These guidelines are to help when establishing photopoints:
- Take several photo frames at each photo point and complete details for each photo frame taken.
- Select a view that will provide useful information on the covenant and briefly describe what the frame attempts to show.
- Adjust the tripod to an appropriate height and record the distance between the ground and the bottom of the camera.
- If your digital camera allows it, adjust the focal length and aperture setting of the lens and record these to ensure the correct depth of field will be established during re-measurement.
- Record the compass bearings to define the boundaries of the photo frame and give the frame a unique identification number. You may draw a quick reference sketch of the compass bearings.
- Place a card in a convenient position in the foreground near the register of focus to show the photo point number, photo frame number, the date and time, and the initial of the photographer. If you laminate the card and use a whiteboard marker you can re-use one card to record details for all photo frames.
- Take the photograph. At least two exposures should be taken of each photo frame.
- Record the condition of the vegetation in the vicinity of the photo point.