The following list of climbers and scrambling plants can be readily grown in New Zealand gardens:
Carmichaelia kirkii
Common names: Climbing broom, Kirk’s broom
Family: Fabaceae
Status: Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable
Clematis afoliata
Common names: leafless clematis
Family: Ranunculaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Clematis foetida
Common names: clematis
Family: Ranunculaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Clematis marmoraria
Common names: North-west Nelson marble clematis
Family: Ranunculaceae
Status: Threatened – Nationally Endangered
Clematis paniculata
Common names: white clematis, puawananga
Family: Ranunculaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Helichrysum dimorphum
Common names: everlasting daisy
Family: Asteraceae
Status: Threatened – Nationally Endangered
Icarus filiformis
Common names: thread fern, climbing hard fern
Family: Blechnaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Parsonsia capsularis var. capsularis
Common names: New Zealand jasmine, small flowered jasmine
Family: Apocynaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Parsonsia heterophylla
Common names: New Zealand jasmine
Family: Apocynaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Rubus cissoides
Common names: tātarāmoa, bush lawyer
Family: Rosaceae
Status: Not Threatened
Tetragonia trigyna
Common names: native spinach
Family: Aizoaceae
Status: Not Threatened
To view other groups of garden plants follow these links: