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Species: Geranium robertianum
Results map
(261 results)
Site name | Source/Observer | District | Date |
15 Ave Industrial area (15AV) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 06/12/2006 |
A Frame Hut Track - Ruahines (AFRA) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tararua District | 22/12/2002 |
Akapatiki Flat (Harbour Cone and adjacent areas) (Q389) | Doc Otago OTA72 D Lyttle M Thorsen & M Parker | Dunedin City | 12/12/2007 |
Amani - 464 Lockington Rd (AMAN) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Western Bay of Plenty District | 03/05/2008 |
Aratoro SR (Q149) | E Taranaki SR MR Benson; G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 30/11/1981 |
Asbestos Walk - Cobb- to Gabbro Ck (ASBW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 22/01/1998 |
Ashburton adventives 1903 (Q965) | TNZI 36:203 WW Smith | Ashburton District | 04/11/1903 |
Atiamuri Ecological District (ATIA) | DOC Rotorua | South Waikato District | 01/01/1997 |
Auckland adventives 1868 (Q818) | TNZI 2:134 T Kirk | Auckland | |
Auckland City adventives 1987 (J135) | NZJ Bot 25: 539-558 AE Esler | Auckland | 01/01/1987 |
Awaroa SR (Q637) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; PD Champion | Otorohanga District | 22/10/1984 |
Battle Hill Farm Forest Park and the Hill track, Porirua. (BATT) | PCN232 P Beveridge O John & P Enright | Porirua City | 01/01/1994 |
Birch SR (Q252) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Upper Hutt City | 22/10/2009 |
Blue Duck (BLUE) | South Marlborough SR P Williams & Nelson Bot Soc; Auckland Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 22/10/1990 |
Brockendale QEII, (E& E Cowan) Otorohanga (BRKN) | PCN103 Wellington Bot Soc | Otorohanga District | 04/01/1998 |
Burton Wells SR Sandspit (BURW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Auckland | 04/06/2005 |
Cape Barrier (CAPB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 10/07/1997 |
Cape Kidnappers (CKID) | MT 12 M Thorsen | Hastings District | 24/09/2002 |
Cape Turakirae (CAPT) | NZJ Bot 13: PCN931 R Bagnall | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1975 |
Cape Turakirae beaches (J115) | NZJ Bot 14: 367-424 PN Johnson | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1973 |
Carnival Park - Pahiatua (Q19) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tararua District | 03/11/2008 |
Carrington Rd Te Maketu Str (CARI) | PCN386 WAN113 Wanganui Mus Bot Grp; CC Ogle A Dijkgraaf et | New Plymouth District | 01/01/2000 |
Casle Rock track and summit (Q671) | DOC Waikato J Smith-Dodsworth; RBS, SM Beadel | Thames-Coromandel District | 01/09/1985 |
Chasm Creek WW (CHAC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Buller District | 14/01/2008 |
Collyns Forest Park QEII (COLY) | PCN237 & 106 ;1339 P Enright & O John; Wellington Bot Soc | Porirua City | 29/10/1998 |
Colonial Knob SR (COL2) | PCN1340 DJ Clark & MC Wassilieff | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Colonial Knob SR (COLK) | PCN1341 CC Ogle R Craw & J Coulter | Porirua City | 28/09/1979 |
Corbett Lake SR (Q89) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 25/09/1980 |
Coromandel WW Stony-Fletchers Bay (CORO) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth | Thames-Coromandel District | 12/08/1988 |
Croydon Bush - Dolamore Track (DOLI) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Gore District | 31/12/2008 |
Danseys Rd Tarukenga SR, Mamaku (R006) | DOC Rotorua BD Clarkson DR King; J Hobbs & P Cashmore | Rotorua District | 01/01/1987 |
Deans Bush - Pakuratahi estate (DNSB) | PCN173 AP & H Druce BJ Mitcalfe | Upper Hutt City | 05/03/1998 |
Dickies Flat upriver to first crossing (DICK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 02/11/2006 |
Donlin Rd swamp (DNLS) | PCN1031 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 02/12/1973 |
DSIR property - Taita (TTA) | APD 102 PCN567 AP Druce | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1957 |
Dun Mountain lower slopes -Maitai (DUNL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 16/05/1998 |
East Cape to Opotiki - coastal excl Raukumara FP (J134) | NZJ Bot 23:379-406 M Heginbothan & AE Esler | Opotiki District | 01/10/1984 |
East Cape Light (EACL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 23/04/2001 |
East Cape light reserve (J632) | MT 35 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 25/06/2003 |
Essons Valley Dam walks (ESSV) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 22/10/2005 |
Fernglen QEII Covenant (was Claydons) (19) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 17/08/2008 |
Fitzgerald Glade (FGLA) | JF Hobbs | South Waikato District | 27/11/2007 |
Fletcher Bay-Stony Bay loop (FLEB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 26/01/2003 |
Frank Speedy Mem Res, Ngatea (FRSP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 09/09/2002 |
Fyffe Palmer SR (FYPA) | South Marlborough SR P Williams; G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 01/08/1980 |
Gentle Annie SR (GETL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 11/10/2006 |
Hamaurana bush (J675) | Rot BS News 55:47 JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 01/06/2010 |
Hangaroa SR (HGRA) | MT 21 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 23/11/2002 |
Henri Loisel (J627) | MT 15 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 21/09/2002 |
Henri Loisel SR (upper gorge) (HLOI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/08/2006 |
Herekawe SR (Q153) | E Taranaki SR BD Clarkson | Waitomo District | 16/09/1983 |
Herenga SR nr Ruatoria (HRNG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 24/10/2004 |
Herepuru Rd loop (Q532) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Whakatane District | 09/05/2010 |
Hidden Gorge SR - Belk Rd south (J456) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 11/11/2010 |
Hikurangi limestone (HIKU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whangarei District | 16/08/1999 |
Hillcrest cemetery wild areas (Q402) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 26/11/2009 |
Holdaway SR (HLW) | PCN1312 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 10/09/1983 |
Howell Wetland Te Aroha (HWLL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Matamata-Piako District | 16/10/2004 |
Huntleigh Park, Crofton Down (HUNT) | PCN1346 S Myers; P Enright O John & BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 01/01/1985 |
Inner Town Belt, Wellington incl Mt Victoria, adventives (INTE) | PCN816 MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 01/04/1982 |
Jacks Bush (JACK) | ME Young & L Forester et al | Far North District | 09/11/1985 |
Jenkins Hill from Marsden intake (JENK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 08/11/1997 |
Jess Rd Railway causeway lagoon (Q27) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 09/09/2009 |
Jim Barnet SR - Putaruru (JIMB) | G Jane & G Donaghy | South Waikato District | 03/06/2006 |
Kaitawa - Whitireia Park (KTAW) | PCN281 P Enright & O John | Porirua City | 03/09/2000 |
Kaitawa village roadsides (Q490) | G Jane & S Crump | Wairoa District | 10/03/2010 |
Kapenga swamp lease (Q587) | DOC Rotorua Tech Rep 12 RM Irving; JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 01/04/1992 |
Kapiti Is 1952 (KAP2) | PCN1222 AS Wilkinson | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1952 |
Kapiti Is consolidated list with amends from Ogle-1215 (KAP5) | PCN1224 S Fuller | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1985 |
Karaka Str track (J453) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/11/2010 |
Keith George & Silverstream SRs (KEIS) | PCN1238 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Upper Hutt City | 01/02/1984 |
Kemp Rd QEII - Atiamuri (KEMR) | G Jane G Donaghy & Rotorua Bot Soc | Taupo District | 04/04/2008 |
Kereoma 100 acre acre bush (Kays covenant?) (KER3) | PCN1236 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/01/1979 |
Kiripiti SR (KIRP) | PCN1242 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark. | Kapiti Coast District | 01/09/1983 |
Komata reefs (KOMA) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 08/06/2008 |
Korokoro Str near old reservior (KOR3) | PCN1253 WEA Field Group Wellington | Lower Hutt City | 01/01/1981 |
Koropupu SR (part) (Q478) | G Jane & Waik BS | Waitomo District | 06/02/2010 |
Kotare CA Ohiwa (R015) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Whakatane District | 01/01/1989 |
Laingholm, Waitakeres (LAIN) | Auck BSJ 49:45 ED Hatch | Auckland | 01/01/1994 |
Lake Okataina & Waione Block (OKAT) | Rot BS News 36:13 JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 12/06/2001 |
Level 7 Track - Dubbo Track - Karangahake (LEV7) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 24/09/2005 |
Little Shoal Bay (SHOB) | Auck BSJ 57:125 P White | Auckland | 09/11/2002 |
Long Gully Farm Lot 2 (LGF2) | PCN145 BJ Mitcalfe JC Horme & R Logan | Wellington City | 24/05/1996 |
Lottin Point (LOTN) | MT 62 M Thorsen & K Riddel | Gisborne District | 19/05/2004 |
Makara SR (Q100) | W Taranaki SR BR Clarkson | New Plymouth District | 10/11/1980 |
Makara Str (North) re-planting area (BRIT) | PCN170 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne; Wellington Bot Soc | Wellington City | 01/11/1998 |
Makara Str (North) remnant (NKRA) | PCN132 BJ Mitcalfe | Wellington City | 21/05/1998 |
Makino SR (MKN) | PCN322 WAN43 CC Ogle; AP Druce | Rangitikei District | 08/01/1991 |
Mander Rd marginal scrub (MAND) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 09/09/2005 |
Mangaiwi Cemetry terrace (MCLR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 21/06/2006 |
Manganui Gorge SR (roadside) (MNGS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 15/12/2005 |
Mangaotaiki SR walk (MGTK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitomo District | 12/05/2008 |
Mangapohue Natural Bridge (Q515) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 05/04/2010 |
Mangapouri SR (J674) | Rot BS News 55:38 JF Hobbs | Rotorua District | 11/08/2011 |
Mangarere SR (J619) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs & P Cashmore | Gisborne District | 06/02/2011 |
Mapara WL Res (Q512) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 04/02/2010 |
Mapara WLM area (Q572) | CE PN Johnson | Waitomo District | 01/11/1976 |
Matapehe, Okiwi Bay (MATE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 02/01/1999 |
Matata WLM Res (R025) | DOC Rotorua RM Irving & SM Beadel | Whakatane District | 01/01/1999 |
Matiere SR (Q172) | E Taranaki SR MR Boase & MA Bayfield | Ruapehu District | 09/02/1982 |
Maunganuku Str (MNKU) | MT 3 M Thorsen | Opotiki District | 24/08/2002 |
Maungatautari from Luck at Last Rd (Dean) (MGTL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waipa District | 05/10/2003 |
Maungatautari from Taki Rd to Te Ake Taki (AKUT) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waipa District | 20/01/2002 |
Mayor Is 1996 (MAYO) | DOC Rotorua internal report WB Shaw & D Hunt | Hauraki District | 31/05/1986 |
Mayor Is 2009 - composite (Q426) | DOC P Cashmore | Hauraki District | 15/04/2009 |
Mayor Is additions 1953 (Q423) | Tane 6:84-86 I Close & CGW Mason | Hauraki District | 01/01/1953 |
Meades Bridge Reserve (17) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 15/06/2008 |
Meremere - Maramarua causeway (Q714) | DOC Waikato RM Irving | Waikato District | 01/02/1988 |
Meremere SR (MERE) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 29/02/1984 |
Miranda - Kaiaua shore (Q470) | M Merret & BD Clarkson | Hauraki District | 01/01/2010 |
Miranda Reserve (MIRR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 28/09/2008 |
Moanui CA (MOAN) | MT 45 M Thorsen; G Jane J Hobbs P Cashmore | Gisborne District | 28/10/2003 |
Mokoia Is (MOKO) | Rot BS News 20:18 SM Beadel & CE Ecroyd; RBS | Rotorua District | 12/03/1982 |
Moss Creek Track Kauaeranga (MOSC) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 18/01/2003 |
Motiti Is (MOTT) | Rot BS News 23:1 B Spring-Rice | Tauranga City | 13/04/1991 |
Motiti Is (Q592) | CE BR Christensen | Rotorua District | 28/10/2007 |
Motu ED (MOTE) | J Molloy | Gisborne District | 01/01/1984 |
Motu SR (MTUR) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier; G Jane & G Donaghy | Gisborne District | 20/02/1984 |
Motuopae (Peach) Is (Q397) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 20/11/2009 |
Mt Bruce (all) (MTB3) | PCN1177 CC Ogle | Tararua District | 16/03/1981 |
Mt Camel (CARM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Far North District | 28/09/1999 |
Mt Hobson - lower slopes (HOBL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 05/11/1998 |
Mt Moehau from Stoney Bay (MOEH) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 29/07/1999 |
Mt William SR Bombay (MTWL) | Auck BSJ 54:19 EK Cameron | Waikato District | 20/02/1999 |
Murphys gums, Matata (MRPY) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 14/06/2009 |
Ngaio Gorge (NGI1) | PCN1080 P Enright; O John | Wellington City | 14/03/1998 |
Ngaraunga Gorge- Petone overbridge shore (NGRA) | PCN1087 CC Ogle | Wellington City | 24/12/1976 |
Nikau Walk Kaniwhaniwha Str Piriongia (KANW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waipa District | 28/09/2005 |
O'Neils Bush Reserve (18) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 15/06/2008 |
Ohope WW- Gorge section to Mokorua Bush (TOIW) | Rot BS News SM Beadel & WB Shaw; G Jane | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Ohorea (OHOR) | PCN395 WAN123 V Nichols CC Ogle | Ruapehu District | 02/05/2000 |
Ohura SR (Q180) | E Taranaki SR MA Bayfield | Ruapehu District | 06/08/1982 |
Okahukura SR (S part) (OHKS) | PCN423 WAN151 A Dijkgraaf & A Hawcroft | Ruapehu District | 06/11/2002 |
Okau SR (Q182) | E Taranaki SR D Kelly & MA Bayfield | Stratford District | 13/04/1984 |
Okiwi Bay - Patutu (Q13) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kaikoura District | 22/10/2007 |
Omanawa Falls (OMAN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 17/03/2002 |
Omarama (Rock Peak) CA (Q651) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange; ABS | Waitomo District | 25/04/1986 |
Omokoroa WW (OMOK) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 15/05/2003 |
Onehunga Bay fenced area- Whitireia Park 2000 (ONEH) | PCN264 P Enright & O John | Porirua City | 12/08/2000 |
Onetangi F&B reserve- Waiheke (ONET) | Auck BSJ 58:97 P White; G Jane | Auckland | 20/09/2003 |
Ongaonga SR (Q250) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Western Bay of Plenty District | 15/10/2009 |
Opape SR (OPPE) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 23/02/1984 |
Opuiaki EA (R042) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/2004 |
Opuiaki Management Area, Mamaku (R041) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/2004 |
Orokawa Beach Waihi (OROK) | Rot BS News SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 12/12/1996 |
Orokawa block Orokawa SR (J679) | NC Miller | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/11/1983 |
Orongo wetland (ORON) | MT 22 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 25/11/2002 |
Oropi Dactylantus (R044) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs | Western Bay of Plenty District | 27/03/2004 |
Osbornes bluff (Q653) | DOC Waikato PJ deLange? | Waitomo District | 01/01/1983 |
Otago Peninsula (OTAP) | PCN1435 PN Johnson | Dunedin City | 01/01/2004 |
Otaki Plains rennants (OTAK) | APD 035 PCN499 AP Druce | Kapiti Coast District | 01/01/1966 |
Otamiti SR (Q186) | E Taranaki SR MA Bayfield & MR Boase | Ruapehu District | 03/03/1982 |
Otanewainuka ED (R045) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/01/1994 |
Otari Plant Museum 1934 (OTA1) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1934 |
Otari Plant Museum plantings 1992 (OTAR) | PCN1103 Y Majot | Wellington City | 01/01/1992 |
Otautu (Pt) wharf headland (OTAU) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Thames-Coromandel District | 29/05/2009 |
Owen Lewis QEII (Q510) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Otorohanga District | 02/04/2010 |
Paeroa Water Reservoir Catchment (PARR) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 02/05/2009 |
Pah Point - Waitai Bay D' Urville Is (PAHP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 04/04/1999 |
Paku summit - Tairua (PAKS) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 29/05/2005 |
Paorae SR (Q188) | E Taranaki SR MR Boase & MA Benson | Ruapehu District | 28/05/1982 |
Pineapple Track to treatment plant (PINE) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Dunedin City | 23/12/2008 |
Pioneer Park - short track (PION) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Mackenzie District | 06/12/1997 |
Pohutu Bush (PHUT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 16/09/2008 |
Pongakawa valley road side near Rotehu Rd junction (PONV) | G Jane & Rot Bot Soc | Western Bay of Plenty District | 19/07/2009 |
Porirua SR (POR4) | PCN1017 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Porirua City | 12/12/1983 |
Porirua SR and fenced areas of Pikarere Farm (POR3) | PCN267 P Enright O John P Beverige & A Dench | Porirua City | 23/08/1997 |
Port Nelson (PORT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Nelson City | 06/05/2007 |
Pretty Bridge - Scaife Str (PRET) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/02/1998 |
Pretty Bridge - Valley Head (PRES) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 27/02/1998 |
Puaiti SR (PUAT) | DOC Rotorua D King | Rotorua District | 01/01/1984 |
Puangiangi Is (Rangitotos) (PONI) | G Warren (QEII) & Nelson Bot Soc | Marlborough District | 28/08/1996 |
Puhipuhi lower river terrace (PULT) | G Jane & G Donaghy & Auckland Bot Soc | Kaikoura District | 03/01/2008 |
Puhipuhi SR (PUHI) | South Marlborough SR P Williams;G Jane & G Donaghy | Kaikoura District | 21/01/1983 |
Pukeatua Reserve (PKUA) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waipa District | 14/04/2008 |
Pukerua Bay WLM Res incl all fenced areas (PUK1) | PCN995 CC Ogle | Porirua City | 01/07/1985 |
Queen Elisabeth II Park forest remnant (QE2P) | PCN244 CC Ogle; JC Horne & P Enright; Well Bot Soc | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Queen Elizabeth II Park forest remnant (QE23) | PCN1030 CC Ogle | Kapiti Coast District | 01/03/1981 |
Rakanui SR & Tawairoa Str (Q735) | DOC Waikato p78 PJ deLange; Auckland BS; PD Champion | Otorohanga District | 03/07/1990 |
Rangataua CA (J387) | N Singers B Llyod & S McQueen; Rot BS, NJ Singers | Ruapehu District | 01/01/1997 |
Rangiwaea SR (RANW) | WAN 72 PCN348 AP Druce; CC Ogle & JW Barkla | Manawatu District | 18/04/1993 |
Rapurapu Kauri track (RAPU) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Matamata-Piako District | 05/03/2002 |
Rapurapu Track from road to bush edge (J653) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Matamata-Piako District | 23/04/2011 |
Rarangi to Whites - Bay: track up to road (Q11) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Marlborough District | 23/10/2005 |
Rarangi to Whites Bluff (WHIB) | APD 279 PCN735 AP Druce; G Jane | Marlborough District | 12/01/1986 |
Rawhiti (Manson) Cave (RAWC) | C Jones & Nelson Bot Soc; G Jane | Tasman District | 19/10/2003 |
Redwood Bush Res (RED2) | PCN902 R Bagnall | Wellington City | 01/01/1980 |
Richmond Hill - near Dell Rec Res (BRN2) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 14/11/1997 |
Richmond Hill - S Gully (BARN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 14/11/1997 |
Robert Findlay Reserve (ROBF) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 28/09/2008 |
Rotoehu SR (R055) | DOC Rotorua BD Clarkson & D King | Rotorua District | 01/01/1987 |
Rotoma Recreation Res (RTMA) | Rot BS News 23:14 BC & BD Clarkson | Rotorua District | 01/01/1991 |
Rotoroa Is (ROTR) | Auck BSJ 62:145 EK Cameron; Auckland Bot Soc | Auckland | 04/11/2006 |
Rotoroa Is southern end shores (RRAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Auckland | 04/11/2006 |
Rotorua ED (published RBS) (ROTO) | Rot BS Special Issue CE Ecroyd | Rotorua District | 01/01/1998 |
Round Hill SR (RNDH) | PCN1052 DJ Clarke & SF | Horowhenua District | 12/08/1984 |
Roydon Downs SR (ROYD) | G Jane & Rotorua Bot Soc | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/05/2005 |
Ruahoanga SR (J680) | VJW BD & BR Clarkson | Otorohanga District | 14/03/1986 |
Ruakuri SR bush walk (Q518) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Waitomo District | 06/04/2010 |
SH29 verge at Te Ahru St bridge (J686) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs & P Cashmore | Western Bay of Plenty District | 01/05/2011 |
Shannel Courtney covenant, Pohara (SHAN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tasman District | 02/01/1999 |
Shuggs Landing SR (J769) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waikato District | 22/09/2011 |
Southern Ruahine - tussock areas (B) (RUTB) | APD 025 (pt) PCN490 AP Druce | Tararua District | 01/01/1966 |
St Johns Hill and Victoria Park (STJO) | PCN369 WAN96 CC Ogle & M Daniells | Whanganui District | 26/10/1999 |
Stanley Falls SR (R060) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Strathblane SR (J630) | MT 20 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 23/11/2002 |
Sulphur Point -Tauranga marina (SULP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 16/08/2006 |
Sulpur Point - port industrial area (SULF) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 30/10/2006 |
Sunworth RAP (SUNW) | MT 44 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 04/11/2003 |
Taneatua ED (R063) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel WB Shaw & D Gosling | Whakatane District | 01/01/1999 |
Tapu Bay - Stephens Bay (11) | Nels BS C Jones | Tasman District | 15/07/2007 |
Taranaki Coast (Waitara-Hawea) (TARC) | APD 078 PCN543 AP Druce | South Taranaki District | 01/01/1964 |
Tarawera R. track above golf course to pines (Q542) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Kawerau District | 18/05/2010 |
Tauranga Railway Bridge (TRB1) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Tauranga City | 22/11/2006 |
Tawarau Gorge from Were Rd end (1 hr) (TRAU) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waitomo District | 01/01/2009 |
Te Akau wharf bush (L. Humphrey QEII) (TARB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Waikato District | 13/05/2008 |
Te Aroha Domain -Tui Mine (TUIM) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Matamata-Piako District | 17/10/2004 |
Te Pohue Bay Wetland (J684) | DOC Rotorua JF Hobbs & P Cashmore | Rotorua District | 23/04/2010 |
Te Pu Mires 1 (TPU1) | P de Lange PJ deLange JF Hobbs P Cashmore et al | Rotorua District | 17/03/2006 |
Te Waiti Str to hut (TWII) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Opotiki District | 12/08/2006 |
The Ratas SR (THER) | PCN389 WAN116 CC Ogle G LaCock et al | Ruapehu District | 17/11/1999 |
Tikitiki town weeds (TIKT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 24/04/2007 |
Tirohanga SR (J373) | N Singers NJ Singers | Taupo District | 22/05/2005 |
Toatoa SR (TOAT) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 31/08/1983 |
Toretorea Str Rec Res (Q893) | Waikato SR reports RM Irving & M Skinner | Waikato District | 20/11/1984 |
Trenthan SR (TREN) | PCN1372 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Upper Hutt City | 12/09/1983 |
Troups Bush (TRUP) | PCN205 BJ Mitcalfe & JC Horne | Porirua City | 05/06/1999 |
Turakirae Sci Res (TURK) | PCN1370 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark | Lower Hutt City | 30/12/1983 |
Tutukau Bush - Tram Rd (TUTK) | G Jane G Donaghy & Rotorua Bot Soc | Taupo District | 04/04/2008 |
Twin Bridge bush and roadside (TWNB) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 28/08/2009 |
Waihau Bay (WHAU) | MT 14 M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 21/09/2002 |
Waihirere Domain (WHRE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 10/06/2006 |
Waikareo Estuary Tauranga (PUKA) | Rot BS News SM Beadel; G Jane | Tauranga City | 27/10/1997 |
Waikawau Farm Park shore and estuary (WAIW) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 27/01/2003 |
Waikura River Remnants, Pehiri (WAKU) | Rot BS News 42:37; 22:21, MT M Thorsen | Gisborne District | 12/04/2004 |
Waimana Gorge SR (R079) | DOC Rotorua SM Beadel & WB Shaw | Whakatane District | 01/01/1988 |
Waioeka Gorge SR (WAK1) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 14/04/1982 |
Waipapa block Pureora (Q575) | CE Anon | Otorohanga District | 01/01/1980 |
Waipouri powers station - Government track (WPPS) | DOC Otago OTA54 G Jane;JW Barkla & OBS | Clutha District | 17/02/2003 |
Wairere Falls (WAIR) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Matamata-Piako District | 03/09/2000 |
Wairere Falls RBS (R082) | DOC Rotorua Anon | Matamata-Piako District | 01/01/1985 |
Wairere Falls SR (Q884) | Waikato SR reports ( RM Irving & M Shinner | Matamata-Piako District | 10/04/1985 |
Waitaia loop track (WTAI) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/03/2004 |
Waitawheta Gorge Walk from Karangahake (WAIG) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Hauraki District | 15/05/2001 |
Wangawehi Conservation Res (WANC) | MT 1 M Thorsen | Wairoa District | 19/08/2002 |
Warehouse wetland - Whakatane (WARE) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 07/09/2005 |
Watkin Powell SR (Q225) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Whangarei District | 06/10/2009 |
Web Crk to Pinnacles & Billy Goat Track (WEBK) | JSD J Smith-Dodsworth; Auckland Bot Soc | Thames-Coromandel District | 09/02/1990 |
Wellington (Port Nicholson) adventives 1878 (Q971) | TNZI 10:362 T Kirk | Lower Hutt City | |
Wentworth Falls- Whangamata (WENT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 03/02/2002 |
Whakanewha Waiheke (WHKN) | Auck BSJ 57:340 MD Wilcox et al | Auckland | 17/11/2002 |
Whakatane - port end (WKTP) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 10/04/2007 |
Whakatane industrial area-McAlister St (WHTN) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 10/04/2007 |
Whakatane town cliffs (WHCL) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Whakatane District | 07/09/2005 |
Whakatiwai Kowhai stand (WKTW) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Hauraki District | 28/09/2008 |
Whangamata Harbour- Wentworth Estuary (WHMT) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Thames-Coromandel District | 07/10/2005 |
Whareponga roadside (WHPO) | APD 258 PCN716 AP Druce | Gisborne District | 09/10/2006 |
Whatakao Str swamp (WHTO) | G Jane & G Donaghy | Western Bay of Plenty District | 17/07/2009 |
Whinray SR (WHIN) | Biol Surv Res 16; RBS News 54: BD Clarkson & CE Regnier; JF Hobbs | Gisborne District | 15/01/1984 |
Whitikau SR (WHTK) | Biol Surv Res 16 BD Clarkson & CE Regnier | Opotiki District | 28/01/1984 |
Wilfred Mexted SR (WILF) | PCN1356 DJ Clark & MC Wassilieff | Wellington City | 12/09/1983 |