This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.

Site name: Motunau Is (MTNA)

List name: Canterbury SR

Source/Observer: Canterbury SR GC Kelly

Number of observations: 47

District: Hurunui District

Date: 23/04/1972

SpeciesStructural classConservation statusNative/Exotic
Acaena anserinifolia
(bidibid, hutiwai, piripiri)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Anthosachne solandri
(native wheatgrass, blue wheatgrass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Asplenium flabellifolium
(butterfly fern, walking fern, necklace fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Chenopodiastrum murale
(nettle-leaved fathen)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Clematis afoliata
(leafless clematis)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Connorochloa tenuis
(prostrate bluegrass)
GrassesData DeficientNative
Convolvulus verecundus f. verecundus
(trailing bindweed, tussock bindweed)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsThreatened – Nationally VulnerableNative
Coprosma propinqua var. propinqua
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma robusta
(karamū, glossy karamū)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Cordyline australis
(cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily)
Trees & Shrubs - MonocotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Crassula sieberianaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Cytisus scoparius
(wild broom)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Dactylis glomerata
Dichondra repens
(Mercury Bay weed, dichondra)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Discaria toumatou
(matagouri, tūmatakuru)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Disphyma australe subsp. australe
(horokaka, native ice plant, New Zealand ice plant)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Euchiton japonicusHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Ficinia nodosa
(wiwi, knobby club rush, ethel sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Haloragis erecta subsp. erecta
(toatoa, fire weed, shrubby haloragis)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Helichrysum filicaule
(creeping everlasting daisy, slender everlasting daisy)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Holcus lanatus
(Yorkshire fog)
Hordeum marinum subsp. marinum
(salt barley grass)
Juncus distegusRushes & Allied PlantsAt Risk – Naturally UncommonNative
Lachnagrostis filiformis
(New Zealand wind grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Lolium perenne
(perennial rye grass)
Malva neglecta
(dwarf mallow)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Melicytus ramiflorus subsp. ramiflorus
(māhoe, hinahina, whitey wood)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Microtis unifolia
(onion-leaved orchid, microtis)
OrchidsNot ThreatenedNative
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. complexa
(small-leaved pōhuehue, scrub pōhuehue, wire vine)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Oxalis exilis
(creeping oxalis, yellow oxalis)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Oxybasis ambiguaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Pelargonium inodorum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Pentapogon crinitus
(long-hair plume grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Plagianthus divaricatus
(salt marsh ribbonwood, marsh ribbonwood)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Poa cita
(silver tussock)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Pseudopanax arboreus
(fivefinger, five finger, whauwhaupaku)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pteridium esculentum
(bracken, rarauhe, bracken fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Puccinellia stricta
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Rytidosperma caespitosumGrassesExotic
Samolus repens var. repens
(Sea primrose, shore pimpernel, water pimpernel)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Senecio biserratusHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Senecio lautus
(shore groundsel, variable groundsel)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Sonchus oleraceus
(sow thistle, sowthistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Spergularia marinaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Taraxacum zealandicum
(New Zealand dandelion, native dandelion)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Tetragonia tetragonoides
(kōkihi, New Zealand spinach, tutae-ikamoana)
Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - DicotyledonsAt Risk – Naturally UncommonNative
Urtica ferox
(ongaonga, tree nettle)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative