Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Acaena novae-zelandiae (red bidibid) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Achillea millefolium (yarrow) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Aciphylla squarrosa var. squarrosa (speargrass) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Adiantum cunninghamii (common maidenhair, Cunningham's maidenhair) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Agrostis capillaris (browntop) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Agrostis stolonifera (creeping bent) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Aira caryophyllea subsp. caryophyllea (silvery hair grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Allium triquetrum (onion weed) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Aloe arborescens (tree aloe) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Alsophila tricolor (silver fern, ponga) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Anthosachne scabra (blue wheat grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Anthosachne solandri (native wheatgrass, blue wheatgrass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Arctotheca calendula (Cape weed) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. elatius (tall oat grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Arthropodium candidum | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Arthropodium cirratum (rengarenga, renga lily, rock lily) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium appendiculatum subsp. maritimum (coastal spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium bulbiferum (hen and chicken fern, pikopiko, mother spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium flabellifolium (butterfly fern, walking fern, necklace fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium flaccidum (drooping spleenwort, hanging spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium hookerianum var. hookerianum (Hooker's spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium oblongifolium (huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium obtusatum (shore spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium polyodon (sickle spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Astelia solandri (perching lily, kōwharawhara) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Atriplex prostrata (orache) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Austroblechnum banksii (shore hard fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Austroderia fulvida (kakaho) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Austroderia toetoe (toetoe) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Bellis perennis (English daisy) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Berberis glaucocarpa (barberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Brachyglottis repanda (rangiora, bushman's toilet paper, bushman's friend) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Brachyglottis stewartiae | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Bromus diandrus (ripgut brome) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Bromus hordeaceus (soft brome) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Bromus willdenowii (prairie grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Buddleja davidii (buddleia) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Bulbophyllum pygmaeum (pygmy tree orchid, bulbophyllum) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Calamagrostis arenaria (marram grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Callitriche stagnalis (water starwort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Calystegia sepium subsp. roseata (pink bindweed) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Calystegia soldanella (shore bindweed, shore convolvulus, rauparaha) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Calystegia tuguriorum (climbing convolvulus, NZ bindweed) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Carduus nutans (nodding thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Carduus tenuiflorus (winged thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Carex divulsa (grey sedge) | Sedges | | Exotic |
Carex flagellifera (Glen Murray tussock, trip me up) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex lessoniana (rautahi, cutty grass) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex trifida (mutton-bird sedge, tataki) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex virgata (swamp sedge, pukio, toitoi, toetoe) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Catapodium rigidum (hard grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Centella uniflora (centella) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Cerastium glomeratum (annual mouse-ear chickweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Chamaecytisus palmensis (tree lucerne) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Chenopodium triandrum (pigweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera (boneseed, bitou bush) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Cirsium arvense (Californian thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Cirsium vulgare (Scotch thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Clematis forsteri (Forster's clematis) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Clematis paniculata (white clematis, puawananga) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Colobanthus muelleri | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma crassifolia | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma grandifolia (kanono, manono, large-leaved coprosma, raurekau) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma lucida (karamū, shining karamū) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma propinqua var. propinqua (mingimingi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma repens (taupata, looking glass plant, mirror plant) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma rhamnoides | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma robusta (karamū, glossy karamū) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cordyline australis (cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily) | Trees & Shrubs - Monocotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Corokia buddleioides (korokio) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Corokia cotoneaster (korokio, wire-nettting bush) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cortaderia selloana (pampas grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Corynocarpus laevigatus (karaka, kopi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cotoneaster coriaceus (cotoneaster) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Cotula australis (common cotula, soldier's button) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Cotula coronopifolia (bachelor's button, yellow buttons, waterbuttons) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Cotyledon orbiculata var. orbiculata (pig's ear) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Crassula decumbens (Cape crassula) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Crassula moschata (shore stonecrop) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Crassula multicava subsp. multicava (fairy crassula) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Crassula peduncularis | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Threatened – Nationally Critical | Native |
Crassula ruamahanga | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Crassula sieberiana | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Crassula spathulata | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Crassula tetragona subsp. robusta (miniature pine tree) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Crepis capillaris (hawksbeard) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Cyperus ustulatus (coastal cutty grass, giant umbrella sedge, cyperus) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Dactylis glomerata (cocksfoot) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Dichondra repens (Mercury Bay weed, dichondra) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Dicksonia squarrosa (wheki, rough tree fern, harsh tree fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Dimorphotheca fruticosa (dimorphotheca) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Disphyma australe subsp. australe (horokaka, native ice plant, New Zealand ice plant) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Dodonaea viscosa (akeake) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Drosanthemum floribundum | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Echeveria secunda (hen and chickens echeveria) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Echium candicans (pride of Madeira) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Ehrharta erecta (veldt grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Epilobium nummulariifolium (creeping willowherb) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Erica lusitanica (Spanish heath) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Erigeron sumatrensis (broad-leaved flea-bane) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Erodium cicutarium (storksbill) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney blue gum) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Euchiton audax (creeping cudweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Euphorbia peplus (milkweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Festuca multinodis (creeping fescue) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Festuca rubra subsp. rubra (red fescue) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Ficinia marginata (coarse club-rush) | Sedges | | Exotic |
Ficinia nodosa (wiwi, knobby club rush, ethel sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Freycinetia banksii (kiekie) | Lianes - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Fumaria muralis subsp. muralis (scrambling fumitory) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Galium aparine (cleavers) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Galium propinquum (māwe) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium (hangehange) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Geranium dissectum (cut-leaved cranesbill) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Geranium molle (dove's foot cranesbill) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Glaucium flavum (horned poppy) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Goodenia radicans (selliera, remuremu, half-star) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Griselinia lucida (puka, akapuka) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Haloragis erecta subsp. erecta (toatoa, fire weed, shrubby haloragis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Helminthotheca echioides (Oxtongue) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Hesperocyparis macrocarpa (macrocarpa) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | | Exotic |
Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Hordeum murinum subsp. murinum (barley grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Hydrocotyle heteromeria (waxweed, waxweed pennywort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle microphylla | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle moschata var. moschata (hairy pennywort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle moschata var. parvifolia | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hypochaeris radicata (catsear) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Hypolepis ambigua | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Hypolepis lactea | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis cernua var. cernua (slender clubrush) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis habra | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis sepulcralis | Sedges | | Exotic |
Juncus distegus | Rushes & Allied Plants | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Juncus edgariae (wiwi, Edgar's rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Juncus kraussii subsp. australiensis (sea rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Koeleria antarctica | Grasses | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Lachnagrostis billardierei subsp. billardierei (sand wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Lachnagrostis filiformis (New Zealand wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Lachnagrostis pilosa subsp. pilosa (robust wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Lagenophora petiolata (papataniwhaniwha) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lapsana communis (nipplewort) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Lemna disperma (common duckweed) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Lepidium coronopus (wart cress) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Lepidium didymum (twin cress) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Leptinella dioica (shore cotula) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Leucopogon fasciculatus (mingimingi, tall mingimingi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Libertia ixioides (mikoikoi, NZ iris) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lilium formosanum (Formosan lily) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Limosella australis (mudwort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Linum monogynum var. monogynum | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Lobelia anceps (New Zealand lobelia, shore lobelia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lolium arundinaceum subsp. arundinaceum (tall fescue) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Lolium perenne (perennial rye grass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Lupinus arboreus (tree lupin) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Luzula banksiana var. banksiana (coastal woodrush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Lycium ferocissimum (boxthorn) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Lysimachia arvensis subsp. arvensis var. arvensis (pimpernel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Malus ×domestica (apple) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Malva arborea (tree mallow) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Marrubium vulgare (horehound) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Medicago arabica (spotted bur medick) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Melicytus crassifolius (thick-leaved mahoe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Metrosideros excelsa (pōhutukawa) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Metrosideros perforata (akatea) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Microtis unifolia (onion-leaved orchid, microtis) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Muehlenbeckia australis (pōhuehue, large-leaved muehlenbeckia) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. complexa (small-leaved pōhuehue, scrub pōhuehue, wire vine) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Mycelis muralis (wall lettuce) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Myoporum laetum (ngaio) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Myrsine australis (red mapou, red matipo, mapau, red maple) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Narcissus pseudonarcissus (daffodil) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Narcissus tazetta | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Nasturtium officinale (Watercress) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Olearia paniculata (akiraho, golden akeake) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia solandri (coastal tree daisy) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Oplismenus hirtellus subsp. imbecillis | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Orobanche minor (broomrape) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Oxalis exilis (creeping oxalis, yellow oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Oxalis incarnata (lilac oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Oxalis latifolia (fishtail oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Oxalis rubens | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Ozothamnus leptophyllus (tauhinu) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Parablechnum novae-zelandiae (kiokio, horokio, palm leaf fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Parapolystichum microsorum | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Parietaria debilis (New Zealand pellitory) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Parietaria judaica (Pellitory of the wall, Asthma weed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Pellaea rotundifolia (round-leaved fern, New Zealand cliff brake) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pentapogon avenoides (mountain oat grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Peperomia urvilleana (peperomia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Phormium cookianum subsp. cookianum (mountain flax, wharariki) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Phormium tenax (flax, harakeke, kōrari (Māori name for inflorescence).) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Phytolacca octandra (inkweed) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Pimelea carnosa (pinātoro, pimelea) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pinus radiata (Monterey pine, radiata pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | | Exotic |
Piper excelsum subsp. excelsum (kawakawa, pepper tree) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pittosporum crassifolium (karo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Plantago australis (swamp plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Plantago coronopus (buck's horn plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Plantago lanceolata (narrow-leaved plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Poa anceps (broad-leaved poa) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Poa annua (annual poa) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Poa cita (silver tussock) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Podocarpus totara var. totara (tōtara) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Polycarpon tetraphyllum (allseed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Polygonum aviculare (wireweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Polystichum neozelandicum subsp. zerophyllum (shield fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pomaderris amoena (tauhinu) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pomaderris aspera (hazel pomaderris) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Portulaca oleracea (purslane) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Pseudosasa japonica (arrow bamboo) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Pteridium esculentum (bracken, rarauhe, bracken fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Puccinellia stricta (saltgrass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Pyrrosia elaeagnifolia (leather-leaf fern, pyrrosia) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus acaulis (sand buttercup, shore buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus parviflorus (small-flowered buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Ranunculus repens (buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. maritimus (sea radish) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rapistrum rugosum (turnip weed, giant mustard) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Ripogonum scandens (supplejack, kareao, pirita) | Lianes - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Rubus fruticosus agg. (blackberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Rumex acetosella (sheep's sorrel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rumex conglomeratus (clustered dock) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rumex crispus (curled dock, yellow dock) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rumex obtusifolius (broad-leaved dock) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rumex pulcher (fiddle dock) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Rytidosperma racemosum (danthonia) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Rytidosperma unarede (bristle grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Sagina procumbens (procumbent pearlwort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Salicornia quinqueflora (glasswort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Sambucus nigra (elder, elderflower, elderberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Samolus repens var. repens (Sea primrose, shore pimpernel, water pimpernel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Saxifraga stolonifera (Mother of thousands) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Sedum acre (stonecrop) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Selaginella kraussiana (Selaginella, African clubmoss) | Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts) | | Exotic |
Senecio angulatus (Cape ivy) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Senecio elegans (purple groundsel) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Senecio glastifolius (pink ragwort, holly-leaved senecio) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Senecio glomeratus subsp. glomeratus (fireweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Senecio lautus (shore groundsel, variable groundsel) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Silene gallica (catchfly) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Silybum marianum (variegated thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Sisymbrium orientale (Oriental mustard) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Sisyrinchium micranthum (blue pigroot) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Solanum americanum (small-flowered nightshade) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Solanum aviculare var. aviculare (poroporo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Solanum laciniatum (poroporo, bullibulli) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Solanum nigrum (black nightshade) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Solanum tuberosum (potato) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Soliva sessilis (Onehunga weed) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Sonchus asper (prickly sow thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Sonchus kirkii (puha, shore puha, New Zealand sow thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | At Risk – Declining | Native |
Sonchus oleraceus (sow thistle, sowthistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | | Exotic |
Sophora chathamica (kōwhai, coastal kōwhai) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Spergularia marina | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Spergularia rubra (sand spurrey) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Sphaeropteris medullaris (mamaku, black tree fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Sporobolus africanus (rat's tail) | Grasses | | Exotic |
Stellaria media subsp. media (chickweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Styphelia nesophila (pātōtara, dwarf mingimingi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Tetragonia trigyna (native spinach) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Thelymitra longifolia (white sun orchid, māikuku) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Tradescantia fluminensis (wandering Jew) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Tradescantia virginiana (common spiderwort) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Trifolium pratense (red clover) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Trifolium repens (white clover) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Triglochin striata (triglochin) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Ulex europaeus (gorse) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | | Exotic |
Urtica dioica subsp. dioica (perennial nettle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Urtica urens (nettle, stinging nettle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Verbascum thapsus (woolly mullein, common mullein) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Veronica elliptica (kōkōmuka, shore hebe, shore koromiko) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica persica (scrambling speedwell, Persian speedwell) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Veronica serpyllifolia (turf speedwell, thyme-leaved speedwell) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Veronica stricta var. macroura (koromiko) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Vicia hirsuta (hairy vetch, tiny vetch) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Vicia sativa (vetch) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Vinca major (periwinkle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | | Exotic |
Wahlenbergia ramosa (coastal harebell) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Wahlenbergia violacea (violet harebell) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Zantedeschia aethiopica (arum lily) | Herbs - Monocots | | Exotic |
Zealandia pustulata subsp. pustulata (hound's tongue, kōwaowao, pāraharaha) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |