This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.

Site name: Kilmog roadside (KILM)

List name: Otago Bot Soc

Source/Observer: Otago Bot Soc Otago University

Number of observations: 28

District: Dunedin City

Date: 01/01/2002

SpeciesStructural classConservation statusNative/Exotic
Achillea millefolium
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Agrostis capillaris
Agrostis stolonifera
(creeping bent)
Anthoxanthum odoratum
(sweet vernal)
Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. elatius
(tall oat grass)
Cirsium vulgare
(Scotch thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Cynosurus cristatus
(crested dogstail)
Dactylis glomerata
Festuca rubra subsp. rubra
(red fescue)
Holcus lanatus
(Yorkshire fog)
Hypochaeris radicata
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Juncus articulatus
(jointed rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Juncus edgariae
(wiwi, Edgar's rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsNot ThreatenedNative
Juncus pallidus
(giant rush, leafless rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsNot ThreatenedNative
Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum
(tall fescue)
Lolium perenne
(perennial rye grass)
Lotus pedunculatus
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Lupinus arboreus
(tree lupin)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Orobanche minor
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Phleum pratense
Plantago lanceolata
(narrow-leaved plantain)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Polygonum aviculare
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Ranunculus repens
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Rumex obtusifolius
(broad-leaved dock)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Trifolium pratense
(red clover)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Tripleurospermum inodorum
(scentless mayweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Ulex europaeus
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Vicia sativa
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic