This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.

Site name: Matea Rd Wetland Kaingaroa (R026)

List name: DOC Rotorua

Source/Observer: DOC Rotorua NJ Singers

Number of observations: 96

District: Taupo District

Date: 01/01/2005

SpeciesStructural classConservation statusNative/Exotic
Achillea millefolium
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Acrothamnus colensoiTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Agrostis stolonifera
(creeping bent)
Anthosachne scabra
(blue wheat grass)
Anthoxanthum redolens
(holy grass, kāretu)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Austroblechnum penna-marina subsp. alpina
(little hard fern, alpine hard fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Austroderia fulvida
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Austroderia toetoe
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Austrolycopodium fastigiatum
(alpine clubmoss, mountain clubmoss)
Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts)Not ThreatenedNative
Bellardia viscosa
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Betula pendula
(Silver birch)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Calluna vulgaris
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Carex gaudichaudiana
(Gaudichaud's sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carex punicea
(red bastard grass, frost flat hook grass)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Carex rubicunda
SedgesThreatened – Nationally VulnerableNative
Celmisia gracilenta
(common mountain daisy, pekapeka)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Centella uniflora
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgareHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Cirsium arvense
(Californian thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Cirsium vulgare
(Scotch thistle)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Coprosma acerosa
(sand coprosma, tātaraheke)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Coprosma cheesemaniiTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma decurvaTrees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Coprosma propinqua var. propinqua
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Cordyline australis
(cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily)
Trees & Shrubs - MonocotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Cranfillia fluviatilis
(kiwikiwi, kiwakiwa, creek fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Cytisus scoparius
(wild broom)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Dicksonia fibrosa
(wheki-ponga, wheki-kohoonga, golden tree fern, kuripaka)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Dracophyllum subulatum
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Drosera spatulata
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Eleocharis sphacelata
(kutakuta, spikes of doom, bamboo spike sedge, tall spike sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Erica lusitanica
(Spanish heath)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Euchiton audax
(creeping cudweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Euchiton delicatusHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Euchiton paludosusHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesData DeficientNative
Galium palustre subsp. palustre
(marsh bedstraw)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Gaultheria antipoda
(bush snowberry, fool's beech)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Gaultheria macrostigma
(prostrate snowberry)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Geranium microphyllumHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesAt Risk – Naturally UncommonNative
Gleichenia dicarpa
(tangle fern, swamp umbrella fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Glossostigma elatinoidesHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Gonocarpus micranthus subsp. micranthusHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Holcus lanatus
(Yorkshire fog)
Hypericum androsaemum
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Hypericum minutiflorumHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesThreatened – Nationally CriticalNative
Hypericum perforatum
(St John's wort)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Hypochaeris glabra
(smooth catsear)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Hypochaeris radicata
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Juncus bulbosus
(bulbous rush)
Rushes & Allied PlantsExotic
Lachnagrostis lyallii
(mountain wind grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Lachnagrostis striata
(purple wind grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Lepidosperma australe
(square sedge, square-stemmed sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Leptospermum scoparium var. scoparium
(mānuka, kahikātoa)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsAt Risk – DecliningNative
Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiaeHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Lilaeopsis ruthianaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Lobelia carensHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Lobelia perpusillaHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum
(tall fescue)
Lotus pedunculatus
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Lotus tenuis
(narrow-leaved birdsfoot trefoil)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Lythrum portula
(water purslane)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Machaerina articulata
(jointed baumea, jointed twig rush)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Mycelis muralis
(wall lettuce)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Myosotis laxa subsp. caespitosa
(water forget-me-not)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Myriophyllum pedunculatum subsp. novae-zelandiaeHerbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Myriophyllum triphyllum
(Water milfoil)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Oreobolus pectinatus
(comb sedge, cushion sedge, flat-leaved comb sedge)
SedgesNot ThreatenedNative
Ozothamnus leptophyllus
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pentapogon avenoides
(mountain oat grass)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Pentapogon quadrisetusGrassesAt Risk – DecliningNative
Phormium tenax
(flax, harakeke, kōrari (Māori name for inflorescence).)
Herbs - MonocotsNot ThreatenedNative
Pilosella officinarum
(hawkweed, mouse-ear hawkweed)
Herbs - Dicotyledonous compositesExotic
Pimelea prostrata subsp. vulcanica
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Pinus contorta
(lodgepole pine)
Trees & Shrubs - GymnospermsExotic
Poa anceps
(broad-leaved poa)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Poa cita
(silver tussock)
GrassesNot ThreatenedNative
Polystichum vestitum
(pūniu, prickly shield fern)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Prunella vulgaris
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Prunus ×domestica
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbumHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Ranunculus amphitrichus
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Ranunculus flammula
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Ranunculus repens
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesExotic
Raoulia albosericeaHerbs - Dicotyledonous compositesNot ThreatenedNative
Rubus fruticosus agg.
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Salix cinerea
(grey willow, pussy willow)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Salix eleagnos
(bitter willow)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Salix fragilis × S. euxina
(crack willow)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Scleranthus biflorus
(Canberra grass)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Selliera microphylla
(mountain selliera)
Herbs - Dicotyledons other than CompositesNot ThreatenedNative
Sticherus cunninghamii
(umbrella fern, waekura, tapuwae kotuku)
FernsNot ThreatenedNative
Styphelia nesophila
(pātōtara, dwarf mingimingi)
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative
Thelymitra cyanea
(swamp sun orchid, striped sun orchid)
OrchidsNot ThreatenedNative
Thelymitra longifolia
(white sun orchid, māikuku)
OrchidsNot ThreatenedNative
Ulex europaeus
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsExotic
Veronica parviflora
Trees & Shrubs - DicotyledonsNot ThreatenedNative