Scree slopes are made up of fans of shattered rock stretching down from a high bluff and are widespread in the eastern side of Canterbury and Marlborough. They form as the result of disintegration of greywacke as a result of a freeze-thaw process that occurs in high alpine environments. Leptinella atrata subsp. atrata (left) and Stellaria roughii. Photos by John Barkla.
Common plants of scree slopes include:
- Notothlaspi rosulatum (penwiper plant)
- Ranunculus haastii (Haast’s buttercup)
- Wahlenbergia cartilaginea (scree harebell)
- Lobelia roughii (scree lobelia)
- Stellaria roughii
- Leptinella atrata subsp. atrata (black scree button daisy)
For more information see*:
- Scree plants (from John Dawson’s Forest Vines to Snow Tussocks)
- Screes of acidic rock (Landcare Research)
- Boulderfields of acidic rock (non-volcanic) (Landcare Research)
*The Network is not responsible for the content of external internet sites