This plant list has been compiled by the stated observer(s) and been provided to NZPCN for public use in good faith. NZPCN cannot guarantee that data contained in these lists are up to date or accurate. Most species lists are not corroborated with herbarium specimens. Note, species lists are not typically an exhaustive presence/absence survey of an area and often may focus on a single habitat or only contain species visible at a particular time of year (for example, spring annual herbs may go unobserved during much of the year). These lists should not be solely relied on for the purpose of assessing environmental effects or for preparing restoration plans - for this work a site visit is critical.
Waikanae SR (1983) (WKNR)
Site name: Waikanae SR (1983) (WKNR)
List name: PCN1359
Source/Observer: PCN1359 MC Wassilieff & DJ Clark
Number of observations: 103
District: Kapiti Coast District
Date: 12/11/1983
Species | Structural class | Conservation status | Native/Exotic |
Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Alectryon excelsus subsp. excelsus (New Zealand ash, tītoki) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Alsophila tricolor (silver fern, ponga) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Arthropteris tenella (jointed fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium bulbiferum (hen and chicken fern, pikopiko, mother spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium flabellifolium (butterfly fern, walking fern, necklace fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium flaccidum (drooping spleenwort, hanging spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium oblongifolium (huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Asplenium polyodon (sickle spleenwort) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Astelia hastata (tank lily) | Herbs - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Beilschmiedia tawa (tawa) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Berberis glaucocarpa (barberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Brachyglottis repanda (rangiora, bushman's toilet paper, bushman's friend) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex uncinata (bastard grass, hook sedge, kamu, matau-a-maui) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Carex virgata (swamp sedge, pukio, toitoi, toetoe) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Chamaecytisus palmensis (tree lucerne) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Cirsium vulgare (Scotch thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Clematis paniculata (white clematis, puawananga) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Clematis vitalba (old man's beard) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Conium maculatum (hemlock) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Coprosma grandifolia (kanono, manono, large-leaved coprosma, raurekau) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma rhamnoides | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Coprosma robusta (karamū, glossy karamū) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Cordyline australis (cabbage tree, tī, tī kōuka, palm lily) | Trees & Shrubs - Monocotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Corynocarpus laevigatus (karaka, kopi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Crepis capillaris (hawksbeard) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Cyperus ustulatus (coastal cutty grass, giant umbrella sedge, cyperus) | Sedges | Not Threatened | Native |
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (kahikatea, white pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Dendroconche scandens (fragrant fern, mokimoki) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Didymocheton spectabilis (kohekohe, New Zealand mahogany) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Earina mucronata (bamboo orchid, peka-a-waka, spring earina) | Orchids | Not Threatened | Native |
Elaeocarpus dentatus var. dentatus (hīnau) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Erigeron sumatrensis (broad-leaved flea-bane) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Euphorbia peplus (milkweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Freycinetia banksii (kiekie) | Lianes - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Fumaria muralis subsp. muralis (scrambling fumitory) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Galium aparine (cleavers) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium (hangehange) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Genista monspessulana (Montpellier broom) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Griselinia lucida (puka, akapuka) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Hedycarya arborea (porokaiwhiri, pigeonwood) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Hydrocotyle moschata var. moschata (hairy pennywort) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Hypochaeris radicata (catsear) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Icarus filiformis (thread fern, climbing hard fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Juncus sarophorus (broom rush, fan-flowered rush) | Rushes & Allied Plants | Not Threatened | Native |
Knightia excelsa (rewarewa, NZ honeysuckle) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Lastreopsis velutina (velvet fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Laurelia novae-zelandiae (pukatea) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Leycesteria formosa (Himalayan honeysuckle) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Lotus pedunculatus (lotus) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Lycium ferocissimum (boxthorn) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Melicope ternata (wharangi) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Melicytus ramiflorus subsp. ramiflorus (māhoe, hinahina, whitey wood) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Metrosideros diffusa (white rātā) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Metrosideros fulgens (climbing rātā) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Metrosideros perforata (akatea) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Microlaena stipoides (meadow rice grass, slender rice grass) | Grasses | Not Threatened | Native |
Muehlenbeckia australis (pōhuehue, large-leaved muehlenbeckia) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Myoporum laetum (ngaio) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Myrsine australis (red mapou, red matipo, mapau, red maple) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Nestegis cunninghamii (black maire) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Nestegis lanceolata (white maire) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Olearia rani var. colorata (heketara) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Oxalis exilis (creeping oxalis, yellow oxalis) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Not Threatened | Native |
Ozothamnus leptophyllus (tauhinu) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Parapolystichum glabellum (smooth shield fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Parapolystichum microsorum | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Parsonsia heterophylla (New Zealand jasmine) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima (banana passionfruit) | Lianes & Related Trailing Plants - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Pectinopitys ferruginea (miro, brown pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Pellaea rotundifolia (round-leaved fern, New Zealand cliff brake) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pennantia corymbosa (kaikōmako) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Physalis peruviana (Cape gooseberry) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Phytolacca octandra (inkweed) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Piper excelsum subsp. excelsum (kawakawa, pepper tree) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pittosporum tenuifolium (kohukohu, kōhūhū, black matipo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Plantago lanceolata (narrow-leaved plantain) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Prumnopitys taxifolia (mataī, black pine) | Trees & Shrubs - Gymnosperms | Not Threatened | Native |
Prunella vulgaris (self-heal) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Pseudopanax arboreus (fivefinger, five finger, whauwhaupaku) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Pteridium esculentum (bracken, rarauhe, bracken fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pteris tremula (shaking brake, tender brake, Australian bracken) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Pyrrosia elaeagnifolia (leather-leaf fern, pyrrosia) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Ranunculus repens (buttercup) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Rhopalostylis sapida (nīkau) | Trees & Shrubs - Monocotyledons | Not Threatened | Native |
Ripogonum scandens (supplejack, kareao, pirita) | Lianes - Monocots | Not Threatened | Native |
Rubus fruticosus agg. (blackberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Rytidosperma racemosum (danthonia) | Grasses | Exotic | |
Sambucus nigra (elder, elderflower, elderberry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Senecio vulgaris (common groundsel) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Silybum marianum (variegated thistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Solanum aviculare var. aviculare (poroporo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Threatened – Nationally Vulnerable | Native |
Solanum nigrum (black nightshade) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Solanum pseudocapsicum (Jerusalem cherry) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | Exotic | |
Sonchus oleraceus (sow thistle, sowthistle) | Herbs - Dicotyledonous composites | Exotic | |
Sphaeropteris medullaris (mamaku, black tree fern) | Ferns | Not Threatened | Native |
Stellaria media subsp. media (chickweed) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Streblus banksii (ewekuri, large-leaved milk tree, tūrepo) | Trees & Shrubs - Dicotyledons | At Risk – Relict | Native |
Trifolium pratense (red clover) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Trifolium repens (white clover) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Urtica urens (nettle, stinging nettle) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic | |
Vicia sativa (vetch) | Herbs - Dicotyledons other than Composites | Exotic |