Kauri (Agathis australis) is the only native member of the Araucaceae family. Kauri inhabits a forest type all of its own in association with other podocarps and broadleaved species. Follow the link for more information about these kauri-podocarp-broadleaf forests.
For more information about kauri see:
- Kauri 2000 Trust
- Kauri (Wikipedia)
- Kauri forest(DOC website)
- Kauri forest (Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand)
Kauri are affected by a disease caused by microbe currently referred to as Phytophthora taxon Agathis (PTA). This organism has not yet been formally described so in the meantime the tag name or the term kauri dieback disease are used to refer to this organism.
Symptoms presented by infected kauri include yellowing of foliage, loss of leaves, canopy thinning and dead branches. Affected trees can also develop lesions that bleed resin, extending to the major roots and sometimes girdling the trunk as a ‘collar rot’. Kauri dieback can kill trees and seedlings of all ages.
For current information about kauri dieback disease see:
Keep Kauri Standing (website produced by MPI, DOC and Auckland and Northland Councils)