1. How much does it cost to join?
Annual membership fees are as follows:
- Individual - $40
- Student / unwaged - $15
- NGO (non-governmental organisation - up to 3 members) - $60, plus $20 for each additional member beyond 3
- Corporate (1-8 members) - $100, plus $30 for each additional member beyond 3
- Corporate (8-16 members) - $250, plus $30 for each additional member beyond 8
- Corporate (17-25 members) - $500, plus $20 for each additional member beyond 25
2. How do I join the Network?
Please fill out the online form.
3. How do I claim a refund
If you accidentally pay twice or over pay using the network’s on-line credit card payment system then contact our Administration Officer at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] to request a refund. This will be paid back by cheque within 2 weeks.