The New Zealand botanic region has 218 grass taxa in the Poaceae family all of which are monocotyledonous plants. The dominant groups of grasses with 10 or more taxa are:
- Agrostis (10 taxa)
- Chionochloa (36 taxa)
- Festuca (13 taxa)
- Lachnagrostis (14 taxa)
- Poa (42)
- Rytidosperma (20 taxa)
Other smaller groups consistenting of 5 or more taxa are:
- Cortaderia (6 taxa, see Cortaderia fulvida above)
- Deschampsia (5 taxa)
- Deyeuxia (5 taxa)
- Elymus (6 taxa)
- Hierochloe (7 taxa)
- Puccinelia (6 taxa)
- Trisetum (9 taxa)
For more information about grasses see*:
- Poaceae (Wikipedia)
- Grass (Wikipedia)
- Lucid NZ Grass key (Landcare Research)
- Chapman, G.P. and W.E. Peat. 1992. An Introduction to the Grasses. CAB Internat., Oxon, UK
- Cheplick, G.P. 1998. Population Biology of Grasses. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
*The Network is not responsible for the content of external internet sites