This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.
Hikurangi above fence (J635)
Site name: Hikurangi above fence (J635)
List name: MT 61
Source/Observer: MT 61 M Thorsen Rot Bot Soc
Number of observations: 111
District: Gisborne District
Date: 11/04/2004
Species | Structural class | Conservation status | Native/Exotic |
Agrostis capillaris (browntop) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Agrostis oresbia (mountain bent) | Grasses | Data Deficient | Native |
Alsophila smithii (kātote, Smith's tree fern, soft tree fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Asplenium appendiculatum subsp. appendiculatum (ground spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Austrolycopodium fastigiatum (alpine clubmoss, mountain clubmoss) | Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts) | Not Threatened | Native |
Azorella allanii | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Carex astricta (bastard grass, hook sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex geminata (cutty grass, rautahi) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex leporina (oval sedge) | Sedges | Exotic | |
Carex zotovii (Zotov's bastard grass, Zotov's hook sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carpha alpina (carpha) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Chaerophyllum colensoi var. colensoi (mountain myrrh, oreomyrrhis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Chionochloa conspicua subsp. cunninghamii (hunangamoho, broad-leaved bush tussock) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Chionochloa pallens subsp. pallens (mid-ribbed snow tussock) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Cranfillia fluviatilis (kiwikiwi, kiwakiwa, creek fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Dracophyllum traversii (mountain neinei, grass tree, pineapple tree) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Eleocharis acuta (sharp spike sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Eleocharis gracilis (slender spike sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Fuchsia excorticata (kōtukutuku, tree fuchsia) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Gahnia procera (giant sedge, gahnia, mountain gahnia) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Gaultheria depressa var. depressa | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Data Deficient | Native |
Griselinia littoralis (broadleaf, kāpuka, papauma) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Huperzia australiana | Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts) | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle microphylla | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hymenophyllum multifidum (much-divided filmy fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Hypochaeris radicata (catsear) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Hypolepis rufobarbata | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Isolepis pottsii | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Jacobaea vulgaris (ragwort) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Juncus acuminatus (sharp-fruited rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Exotic | |
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius (toad rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Exotic | |
Juncus edgariae (wiwi, Edgar's rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Juncus effusus var. effusus (soft rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Exotic | |
Juncus tenuis subsp. tenuis (track rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Exotic | |
Kelleria dieffenbachii | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lachnagrostis filiformis (New Zealand wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Lachnagrostis lyallii (mountain wind grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Lagenophora pumila (papataniwhaniwha) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Leptinella squalida subsp. squalida | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Libocedrus bidwillii (pāhautea, kaikawaka, New Zealand cedar) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Lobelia angulata (pratia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Lophozonia menziesii (silver beech) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Lotus angustissimus (slender birdsfoot trefoil) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Lotus pedunculatus (lotus) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Luzula banksiana var. migrata (woodrush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Luzula picta var. picta | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Luzuriaga parviflora (nohi, lantern berry) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Macrolearia colensoi (tupare, leatherwood) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Microlaena avenacea (bush rice grass, oat grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Microtis unifolia (onion-leaved orchid, microtis) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Montia fontana subsp. fontana (blinks, blinkswater chickweed, dwarf montia) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Muehlenbeckia australis (pōhuehue, large-leaved muehlenbeckia) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Mycelis muralis (wall lettuce) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Myosotis drucei (Druce's forget-me-not) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Myrsine divaricata (weeping matipo, weeping māpou) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Myrsine nummularia (creeping matipo, creeping mapou) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Nertera ciliata | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Nertera depressa (nertera, bead plant, fruiting duckweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Notogrammitis angustifolia subsp. nothofageti (strapfern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Notogrammitis crassior (dwarf strap fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia arborescens (common tree daisy, glossy tree daisy) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia ilicifolia (mountain holly) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia nummulariifolia | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Oreobolus pectinatus (comb sedge, cushion sedge, flat-leaved comb sedge) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Ourisia caespitosa (creeping mountain foxglove) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Oxalis magellanica (white oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Parablechnum montanum (mountain kiokio, Dunedin-Cass blechnum) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pentachondra pumila | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pentapogon crinitus (long-hair plume grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Phlegmariurus varius (clubmoss) | Lycophytes (clubmosses, selaginella, quillworts) | Not Evaluated | Native |
Phormium cookianum subsp. cookianum (mountain flax, wharariki) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Phyllachne colensoi | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Phyllocladus alpinus (mountain celery pine, mountain toatoa) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Pimelea suteri | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Naturally Uncommon | Native |
Pittosporum rigidum | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Plantago major (broad-leaved plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Plantago novae-zelandiae | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Poa anceps (broad-leaved poa) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Podocarpus nivalis (mountain tōtara, snow tōtara) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Prasophyllum colensoi (leek orchid) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Prunella vulgaris (self-heal) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Pseudopanax colensoi var. colensoi (mountain fivefinger, three finger) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pseudowintera colorata (red horopito, mountain horopito) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pterostylis banksii (tutukiwi, greenhood) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus insignis (korikori, hairy alpine buttercup, hairy mountain buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus reflexus (hairy buttercup, maru, maruru, kopukapuka, pirikau) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus repens (buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Raoulia grandiflora (large-flowered mat daisy) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Raoulia tenuicaulis (tutahuna, mat daisy) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Raukaua simplex (haumakoroa) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Rumex acetosella (sheep's sorrel) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Rytidosperma setifolium (bristle tussock, mountain danthonia) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Rytidosperma viride | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Sagina procumbens (procumbent pearlwort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Schoenus pauciflorus (bog rush, sedge tussock) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Senecio rufiglandulosus | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Senecio wairauensis (mountain fireweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Sonchus asper (prickly sow thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Stellaria parviflora (New Zealand chickweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Urtica sykesii (native nettle, bush nettle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica agrestis (field speedwell) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Veronica corriganii (hebe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica odora (hebe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Veronica tetragona subsp. tetragona (whipcord hebe) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Viola cunninghamii (mountain violet, white violet) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Viola filicaulis (forest violet) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Zealandia novae-zealandiae (mountain hound's tongue fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Zealandia pustulata subsp. pustulata (hound's tongue, kōwaowao, pāraharaha) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |