The purpose of these awards is to acknowledge outstanding contributions to native plant conservation. Initially these awards were given out annually at our AGM or biennial conference, but since 2020 the NZPNCN committee decided to run online AGMs and so the awards are given out biennially at our conferences.
Award categories are:
- Individual
- School
- Council
- Community
- Plant Nursery
- Young Plant Conservationist of the Year (under 18 years)
The nomination form is available below:
You can make multiple nominations under different categories. Anyone is eligible to make nominations, not just Network members. The awards will be presented at the 2024 Conference in Whangārei. Winners will be informed in advance of the meeting. Nominations close on 23 August 2024. Please send your nominations to our 2024 awards coordinator Sarah Beadel: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]