glenside remnants - Bannockburn Str (GLNS) | PCN1293 A Rebergen | Carterton District | 01/01/1993 |
Goodwood SR (Q44) | Otago SR; OTA45 RB Allen; JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 12/06/1975 |
Gorge Rd Rec Res (B177) | BD Rance | Southland District | 10/01/2004 |
Gorge Rd SR (649B) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Government Gardens - potential weed pests (GOVP) | PCN118 BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 28/07/1998 |
Governors Bay SR (GVNE) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 09/06/1971 |
Grant Rd - Gamble (B345) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 27/11/1999 |
Grant Road, ICC sections (614B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 29/08/1999 |
Green Pt Is (192B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/02/1999 |
Greystoke Reserve, Jefferson Line (GRYS) | PCN305 WAN26 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 24/03/1991 |
Grove Bush - Hanning property, (552B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 14/01/2001 |
Grove Bush - Horton property, (556B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 23/03/2000 |
Grove SR (GROV) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly | Tasman District | 20/07/1974 |
Gunns Bush, Waimate (GUNN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 01/01/1986 |
Hae Hae Te Moana SR (HAET) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 16/09/1971 |
Hamish Brown QEII (BRO) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 12/08/1991 |
Hanging Rock (Gould) (J712) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 20/01/2002 |
Happy Valley PL (Q385) | DOC Otago OTA21 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 05/12/2005 |
Haumuri Bluffs from Oaro (HAUM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 01/01/2000 |
Hay SR (HAY) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 02/11/1971 |
Hazelburn (Hanna) (J706) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 19/12/2002 |
Hector mountains (HECT) | APD 292 AP Druce & N Simpson | Central Otago District | 01/01/1991 |
Hidden Lakes QEII, Ngatui (B & D Abraham) (HIDD) | PCN122 Wellington Bot Soc | Masterton District | 07/04/1996 |
Hill 106 (Chris & Keri) (331B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/10/2010 |
Hill View (Rooney) (J710) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 06/02/2003 |
Hinewai Trust (HINW) | CBSJ 22:18 H Wilson | Christchurch City | 05/03/1988 |
Hokonui SR (247B) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | |
Hook Bush (HOOK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 01/01/1987 |
Hoon Hay SR (HOON) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 28/05/1971 |
Hope Hill SR (Q306) | DOC Otago OTA34 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 04/09/2002 |
Horsford Downs (J733) | DOC Canterbury | Waimakariri District | 31/03/2006 |
Horton forest, Gorge Rd (B181) | BD Rance | Southland District | 05/08/2002 |
Hudson property peatlands east (557B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/03/2000 |
Hunter Brown (HUNB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 01/01/1989 |
Huntleigh Park, Crofton Down (HUNT) | PCN1346 S Myers; P Enright O John & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 01/01/1985 |
Huthnance SR weeds (HUTH) | WAN211 F Richards | New Plymouth District | 01/01/2006 |
Iffley, Waikari (IFFL) | APD 093, (CBSJ), DN10 D Norton et al; AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/01/1988 |
Inner Town Belt, Wellington incl Mt Victoria, adventives (INTE) | PCN816 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 01/04/1982 |
Joeys Is 1999 - before fire (196B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/02/1999 |
Joeys Island 1976 (B184) | Biol Surv RB Allen | Invercargill City | 10/08/1976 |
Joeys Island 2005 - after fire (B183) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 12/11/2005 |
Johnson property, Dunsdale (261B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 05/05/2006 |
Kaikorai Valley SR (Q48) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 24/06/1975 |
Kaikoura Peninsula loop walk (KKPE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 05/02/1995 |
Kaiparoro, Makakahi & Makotukutuku catchment (KAPR) | PCN945 CC Ogle | Tararua District | 29/10/1998 |
Kairaki-Woodend dunes (J153) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Waimakariri District | 02/01/1979 |
Kaitoke Reservior remnant 1 (KTK1) | PCN135 BJ Mitcalfe JC Horne et al | Upper Hutt City | 03/07/2000 |
Kaituna Valley SR (KTV) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 18/05/1971 |
Kamahi SR (Edendale) (KAMH) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 26/12/2008 |
Kamahi SR Edendale (B336) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | 30/01/1978 |
Kamahi SR, Edendale (544B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1995 |
Karetai Road Bush (Q307) | DOC Otago OTA33 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Karioi forest Cmp 2A - cabbage tree wetland (J396) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Karioi forest Cmp 2B - manuka wetland (J397) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Karioi forest Cmp 3 - Sycamore wetland (J398) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Karioi forest Cmp 9C - Railway Rd wetlands (J406) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Karioi forest Cmp18 - Harakeke swamp (J407) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Karioi forest Cmp19A - Tangiwai wetlands (J408) | N Singers NJ Singers & RB Whyman | Ruapehu District | 10/06/2001 |
Kawarau Gorge (J139) | NZJ Bot 29: 295-310 TR Partridge RB Allan et al | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/09/1983 |
Kawarau Gorge (KAWG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Central Otago District | 28/12/1996 |
Keebles Bush (KEEB) | APD 188 PCN650 AP Druce | Palmerston North City | 01/01/1943 |
Kelceys Bush track (KELC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 28/01/2009 |
Kennedys Bush SR (KEND) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 27/05/1971 |
Kereoma 100 acre acre bush (Kays covenant?) (KER3) | PCN1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
Kew Bush Covenant (642B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | |
Kew Hospital bush (Q546) | Tane 15:53-67 CE Ecroyd | Invercargill City | 06/10/1983 |
Kidds Bush (KIDD) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 25/02/2003 |
Kilmock Bush (618B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/01/1999 |
Kilmock Bush (KILN) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 27/12/2008 |
Kinross PL - Horse Range (Q337) | DOC Otago OTA67 JW Barkla | Waitaki District | 02/05/2006 |
Kinver (J734) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 20/02/2006 |
Kowhai Bush Private SR (KWHB) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Selwyn District | 24/06/1971 |
Kowhai Reach QEII - Public area (J541) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Southland District | 18/01/2011 |
Kowhai Reach QEII, Winton Stream, Kauana (560B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/01/2004 |
Kurinui QE II Covenant (Scott & Dinah Dunavan) (Q347) | DOC Otago OTA79 K Lloyd; BSO | Waitaki District | 01/01/2007 |
Lake Alexandrina Island (LALE) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Mackenzie District | 12/10/1971 |
Lake Alice dune forests (SW) (LALC) | PCN368 WAN95 CC Ogle W Beggs & JW Barkla; Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 27/05/1996 |
Lake Benmore Islands (12) (LBEN) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waitaki District | 18/10/1971 |
Lake Coleridge Island (LCOL) | Cant BSJ L Burrows | Selwyn District | 16/04/1995 |
Lake Hawea Pastoral Lease (Q296) | DOC Otago OTA43 JW Barkla | Queenstown Lakes District | 09/12/2002 |
Lake Rotokauwau (LRKW) | WAN213 CC Ogle RC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 11/03/2006 |
Lake Waiau (LWAU) | PCN355 WAN80 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp; PJ deLange | South Taranaki District | 10/12/1994 |
Lake Wiritoa forest remnants (LWIF) | WAN101 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Whanganui District | 30/08/1997 |
Lauder Creek (Q380) | DOC Otago OTA16 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 15/11/2005 |
Lauder Station (Q382) | DOC Otago OTA18 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 16/01/2009 |
Lawson Road, Mokotua - Crack property forest, (B169) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/12/2002 |
Leaning Rock PL (Q374) | DOC Otago OTA8 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 16/12/2004 |
Leith Valley SR (5 fragments) (Q49) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 13/09/1977 |
Leithfield Beach-Kowhai R dunes (J156) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Hurunui District | 02/01/1979 |
Lietz property (ex Watson & Johnson), Tapanui (875B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 30/04/1999 |
Limestone Ck (J737) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 07/02/2006 |
Limestone Ck - Mountford Vineyard (J740) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 17/05/2006 |
Linwood Bush (B123) | BD Rance | Southland District | 05/05/1993 |
Lion Downs Bush (LND) | PCN1128 Anon | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1972 |
Logan Park High School (part) (Q320) | DOC Otago OTA47 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 28/04/2004 |
Lower Matuara River - Smith QEII covenant (B174) | BD Rance | Southland District | 05/06/1989 |
Lyttleton SR & Mt Pleasant SR (LYTT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 11/06/1971 |
Mabel Is (MABL) | Marlborough Sounds SR P Gaze & G Walls | Marlborough District | 07/03/1983 |
Mable Bush - Goldsmith Forest (551B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/07/1998 |
Mable Bush SR (565B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/05/2006 |
Mable Bush SR (568B) | Biol Res WG Lee & RB Allen | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Mable Bush SR - North east (566B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/07/1998 |
Mable Bush SR - Southern (567B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/03/2000 |
Makara Foreshore and estuary (MAK4) | PCN1191 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 01/01/1997 |
Makara Str (North) re-planting area (BRIT) | PCN170 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 01/11/1998 |
Makara Str (North) remnant (NKRA) | PCN132 BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 21/05/1998 |
Makaro (Ward) Is (WAR2) | PCN255 PJ deLange & J Sawyer | Lower Hutt City | 15/10/1996 |
Makaro (Ward) Is (WAR3) | PCN892 Freegard & Weeber | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1986 |
Makino SR (MKN) | PCN322 WAN43 CC Ogle; AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 08/01/1991 |
Makuri Township SR (MKU3) | PCN1197 I Gabites | Tararua District | 01/01/1981 |
Malabar Homestead, Rockford Rd (Gorge Rd) (MALA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimakariri District | 01/01/1987 |
Malvern Hills bush - Mt Curl (MALV) | PCN300 WAN21 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 04/08/1990 |
Mana Is - coastal cliffs to plateau (MNA3) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/03/1984 |
Mana Is - shores (MNAI) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/05/1984 |
Mana Is - valleys, pasture & forest (MNA4) | PCN1149 IAE Atkinson CC Ogle & S Timmins | Porirua City | 28/03/1984 |
Manahune 1 (Manahune Stn & Gallen) (J722) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Mackenzie District | 08/12/2002 |
Manahune 2 (J716) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Mackenzie District | 09/12/2002 |
Mangaweka SR (MWKA) | PCN318 WAN39 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 26/09/1991 |
Mangoira Str maginal strip (TrueR) (MGOI) | PCN381 WAN108 V Nichols | Manawatu District | 12/12/1998 |
Manunui Rec Res (MNUN) | PCN391 WAN118 CC Ogle & C Bibby | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1995 |
Maori Lakes (MAOL) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Ashburton District | 30/11/1971 |
Maori land adjacent to lookout Mores Scenic - main block (335B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/05/2006 |
Maori land adjacent to lookout Mores Scenic - regen under pi (336B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/05/2006 |
Maori land adjacent to lookout Mores Scenic - SW block (337B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/05/2006 |
Mapara WL Res (Q512) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 04/02/2010 |
Marama Avenue North - West Property, (672B) | CJ West | Invercargill City | |
Marama Bush, Kimbolton (MMRA) | PCN459 WAN194 D Ravine; K Steffens & V Nichols | Manawatu District | 05/11/1993 |
Marawaiwai SR (J350) | Rot BS News 54:51 JF Hobbs | Opotiki District | 11/04/2010 |
Marawaiwai SR (Opotiki and Waioeka Rec Res) (OPOT) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier;RBS | Opotiki District | 21/02/1984 |
Marawaiwai SR loop track (MRAW) | G Jane; G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 11/09/2005 |
Marsden Valley: Weir to Jenkins Hill (MARS) | Nelson Bot Soc; C Jones | Nelson City | 27/06/1989 |
Mataroa -Paengaroa (MTRO) | APD 171 PCN633 AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1990 |
Matata SR (MTAT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 01/10/1971 |
Matiu (Somes) Is (SOM3) | PCN1068 Freegard & Weeber | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1986 |
Matiu (Somes) Is and adjacent stacks (MATU) | PCN259 PJ deLange | Lower Hutt City | 19/09/1991 |
Maud Is or Tom Shand Sci Res (MAUD) | Marlborough Sounds SR CC Ogle | Marlborough District | 01/01/1982 |
Maungaraupi Bush remnant 1 (MGR1) | PCN340 WAN63 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 02/10/1993 |
Maungaraupi bush remnant 2 (MGR2) | PCN335 WAN58 CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 05/06/1993 |
Maungati (Craigmore) (J718) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Waimate District | 05/02/2003 |
McKays Crossing WLM Res (MCKC) | PCN1136 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 23/04/1979 |
McKee Domain (MCKE) | DOC Nelson GC Kelly; Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 01/01/1974 |
McMasters Rd (Tovey) (J699) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 07/01/2003 |
McPherson Grazing Lease (573B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/11/2005 |
McShanes & Roundtree tracks , Sandy Point (622B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 06/02/2001 |
McShanes track and Silver Lagoon (632B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/12/2005 |
Michael Peak station (incl. part Blackstone Hill) (Q329) | DOC Otago OTA58 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 02/08/2007 |
Mid Northland adventives 1868 (Q817) | TNZI 2:134 T Kirk | Whangarei District | |
Midland Rd Pohaninga (MIDL) | PCN405 WAN133 D Ravine | Manawatu District | 15/11/1999 |
Mimihau Stream, North Branch - Blakely Pacific Ltd (B153) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/01/1999 |
Mistletoe Lake track, Te Anau (MISL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 08/01/2001 |
Moa swamp (J725) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 10/02/2005 |
Moawhango Valley Rd Bush (MOAW) | PCN408 WAN135 V Nichols H Dorrian & D Gordon | Rangitikei District | 18/04/2001 |
Mohua Lodge (809B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 02/07/2007 |
Moke Lake loop track (MOKE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 07/01/2009 |
Mokopuna (Rabbit) Is (MKP3) | PCN1170 PJ deLange & GM Cowcroft | Lower Hutt City | 04/09/1992 |
Mokutua - Piper Forest (B196) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/12/2002 |
Mongonui Co (southern) 1910 (Q920) | TNZI 43:194; 45:276 H Carse | Far North District | 22/11/1910 |
Montgomery SR (MONG) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 07/08/1971 |
Moores taipos (MOO) | APD 081 (pt) PCN546 AP Druce | Masterton District | 01/01/1953 |
Morice Settlement SR (MORI) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 23/06/1971 |
Moss Scenic reserve (MOSS) | Nelson Bot Soc | Tasman District | 14/08/1992 |
Motoiti Res, Iti Grove (MOTI) | PCN156 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Kapiti Coast District | 20/10/2000 |
Motu Bush near Mouat property (B25) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/1999 |
Motu ED (MOTE) | J Molloy | Gisborne District | 01/01/1984 |
Motukaraka forest (MTKK) | PCN968 IAE Atkinson | Porirua City | 16/05/1989 |
Moturara (Taieri) Is (MTRT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Dunedin City | 23/01/2008 |
Mt Aspiring NP (Q390) | DOC Otago OTA94 AFM Mark; JW Barkla; N Simpson | Westland District | 01/12/1977 |
Mt Aspiring PL (Q376) | DOC Otago OTA10 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 31/01/2005 |
Mt Bruce (all) (MTB3) | PCN1177 CC Ogle | Tararua District | 16/03/1981 |
Mt Cass (J742) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 01/01/2004 |
Mt Cass adventives (MTCA) | D Norton11 D Norton | Hurunui District | 01/01/1987 |
Mt French - Hohonu Ra (FREN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 12/01/1998 |
Mt Nimrod SR (MTNM) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 30/09/1971 |
Mt Nimrod SR loop track (NIMR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waimate District | 29/01/2009 |
Mt Pisa station access to DOC boundary (MTPI) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 05/01/2009 |
Murray/Gow Ridge (B334) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/10/2003 |
Myross Bush (N Johnston) (J540) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 18/01/2011 |
New Brighton Spit (J149) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 01/01/1979 |
New River at Otatara (663B) | PN Johnson | Invercargill City | 01/01/1978 |
Ngaraunga Gorge- Petone overbridge shore (NGRA) | PCN1087 CC Ogle | Wellington City | 24/12/1976 |
Ngawaka Str (NGWK) | PCN403 WAN131 CC Ogle V Nichols G LaCock & P Leigh | Rangitikei District | 23/01/2001 |
Nokomai EA (NOK) | PNA Report JRoyl Soc 28: 83-15 K Dickinson | Southland District | 01/01/1989 |
Northern Darran ED (north of Milford Sound and Milford Road) (9B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 30/06/2011 |
Norwood (NORW) | PCN416 WAN144 D Ravine; V Nichols | Rangitikei District | 12/04/1994 |
Nugget Point (Q344) | DOC Otago OTA 4 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Clutha District | 17/10/2005 |
O'Neills Bush QEII (Q448) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 01/01/2010 |
O'Neils Bush A lower Matuara QEII covenant (B170) | BD Rance | Southland District | 19/12/1999 |
Oaro-Pukaroro Rock along railway (OARR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 09/01/2008 |
Obelisk PL (Q392) | Doc Otago OTA96 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 06/10/2009 |
Ocean Grove (OCEA) | Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Okuiti camp - Manaia Sanctuary (J574) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Christchurch City | 17/02/2011 |
Okuti Valley (OKUT) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 22/06/1971 |
Olearia hectorii site - Richardson Road (Kingdon) (262B) | BD Rance | Gore District | 12/04/1994 |
Onepunga (J744) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 28/01/2005 |
Opihi WW north end (OPIH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 01/02/2009 |
Orepuki - Dudfield property, (327B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 07/09/2004 |
Oreti Beach (633B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/12/2005 |
Oreti Beach survey for Mazus arenarius, (671B) | S Newall & R Logan | Invercargill City | |
Oreti Road - North property, Otatara (623B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 23/01/2009 |
Otago adventives 1874 (Q938) | TNZI 7:370 GM Thomson | Clutha District | |
Otago Central Rail Trail (Clyde - Middlemarch) (Q353) | DOC Otago OTA86 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 15/09/2008 |
Otago Peninsula (OTAP) | PCN1435 PN Johnson | Dunedin City | 01/01/2004 |
Otaihanga (OTHI) | PCN1106 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 18/01/1989 |
Otaio Gorge (OTAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 29/01/2009 |
Otaitai Bush, Fleck property (545B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/10/2010 |
Otakau Creek riparian forest (577B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 02/01/2004 |
Otakau Creek riparian forest (693B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Otaki Plains rennants (OTAK) | APD 035 PCN499 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1966 |
Otanomomo Nat Res (Q57) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 21/10/1975 |
Otapiri SR (268B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 07/12/2004 |
Otapiri Stream, Cowie property (579B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 27/04/2007 |
Otari Plant Museum 1934 (OTA1) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1934 |
Otari Plant Museum plantings 1992 (OTAR) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Otatara South SR (627B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 15/06/1996 |
Otatara SR (664B) | Biol Surv PN Johnson; BD Rance | Invercargill City | 22/04/1988 |
Otatara SR Invercargill (OTAT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Invercargill City | 08/02/2000 |
Oteramika, Smail property (593B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/07/2003 |
Outram Domain (Q81) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 28/09/1976 |
Paengaroa SR, Mataroa (PAEN) | PCN307 WAN28A APD 171 WBS CC Ogle; Well Bot Soc | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1991 |
Pahia Hill SR (350B) | Bio Surv Southland WG Lee | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Pahia Hill SR (351B) | BD Rance & L Sheldon | Southland District | 24/02/2006 |
Palm Gully forest (PLMG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Christchurch City | 01/01/1987 |
Palm Gully SR (PALG) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 24/11/1971 |
Palm Hill (J711) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 20/12/2002 |
Papaitona SR (PPAI) | PCN1005 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Horowhenua District | 01/01/1984 |
Papakowhai Bush 1983 (PPK3) | PCN1006 MC Wassilieff | Porirua City | |
Paparoa National Park (PROA) | D Norton 30 D Norton | Buller District | 01/01/1990 |
Pareora Gorge intake (UPAR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 30/01/2009 |
Pareora Gorge Rd (R & J Elworthy) (J714) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Waimate District | 10/03/2003 |
Pareora River SR (PRRI) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Waimate District | 05/10/1971 |
Pareora SR (PARE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 30/01/2009 |
Pareora SR (PREO) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Mackenzie District | 26/09/1971 |
Patea rubbish dump (PTED) | PCN392 WAN119 CC Ogle G LaCock & S O'Connor | South Taranaki District | 14/07/1999 |
Peel Forest (PEEL) | Otago Bot Soc AFM Mark | Timaru District | 02/04/1998 |
Peel Forest Park (PEEF) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 21/09/1971 |
Percy SR (PRCY) | PCN1009 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 12/11/1983 |
Pineapple Track from treatment plant to ridge (PINU) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Dunedin City | 23/12/2008 |
Pineapple Track to treatment plant (PINE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Dunedin City | 23/12/2008 |
Pioneer Park - short track (PION) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 06/12/1997 |
Poison Creek CA (Q367) | DOC Otago OTA31 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 01/01/2009 |
Popotunoa Hill Scenic Reserve (215B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 21/11/2002 |
Popotunoa SR (Q58) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 13/08/1976 |
Porewa Str Bush (PORW) | PCN428 WAN157 CC Ogle J Howard & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 03/05/2003 |
Pounawea SR (POUN) | Otago Bot Soc OTA23 Otago University; Wellington Bot Soc, G Jane; JW Barkla | Clutha District | 01/01/2002 |
Pourakino River Reserve (SDC) (355B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/02/2007 |
Pourakino SR Pourakino Valley (356B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/08/2004 |
Pourakino SR, Pourakino Valley (357B) | Bio surv WG Lee | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Prices Valley (PRIC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Christchurch City | 26/08/2001 |
Pryces Rahui bush (PYRC) | PCN362 WAN87 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp; JW Barkla | Rangitikei District | 03/12/1988 |
Pt Caroline SR (PTCR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Southland District | 14/02/1978 |
Pudding Island (Titeremoana) (PUDD) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 02/04/1998 |
Pukerua Bay -Wairaka Pt, cliffs (PUK2) | PCN1022 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Pukerua Bay WLM Res incl all fenced areas (PUK1) | PCN995 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/07/1985 |
Pyramid Valley (PYRA) | D Norton 9; CBSJ D Norton | Hurunui District | 01/01/1987 |
Quail Is (Otamahua) (J161) | NZ Nat Sci 24:127-150 CD Meurke | Christchurch City | 01/01/1999 |
Queen Elisabeth II Park forest remnant (QE2P) | PCN244 CC Ogle; JC Horne & P Enright; Well Bot Soc | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Queen Elizabeth II Park forest remnant (QE23) | PCN1030 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Rabbit Is (RABI) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Rabbit Is, Awaroa (195B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/02/1999 |
Raeburn Avenue,Wyering property, Otatara (641B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 10/12/2000 |
Raincliff HR (RANC) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 04/10/1971 |
Raincliff Rd (Fraze & Gould) (J700) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 20/01/2003 |
Rakaia Gorge (RKIA) | Graeme Jane | Selwyn District | 01/01/1986 |
Ramblers/Petrie tracks, Sandy Point (635B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/12/2004 |
Rangitikei ED (RGTK) | PCN346 WAN69 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 14/12/1999 |
Rangiwaea SR (RANW) | WAN 72 PCN348 AP Druce; CC Ogle & JW Barkla | Manawatu District | 18/04/1993 |
Raupo Ck (Chapman) (J698) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 23/01/2003 |
Rawcliff (Pirie) (J695) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 16/01/2004 |
Rayonier/SDC forest stand, Dunsdale Stream (270B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/02/2007 |
Redcliff QEII (855B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 21/04/2003 |
Redcliff Valley, Mahinga Kai trust property (854B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 10/10/2000 |
Redwood Bush Res (RED2) | PCN902 R Bagnall | Wellington City | 01/01/1980 |
Rewarewa Bush (REWR) | WAN209 NJ Singers; V McGlynn, T Gilbetson, G Lacock | Manawatu District | 01/01/1993 |
Riddell covenant, Winton Hill (582B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/02/2005 |
Riverton Hill - all owners (360B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/03/2008 |
Roberts Creek (178B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/12/2005 |
Robrosa PL (Q383) | DOC Otago OTA19 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/01/2006 |
Rockdale (Cooke & Lindsay) (J717) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 16/01/2003 |
Ross Reserve - track to Swampy (ROSC) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Dunedin City | 23/12/2008 |
Rotary lookout - Greymouth (Q279) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Grey District | 01/11/2009 |
Roto Iti (J746) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 22/02/2006 |
Rotorua ED (published RBS) (ROTO) | Rot BS Special Issue CE Ecroyd | Rotorua District | 01/01/1998 |
Round Hill St (ROBS) | G Jane & Auckland Bot Soc | Waitaki District | 05/01/2004 |
Rowley Bush, Tuatapere (B49) | BD Rance & N Simpson | Southland District | 07/09/2004 |
Roxburgh lake faces (Q316) | DOC Otago OTa27 JW Barkla | Central Otago District | 12/05/1999 |
Ruamahanga River terrace (RMHA) | PCN1060 A Townsend PJ deLange & J Sawyer | Carterton District | 17/10/1996 |
RW Tate SR (RWT) | PCN1051 I Gabites | South Wairarapa District | 01/01/1981 |
Ryal Bush - McCallum Property (584B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/12/1997 |
Ryan property, Genure (272B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/02/2007 |
S Canterbury lowlands (5 areas combined) (SCAN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 01/01/1984 |
Saltwater Creek-Leithfield Beach dunes (J154) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Hurunui District | 01/01/1979 |
Sandy Point area and walks (666B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | |
Sandy Point Domain (668B) | LJ Metcalf | Invercargill City | |
Sandy Point salt marsh (637B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 05/12/2005 |
Sawmill Bush Staveley (SAWB) | CBSJ 29 C Burrows | Ashburton District | 12/01/1995 |
Sawpit Ck Track (J569) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 13/02/2011 |
Schoolhouse Flat wetland etc, Nevis (SCHO) | G Jane & M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 24/01/2009 |
Seaview Grange (Sargent) (J707) | DOC Canterbury R Pender & I Buunk | Timaru District | 29/01/2003 |
Seaview SR (Q379) | DOC Otago OTA14 JW Barkla M Thorsen & P Enright | Dunedin City | 14/10/2005 |
Seaward Bush (SWRD) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 25/12/2008 |
Seaward Bush Reserve, Mason Road (586B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 01/01/1990 |
Seaward Bush SR (680B) | Biol surv LJ Metcalf | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Seaward Downs forest, northern remnant adj scenic Res (589B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/01/2008 |
Seaward Downs private forest, Morton Mains (587B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 03/01/2008 |
Seaward Downs SR (591B) | Biol Surv DSIR: BD Rance | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Shepherds Ck, Cambrians - Gate to Fork, streamside scrub (J564) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Central Otago District | 10/02/2011 |
Shirttail Rock track (J548) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 24/01/2011 |
Sinclair wetlands QEII (Q449) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Clutha District | 03/01/2010 |
Slopedown Forest (B157) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/01/1999 |
Soldiers Memorial Park - Greytown (SOLD) | PCN190 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | South Wairarapa District | 23/06/1998 |
Solway Remnants (SOLW) | PCN271 T Silbery; A Rebergen P Enright & O John | Masterton District | 10/04/1998 |
Soper Wetland, Parawa (180B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 01/03/2000 |
South Oreti beach (638B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 20/01/2001 |
Spensor (Tikiore) Is (191B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 25/10/2009 |
St Johns Hill and Victoria Park (STJO) | PCN369 WAN96 CC Ogle & M Daniells | Whanganui District | 26/10/1999 |
Stackhouse farm (J749) | DOC Canterbury | Hurunui District | 04/02/2006 |
Stewart Is 1987 (J137) | Field Guide, NZJ Bot 25:81-131 H Wilson | Southland District | 01/02/1978 |
Stirling QEII lower Matuara covenant (B171) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Stuholme Bush (STUB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 26/01/2009 |
Summerhills - 3 O'Clock Stm (Q330) | DOC Otago OTA60 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 14/05/2007 |
Sutton Salt lake reserve (Q371) | DOC Otago OTA5 JW Barkla & M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 18/10/2004 |
SW Fiordland adventives (Martins Bay- Puysegur) (J130) | NZJ Bot 20:131-142 PN Johnston | Southland District | 01/01/1969 |
Taiaroa Bush (part) (Q363) | DOC Otago OTA89 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 15/02/2009 |
Taiaroa Head F & Res (Albatross colony) (Q66) | Otago SR RB Allen | Dunedin City | 15/05/1976 |
Taiaroa Head Nat Res (Q334) | DOC Otago OTA64 M Thorsen | Dunedin City | 02/11/2006 |
Taiepa Road, Canny Property, (677B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | |
Taieri River SR (mouth) (Q68) | Otago SR RB Allen & PN Johnson | Clutha District | 26/04/1976 |
Taihape SR and adj areas (THPS) | PCN349 WAN74 PCN551 AP Druce; CC Ogle JW Barkla & G LaCock | Rangitikei District | 01/01/1946 |
Talbot Forest (Geraldine Domain) (GERD) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Timaru District | 22/10/1971 |
Talbot Forest (TALB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Timaru District | 01/02/2009 |
Tapanui ED (885B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 25/03/2005 |
Tapu Te Renga Marae (TPUR) | PCN940 JC Horne | Wellington City | 01/01/1996 |
Taputeranga Is (TPRG) | PCN200 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 01/12/1998 |
Taputerenga Is (TPUT) | PCN941 D Cunningham | Wellington City | 26/01/1979 |
Taranaki Coast (Waitara-Hawea) (TARC) | APD 078 PCN543 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1964 |
Taringatura Camp (918B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 13/09/2002 |
Taupo Mire (TUP1) | PCN897 R Bagnall; CC Ogle & Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 01/01/1977 |
Taupo Mire - southern end (TUPO) | PCN194 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Porirua City | 05/09/1999 |
Taylors Bush (845B) | H Sandercock | Southland District | 01/01/1986 |
Taylors Bush (857B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/02/2001 |
Taylors Rd swamp (TAYL) | PCN906 P Enright & O John | Kapiti Coast District | 19/01/2002 |
Te Marua bush (WWR) | PCN1202 C Ferkins & D Mercer | Upper Hutt City | 01/01/1973 |
Te Oka SR (TEOK) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 21/06/1971 |
Te One - S Pearce (TEON) | Wellington Bot Soc & G Jane | Rangitikei District | 10/04/2004 |
Te Rahehou bush (TERK) | PCN435 WAN165 D Ravine; V Nichols | Manawatu District | 20/09/1993 |
Te Rangipai (TERP) | PCN322 WAN43 NJ Singers H Flanagan | Rangitikei District | 12/12/1996 |
Te Rere Haka track (first 2 km) (J549) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Queenstown Lakes District | 24/01/2011 |
Temple Peak Pastoral Lease (Q300) | DOC Otago OTA39 JW Barkla | Queenstown Lakes District | 12/02/2003 |
Temple View Walk - Ohau (TEMV) | G Jane; C Jones | Waitaki District | 03/01/2002 |
The Larches Station (415B) | BD Rance | Queenstown Lakes District | 30/01/2002 |
The Retreat (THRT) | PCN412 WAN140 V Nichols & D Ravine | Manawatu District | 31/08/2001 |
Thompsons Bush - Invercargill, non planted (TOMP) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Invercargill City | 15/01/2009 |
Thompsons Bush - western (597B) | BD Rance | Invercargill City | 08/01/2005 |
Thompsons Bush SR (598B) | PN Johnson | Invercargill City | 01/01/1978 |
Thomsons Bush (Waihopai) 1978 (Q547) | C Ecroyd LJ Metcalf | Invercargill City | 01/01/1978 |
Tirohanga Str mouth (J448) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Opotiki District | 16/10/2010 |
Tiromoana Bush Mt Cass (TIRO) | Cant BSJ B Macmillan | Hurunui District | 14/10/1978 |
Tiromoana Bush WW (TIRB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hurunui District | 21/12/2008 |
Titeremoana (Pudding Is) SR (Q71) | Otago SR RB Allen & PN Johnson | Dunedin City | 15/04/1976 |
Titiroa River forest - (B208) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/12/1999 |
Titiroa SR (599B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 18/04/2000 |
Titiroa SR (824B) | Biol Surv RB Allen CD Meurk & JSC Begg | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |
Tongariro-Taupo weeds (J361) | N Singers NJ Singers | Ruapehu District | 18/11/2008 |
Totara forest, Waipapa Beach - Casey Property (763B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 19/07/2010 |
Travis Swamp CHCH (TRVS) | CBSJ 22:58 CD Meurke | Christchurch City | 01/01/1988 |
Trickers Bush (TRIC) | PCN384 WAN111 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 28/11/1998 |
Tuatapere Domain (B56) | WG Lee & RB Allen | Southland District | 10/11/1978 |
Tuatapere SR - all; (B54) | BD Rance | Southland District | 18/03/2005 |
Tuatapere SR northern (B52) | BD Rance | Southland District | 18/03/2005 |
Tuatapere SR southern (B53) | BD Rance | Southland District | 18/03/2005 |
Tunnel Rocks SR (Q72) | Otago SR RB Allen & PN Johnson | Clutha District | 22/10/1975 |
Umbrella EA (Q763) | J Roy Soc NZ 28:83-156 KJM Dickenson AFM Mark et al | Clutha District | 01/03/1998 |
Upcot Stream (UPCO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 28/03/1997 |
Upper Rakaia CA (UPRA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Ashburton District | 03/01/2009 |
Vinegar Hill Domain -Ohingaiti Res (VINA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 02/02/2003 |
Waenga RAP (Q386) | DOC Otago OTA22 M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 09/03/2006 |
Waiau River walk - Rakatu (853B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 04/04/2009 |
Waihao Downs (C. Neilson) (J692) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 15/01/2004 |
Waihao Downs (Henshaw) (J693) | DOC Canterbury R Pender | Waimate District | 14/01/2004 |
Waihao WW (J572) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waimate District | 16/02/2011 |
Waikanae SR (1983) (WKNR) | PCN1359 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Kapiti Coast District | 12/11/1983 |
Waikari Gorge, upper (WAKG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hurunui District | 01/11/1987 |
Waimakariri WW - Brooklands lagoon (BRWM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Christchurch City | 23/02/2002 |
Waimari Beach - North Avenue (J150) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Christchurch City | 01/12/1979 |
Waimate WW (WAWW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waimate District | 28/01/2009 |
Wainuioru V black beech stand (WONR) | APD 007 PCN472 AP Druce | Carterton District | 01/01/1966 |
Waipapa Beach to Slope Point coast (822B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 12/03/2000 |
Waipapa Beach turfs, east end Waipapa Beach (837B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 11/03/2000 |
Waipouri powers station - Government track (WPPS) | DOC Otago OTA54 G Jane;JW Barkla & OBS | Clutha District | 17/02/2003 |
Wairarapa Plains ED (WRPD) | PCN885,887 A Rebergen A Perfect & SM Beadel | Carterton District | 01/01/1951 |
Wairepu Rd bush (WREP) | PCN308 WAN30 CC Ogle | Rangitikei District | 16/04/1991 |
Wairere - Cemetery Bush QEII (WRE) | PCN890 BJ Mitcalfe JC Horne & A Rebergen | Masterton District | 02/01/2000 |
Waituna ED (B240) | BD Rance | Southland District | 08/07/2004 |
Waituna Lagoon - Balantyne (B389) | BD Rance | Southland District | 28/06/2000 |
Waituna Sci Res lookout boardwalk and walkway (B219) | BD Rance | Southland District | 16/01/2010 |
Wakatipu shores (Q417) | APD 040 PCN504 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 01/12/2009 |
Waldronville dunes (WALD) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Walter Peak PL - Lochy river catchment (Q310) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 16/02/2004 |
Walter Peak PL - valley flats (Q308) | DOC Otago OTA32 BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/02/2004 |
Walter Peak Station (182B) | BD Rance JW Barkla & N Simpson | Queenstown Lakes District | 18/02/2004 |
Warepa SR West (Q77) | Otago SR RB Allen & DVC | Clutha District | 21/10/1975 |
Watson flax-cabbage tree stand, Dipton (280B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 19/06/2006 |
Webster property, Waituna Lagoon Road (B222) | BD Rance | Southland District | 09/12/2010 |
Wedde Wood (WEDD) | WAN218 V McGlynn & L Cook | Palmerston North City | 22/09/2008 |
Weka Bush, Mataura Island (648B) | PCN170 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Southland District | |
Wellington (Port Nicholson) adventives 1878 (Q971) | TNZI 10:362 T Kirk | Lower Hutt City | |
Western Rock and Pillar Range (Q372) | DOC Otago OTA6 JW Barkla; M Thorsen | Central Otago District | 15/11/2004 |
Westerwood (J753) | DOC Canterbury C Jensen A Skanks A Spencer | Hurunui District | 02/03/2006 |
Whana Huia (1) (WHAN) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1945 |
Whanahuia (WHUI) | APD 124 PCN588 AP Druce | Manawatu District | 01/01/1990 |
Whareakeake coastal forest remnant (Q391) | Doc Otago OTA95 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 29/07/2009 |
Wharekakahu Island (Q297) | DOC Otago OTA42 JW Barkla | Dunedin City | 01/12/2001 |
Whether Hill - Saunders (915B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/2009 |
Whether Hill - Saunders QEII (913B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 17/11/2009 |
Whiskey Gully SR (887B) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 16/01/1989 |
Whisky Gully - Blue Mts (WHIS) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Clutha District | 20/01/2004 |
Wickliffe Bay Otago Pen (WICK) | Otago Bot Soc Otago University | Dunedin City | 01/01/2002 |
Wilderness Sci Res (B384) | WG Lee | Southland District | 01/01/1981 |
Wilderness Sci Res Te Anau (WSCR) | CBSJ 21 R Close W Sykes & M Giller | Southland District | 02/01/1997 |
Willsher SR (Q79) | Otago SR RB Allen | Clutha District | 23/10/1975 |
Wilsons Swamp (WILS) | CD Meurke | Christchurch City | 01/01/1993 |
Winton Hill Forest (601B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 15/03/2000 |
Winton Stream tributary, East Limehills - Harris (553B) | BD Rance | Southland District | 06/07/2000 |
Witch Hill SR (WITC) | Canterbury SR GC Kelly | Christchurch City | 30/05/1971 |
Wood Hill, Kelso (B360) | BD Rance | Clutha District | 06/05/1998 |
Woodbank - Clarence Bridge (J Murray) (CLAB) | South Marlborough SR P Williams | Kaikoura District | 01/01/1980 |
Woodend-Waikuku dunes (J155) | Mauri Ora 11:99-11 MJA Simpson & R Mason | Waimakariri District | 01/01/1979 |
Wrenns Bush, Lower Kawhatau (WREN) | PCN342 WAN65a CC Ogle & Wan Mus Bot Grp | Rangitikei District | 17/11/1993 |
Wrights Bush peatlands (691B) | BD Rance | Southland District | |
Wye Creek track to upper basin (Q6) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Queenstown Lakes District | 23/02/2003 |
Wyndam SR (650B) | Biol Surv DSIR | Southland District | 01/01/1978 |