This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.

Site name: Tiromoana Bush WW (TIRB)

Source/Observer: G Jane & G Donaghy

Number of observations: 177

District: Hurunui District

Date: 21/12/2008

SpeciesStructural classConservation statusNative/Exotic
Acaena anserinifolia
(bidibid, hutiwai, piripiri)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Acaena novae-zelandiae
(red bidibid)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Achillea millefolium
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Adiantum cunninghamii
(common maidenhair, Cunningham's maidenhair)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Agrostis capillaris
Agrostis stolonifera
(creeping bent)
Aira caryophyllea subsp. caryophyllea
(silvery hair grass)
Alopecurus geniculatus
(kneed foxtail)
Anthosachne kingiana subsp. multiflora
(blue grass, blue wheat grass)
GrassesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Anthosachne scabra
(blue wheat grass)
Anthoxanthum odoratum
(sweet vernal)
Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. elatius
(tall oat grass)
Arthropodium candidumHerbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium appendiculatum subsp. appendiculatum
(ground spleenwort)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium flabellifolium
(butterfly fern, walking fern, necklace fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium hookerianum var. hookerianum
(Hooker's spleenwort)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium lyallii
(Lyall's spleenwort)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium trichomanes
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Astelia fragrans
(bush flax, bush lily, kakaha)
Herbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Austroblechnum lanceolatum
(lance fern, nini, rereti)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Bromus diandrus
(ripgut brome)
Bromus hordeaceus
(soft brome)
Bromus lithobius
(Chilean brome)
Bromus sterilis
(barren brome)
Bromus willdenowii
(prairie grass)
Calystegia tuguriorum
(climbing convolvulus, NZ bindweed)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Capsella bursa-pastoris
(shepherd's purse)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Carex maorica
(Māori sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carex secta
(purei, pukio)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carex strictissima
(bastard grass, hook sedge)
SedgesThreatened – Nationally EndangeredNative
Carex uncinata
(bastard grass, hook sedge, kamu, matau-a-maui)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carex virgata
(swamp sedge, pukio, toitoi, toetoe)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carmichaelia australis
(common native broom, mākaka, maukoro, tainoka, taunoka, taranagahape)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Cirsium arvense
(Californian thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Cirsium vulgare
(Scotch thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Clematis foetida
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Clematis forsteri
(Forster's clematis)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Clematis paniculata
(white clematis, puawananga)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Convolvulus waitaha
(grass convolvulus)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma crassifoliaTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma propinqua var. propinqua
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma rhamnoidesTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma robusta
(karamū, glossy karamū)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma rotundifoliaTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma rubraTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Cordyline australis
(cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily)
Trees & Shrubs - MonocotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coriaria arborea var. arborea
(tutu, tree tutu)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Corybas macranthus
(silver-back spider orchid)
OrchidsNot ThreatenedNative
Cotula australis
(common cotula, soldier's button)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Cranfillia fluviatilis
(kiwikiwi, kiwakiwa, creek fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Crepis capillaris
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Cynodon dactylon
(Bermuda grass)
Cynosurus echinatus
(rough dogstail)
Dactylis glomerata
Dichondra repens
(Mercury Bay weed, dichondra)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Discaria toumatou
(matagouri, tūmatakuru)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Dryopteris filix-mas
(male fern)
Echinopogon ovatus
(forest hedgehog grass, hedgehog grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Echium vulgare
(viper's bugloss)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Epilobium microphyllum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Epilobium rotundifolium
(round-leaved willowherb)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Euchiton audax
(creeping cudweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Festuca bromoides
(vulpia hair grass, brome fescue, squirrel-tailed fescue)
Festuca rubra subsp. rubra
(red fescue)
Fuchsia excorticata
(kōtukutuku, tree fuchsia)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Fumaria bastardii
(Bastard's fumitory)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Galium muraleHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Galium propinquum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Griselinia littoralis
(broadleaf, kāpuka, papauma)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Haloragis erecta subsp. erecta
(toatoa, fire weed, shrubby haloragis)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Helichrysum lanceolatumTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Hoheria angustifolia
(narrow-leaved houhere)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Holcus lanatus
(Yorkshire fog)
Hordeum murinum subsp. murinum
(barley grass)
Hydrocotyle moschata var. moschata
(hairy pennywort)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Hypochaeris radicata
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Hypolepis ambiguaFernsNot ThreatenedNative
Hypolepis lacteaFernsNot ThreatenedNative
Juncus articulatus
(jointed rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius
(toad rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Juncus bufonius var. congestusRushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Juncus distegusRushes & Allied PlantsAt Risk – Naturally UncommonNative
Juncus edgariae
(wiwi, Edgar's rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsNot ThreatenedNative
Juncus effusus var. effusus
(soft rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Kunzea ericoides
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsThreatened – Nationally VulnerableNative
Lagenophora pumila
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Lagenophora strangulata
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Lamium purpureum
(red dead nettle)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Leptinella dioica
(shore cotula)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Leptinella squalida subsp. squalidaHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Leptospermum scoparium var. scoparium
(mānuka, kahikātoa)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Linum bienne
(pale flax)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Linum catharticum
(purging flax)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Lolium perenne
(perennial rye grass)
Lotus pedunculatus
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Marrubium vulgare
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Medicago nigra
(bur medick)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Melicytus crassifolius
(thick-leaved mahoe)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Melicytus ramiflorus subsp. ramiflorus
(māhoe, hinahina, whitey wood)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Microlaena stipoides
(meadow rice grass, slender rice grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Microtis unifolia
(onion-leaved orchid, microtis)
OrchidsNot ThreatenedNative
Muehlenbeckia australis
(pōhuehue, large-leaved muehlenbeckia)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. complexa
(small-leaved pōhuehue, scrub pōhuehue, wire vine)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Mycelis muralis
(wall lettuce)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Myoporum laetum
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa
(water forget-me-not)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Nasturtium officinale
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Navarretia squarrosa
(Californian stinkweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Olearia paniculata
(akiraho, golden akeake)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Orobanche minor
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Oxalis exilis
(creeping oxalis, yellow oxalis)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Oxybasis ambiguaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Ozothamnus leptophyllus
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pakau pennigera
(gully fern, feather fern, piupiu)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Parablechnum novae-zelandiae
(kiokio, horokio, palm leaf fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Parapholis incurva
(sickle grass)
Parietaria debilis
(New Zealand pellitory)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Parsonsia capsularis var. capsularis
(New Zealand jasmine, small flowered jasmine)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Parsonsia heterophylla
(New Zealand jasmine)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pelargonium inodorum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Pellaea rotundifolia
(round-leaved fern, New Zealand cliff brake)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Pennantia corymbosa
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pentapogon crinitus
(long-hair plume grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Phleum pratense
Phormium cookianum subsp. cookianum
(mountain flax, wharariki)
Herbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Phormium tenax
(flax, harakeke, kōrari (Māori name for inflorescence).)
Herbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Pilosella officinarum
(hawkweed, mouse-ear hawkweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Pinus radiata
(Monterey pine, radiata pine)
Trees & Shrubs - GymnospermsExotic
Piper excelsum subsp. excelsum
(kawakawa, pepper tree)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pittosporum tenuifolium
(kohukohu, kōhūhū, black matipo)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Plantago lanceolata
(narrow-leaved plantain)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Plantago major
(broad-leaved plantain)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Poa breviglumisGrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Poa cita
(silver tussock)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Poa imbecilla
(weak poa)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Polycarpon tetraphyllum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Polygonum aviculare
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Polystichum neozelandicum subsp. zerophyllum
(shield fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Polystichum oculatumFernsNot ThreatenedNative
Prunella vulgaris
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Pseudopanax arboreus
(fivefinger, five finger, whauwhaupaku)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pteridium esculentum
(bracken, rarauhe, bracken fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Pyrrosia elaeagnifolia
(leather-leaf fern, pyrrosia)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Ranunculus membranifoliusHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Ranunculus repens
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Ranunculus sardous
(hairy buttercup)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Rosa rubiginosa
(sweet brier)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Rumex acetosella
(sheep's sorrel)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Rumex crispus
(curled dock)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Rumex obtusifolius
(broad-leaved dock)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Rytidosperma clavatum
(bristle grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Rytidosperma gracile
(dainty bristle grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Rytidosperma racemosum
Salix fragilis × S. euxina
(crack willow)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Sambucus nigra
(elder, elderflower, elderberry)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Senecio glomeratus subsp. glomeratus
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Senecio quadridentatus
(cotton fireweed, white fireweed, pahokoraka)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Senecio vulgaris
(common groundsel)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Silene gallica
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Sisymbrium officinale
(hedge mustard)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Solanum laciniatum
(poroporo, bullibulli)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Solanum nigrum
(black nightshade)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Sonchus arvensis
(perennial sow thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Sonchus oleraceus
(sow thistle, sowthistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Stellaria media subsp. media
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Stellaria parviflora
(New Zealand chickweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Torilis nodosa
(hedgehog parsley)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Trifolium fragiferum
(strawberry clover)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Trifolium pratense
(red clover)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Trifolium repens
(white clover)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Typha orientalis
(raupō, bullrush)
Herbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Ulex europaeus
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Urtica sykesii
(native nettle, bush nettle)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Verbascum thapsus
(woolly mullein, common mullein)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Veronica arvensis
(field speedwell, corn speedwell)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Vicia sativa
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Wahlenbergia violacea
(violet harebell)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative